Dr. Tiller

Dr. J. Howell Tiller, MD, Pensacola, Florida (32502 ) Pectoral Augmentation (Male Chest Implants)

Pectoral Augmentation (Male Chest Implants) Even with frequent exercise, men sometimes find that they still are unable to achieve the chest development they desire. Pectoral implants shape, enlarge and firm the chest muscles, helping one achieve the natural appearance desired when the pectoral muscles are either flexed or relaxed. Procedure: An incision is made high in the armpit, and a pocket is made beneath the chest muscle and on top of the ribs. A soft, solid silicone implant cut to specifically fit each patient is then inserted into the pocket. A very small dressing is placed under the arms. Typically, a patient can see a change immediately after surgery. During recovery, the patient is required not to lift his arms for 2 days after surgery. Then dressings are removed and the patient follows a gentle exercise program for 1 to 2 weeks to enable a full and comfortable range of motion of the arms. Generally within a week or two, the patient may resume physical use of the upper body muscles. Within one month, the patient may begin full pectoral muscular activity. There are few surgical risks, including infection, bleeding, asymmetry, scarring and muscle and/or nerve damage. (Sep 5, 2019)