Dr Guida Nose Job

34 Year Old Female Treated With Cosmetic Nose Surgery, Septoplasty And Endoscopic Sinus Surgery With Doctor Robert Guida, MD, New York, New York (10028)

- Patient wanted an overall smaller nose with elimination of the bump and “droopiness”, especially when she smiles. - She felt her nose stuck out too far from her face (over-projected). - Desired a straight shape to bridge as opposed to a sloped bridge. - Wanted a more defined tip, less round but subtle change. - She desired a distinct, but subtle, change such that the rhinoplasty would provide a significant improvement in appearance, but maintain a natural look. This is a 31 year-old woman who feels her nose was over-projected, the bridge too high, and there was a convexity or bump which worsened when she smiled. She wanted the bump and convexity eliminated without overly rotating the nose upward. She also wanted a softer, more defined tip but with a subtle change. A closed approach was utilized. The bump and convexity on the bridge was eliminated and replaced with a straight smooth bridge. The tip cartilages were made less bulbous and given natural appearing definition. Her deviated septum was fixed and she can breathe better. (Sep 5, 2019)