Dr Marotta Rhinoplasty

Doctor James C. Marotta, MD, Smithtown, New York 24 Year Old Man Treated With Crooked Nose Rhinoplasty

Assessment of the patient at consult revealed a deviated septum, hypertrophy of nasal turbinates and overall unhappiness with nasal appearance. The patient was a good candidate for primary open rhinoplasty, septoplasty, inferior turbinate reduction for treatment of the aforementioned deformities. The goals for treatment included decrease tip projection, increase tip rotation, reduce dorsal hump and straighten the nasal appearance. The recommended surgical plan included cephalic trim for the tip, caudal septal resection for the tip, dome sutures for the tip, columella strut for the tip, to take down hump, an osteotomy for open roof for the dorsum, turbinate infracture for the internal nasal and septoplasty for the internal nasal.

At this 7 month post-op visit, exam revealed a well healed scar, good nasal contours, septum midline. We will follow up with this patient at 1 year post-op.

(Mar 21, 2018)