Dr. Wang Plastic Surgeon Pasadena, California 91101

Dr. Stewart Wang, MD, FACS, Pasadena, California 39-year Old Lady Treated With MiraDry

This patient suffered from excessive sweating and 3 months after treatment, patient saw 90% improvement.

Our Miradry patients have reported an average of 70% improvement at one year and 60% to 70% improvement at 2 years with a single treatment. The results are even better with 2nd treatment. We believe that MiraDry has long lasting effect on sweat and odor reduction.

We use the starch-iodine test as a guide to help us capture the most active areas of sweating. The iodine stain seen in the pre treatment photo shows the sweat glands most active in the underarms. After 1st treatment, the iodine stain shows significant decrease of active sweat glands.

MiraDry is a non-invasive, non-surgical alternative which has proven to be quite effective in sweat/odor reduction. MiraDry has very minimal risk and complication profile and has shown to be quite effective in our practice for the past 2 year.

(Sep 6, 2019)