Dr. Tiller

Dr. J. Howell Tiller, MD, Pensacola, Florida (32502 ) Calf Implants For Man Patient

Many people are dissatisfied with the shape or size of their calf muscles to the point that they avoid wearing garments that expose their legs. Both women and men seek calf implants for different reasons. While women usually desire calf implants to achieve anatomical balance to sculpt a lower leg that is more proportionate to the thighs, men typically seek an appearance that emphasizes the bulk of the calf muscle. For some, even intensive exercise may not significantly enlarge the calf muscles, particularly in relation to one's larger thigh muscles. In addition to cosmetic augmentation, calf implants can also correct deformities resulting from injury or nerve diseases that cause muscle deterioration. Calf augmentation addresses these concerns with solid, soft silicone implants. Generally, anyone in average physical condition and general good health is a candidate for calf implant surgery. A critical element in determining the right size and shape for a particular patient’s calf implant is the surgeon’s skill in correctly assessing the desired proportions while anticipating changes that may occur after surgery. Procedure: Individually contoured implants are placed on top of the calf muscles through short incisions behind each knee. The result is an immediate appearance of muscle size and definition. Usually the patient is able to walk comfortably within several days and may return to full physical activities within 4 to 6 weeks. There are a few surgical risks, including infection, bleeding, nerve and/or muscle damage, slippage and asymmetry. (Sep 24, 2015)