Dr Schroeder Las Vegas Rhinoplasty

Name: Ronald J. Schroeder II, MD
Last name: Schroeder
Gender: male
Began aesthetic medicine in: 2018
Years experience: 2
Primary Specialty: Facial Plastic Surgeon
Website: https://www.mw-fp.com
Business: Midwest Facial Plastic Surgery
Address: 2080 Woodwinds Dr.
Address suite: Ste. 220
Phone: (651) 349-6540
International phone number: +16513496540
City: Woodbury
State: Minnesota
Zip Code: 55125
Country: US
Statement: Dr. Schroeder has compassion for the correlation between how we look and how we feel. He is a firm believer in the transformational power of plastic surgery to not only enhance what’s on the outside but also reclaim the confidence that may have been compromised on the inside. Dr. Schroeder feels honored by the trust that patients place in him and, in turn, delivers an exceptionally warm and friendly caliber of patient care to make you feel heard, safe, and comfortable on your journey to loving the way you look!
Consulting Fees: 75$
Consultation note: Request consult with Dr Schroeder
Has Sponsored Offer : No

Primary location
Location name: Saint Paul
State: MN
Country: US
Map point: 45.0101,-93.15190125

RealSelf Info

Profile views: 313
Answer count: 27
Review count: 0

Ronald J. Schroeder II, MD

Star rating: 2.0473720558371
Photo count last three months: 19
Answer count last three months: 17
Photo and answer count last three months: 36
Anonymous votes: 0
Offer count: 0
Profile created: Dec 11, 2018
Profile modified: Dec 1, 2020
Profile promotion: No
Profile inactive: No
Premier status: Profile Plus
Tier: Free-Unclaimed
RealCare Promise: No
Directory link: Facial Plastic Surgeon, Board Certified in Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery
RealSelf’s PRO: Yes
Doctor Designation Start Time: Dec 17, 2018
Doctor Designation End Time: Jan 1, 2033


  • Saint Paul, MN, US. GPS coordinates: 45.0101,-93.15190125

Practice Locations

Name & Website
Midwest Facial Plastic Surgery – Vadnais Heights, https://www.mw-fp.com/
3590 Arcade St., Vadnais Heights, Minnesota, US, 55127 (GPS coordinates: 45.0478163,-93.0632306)
(651) 632-9700
Working Hours
Created / Modified
Jan 27, 2020 / Mar 11, 2020
Name & Website
Midwest Facial Plastic Surgery – Eagan, https://www.mw-fp.com/
3460 Promenade Ave., Eagan, Minnesota, US, 55123 (GPS coordinates: 44.8323309,-93.1527515)
(651) 632-9700
Working Hours
Created / Modified
Jan 27, 2020 / Mar 11, 2020
Name & Website
Midwest Facial Plastic Surgery – Woodbury, https://www.mw-fp.com/
217 Radio Dr., Woodbury, Minnesota, US, 55125 (GPS coordinates: 44.9460024,-92.9297974)
(651) 632-9700
Working Hours
Created / Modified
Jan 27, 2020 / Aug 27, 2020

Doctor’s answers about Rhinoplasty

Answer Header & Date
Answer Snippet
Can I reduce my dorsal hump without altering my tip?
Bump reduction
Nov 29, 2020
Yes, the bump on your bridge can be reduced without modifying the nasal tip. This can be done through a standard external rhinoplasty approach (incision under nose) or an endonasal approach (incisions inside the nose). Both approaches can achieve the same result, it’s mainly up to surgeon preference. An endonasal approach may have a slightly shorter recovery and lower risk of long-term irregularities of the nasal tip. Regardless of technique, reducing a large bump often requires breaking the…
Are tips like the ones pictured prone to collapse?
Rhinoplasty – balancing form and function
Nov 29, 2020
Tip refinement is often performed by reducing the size of the tip cartilages or even transecting the tip cartilages. Any rhinoplasty technique that reduces the size of the nose can lead to difficulty breathing if done too aggressively. Not being able to breathe through your nose can be severely debilitating and many patients will choose to have revision rhinoplasty to improve their breathing. Reconstructing the nasal tip in a revision rhinoplasty can sometimes be a challenge for the surgeon…
Am I a candidate for a rhinoplasty?
Rhinoplasty candidate
Nov 29, 2020
If you desire a permanent change in the appearance of your nose, then rhinoplasty would be a good option for you. The fullness of your nasal tip is most commonly due to large size of the tip cartilages, but can also be due to broad curvature of the tip cartilages or overly thick nasal skin. The vast majority of patients can get a significant improvement with conservatively reducing the size of the tip cartilages and/or suturing the tip cartilages to have better shape. A very small percentage…
Can a surgeon perform rhinoplasty on just the tip, without having to break the nose? (Photos
tip rhinoplasty
Nov 29, 2020
Yes, rhinoplasty can be performed on the tip alone. The nasal bones are typically broken if a large hump is removed or if the bridge needs to be narrowed, which may not be needed in your case. Everyone has a unique nose and your surgeon will tailor your surgery to your personal goals. Asymmetries of the tip are common and can sometimes be due to long-standing septal deviation in the front of your nose (makes nostril openings appear asymmetric). Additionally, even though no bridge work may be…
Am I too young for a face-lift? And I hate my profile – (40) would a chin implant help balan
lift + chin implant
Oct 11, 2020
While you are only 40, you could get a significant benefit from both a lift and chin implant. The lift would help with the jowling and sagging skin of the neck giving you a much improved jawline and neck line. A chin implant would further improve the neck line and jawline. Additionally, you’re right, in that a stronger chin will help balance out the appearance of your nose without doing a rhinoplasty.

Latest Before And After Rhinoplasty Photos

Last updated on 12/24/2020