Dr Guida Nose Job

Doctor Guida, New York, New York 32 Year-old Chinese Miss Who Wanted The Bump Of Her Nasal Bridge And Her Hooked Nose Look Fixed

This is a 32 year-old Chinese woman who wanted the bump of her nasal bridge and her “hooked nose” look fixed. She also wanted tip refinement and the tip and dorsum lifted appropriately. Using a closed approach (no external incisions and no scars) I was able to fix all of her concerns, give her the changes she wanted, and obtain a distinct and significant improvement of her nasal appearance. Her bump is gone, the dorsum has a very attractive feminine slope which is not overly exaggerated, the tip and dorsum are raised but not overdone, the tip has more definition, and the nose is de-projected nicely. 

(Oct 22, 2012)