What Is Tip Rhinoplasty?

Not all noses require a full rhinoplasty. Sometimes only part of the nose requires correction. A tip rhinoplasty refers to nasal surgery limited to the tip of the nose and not the upper boney part of the nose.

The tip of the nose is composed of skin, subcutaneous tissue and cartilage and a tip rhinoplasty aims to correct any undesired features of these structures. It is less painful than a full rhinoplasty in which bone is moved. (John Zavell, MD, FACS, Toledo Plastic Surgeon)

Tip rhinoplasty refers to surgical alternation of the tip of the nose typically without involving the bridge or dorsum of the nose. If the bridge is convex or curved outward it may not be possible to achieve the desired tip definition without also reducing the bridge and narrowing the nasal bones so in this case a more traditional rhinoplasty is needed.

If cartilage grafts are necessary then additional procedures to harvest the cartilage from the nasal septum and/or the ear(s) may also be necessary.

An important question is whether in a particular patient it is even appropriate to consider a tip rhinoplasty as an independent procedure. (J. David Holcomb, MD, Sarasota Facial Plastic Surgeon)

It essentially refers to a rhinoplasty solely focused on addressing the lower third of the nose, or the tip. The upper two thirds of the nose are unchanged, meaning the height and width of the bridge of the nose would not be altered.

A tip rhinoplasty would be done when the bridge size and shape is appropriate for one’s facial features and desired changes are just in the tip.

What is Tip Rhinoplasty operation

There tends to be little to no bruising with this and swelling is usually limited to the lower part of the nose (Robert Glasgold, MD, East Brunswick Facial Plastic Surgeon)

What is Tip Rhinoplasty?

Tip rhinoplasty is nose surgery that is focused just on an unattractive nasal tip. It could be wide, bulbous, “boxy”, or just “harsh” appearing.

What is Tip Rhinoplasty surgery

This type of surgery will not address the upper nose, such as a hump. (Dustin L. Reid, MD, Austin Plastic Surgeon)

A tip Rhinoplasty concentrates on working mostly with the “tip”, to refine that area of the nose. This is to usually change the shape of which the usual complaints are that it is wide, boxy, bulbous, or narrow, and this surgery helps to correct it and give it a nicer finer appearance. (Luis Suarez, MD, Mexico Plastic Surgeon)

Tip Rhinoplasty: What Is It?

‘Tip rhinoplasty’ refers to the surgical changes to the tip of the nose to help refine and reshape the cartilages. It can be done alone or in combination with other surgical procedures to the rest of the nose.

Tip rhinoplasty can be completed through an open or closed approach which will often come down to the preference and experience of your surgeon. (Guy Watts, MBBS (Hons), FRACS (Plast), Perth Plastic Surgeon)

The goal of Rhinoplasty or plastic surgery of the nose is to create a feature that is in balance and proportion with all the rest of the facial features. Occasionally only the lower part of the nose is out of balance.

A tip plasty is the surgical procedure which addresses the imbalance in the lower one third of the nose. A Tipplasty may involve taking the “ball” off the end of the nose, narrowing the base of the nose, balancing assymetries of the two sides.

It is not unusual for a patient to think they need a tipplasty alone, only to find out that when the tip changes are made, the bridge needs to lowered or raised.

A computer imager can help demonstrate possible changes to help determine if a tipplasty alone or a rhinoplasty will be best. (Brian Maloney, MD, FACS, Atlanta Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Tip Rhinoplasty: Just the Tip!

Tip Rhinoplasty involves surgery of only the tip of the nose. Cartilage in the tip of the nose is trimmed to change the shape/size of the nasal tip no modifications of the septum hump bones (Paul C. Zwiebel, MD, Denver Plastic Surgeon)

Tip rhinoplasty is a limited rhinoplasty

Tip rhinoplasty is a subset of rhinoplasty surgery that only addresses the tip. Very few patients fall into this category.

If a patient has only a bulbous tip or excessive cephalic cartilage, or lack of tip definition, they would benefit from a very limited rhinoplasty that addresses only the tip. This is a tip rhinoplasty. (Raghu Athre, MD, Houston Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Tip rhinoplasty generally refers to surgical changes in the nasal tip

Tip rhinoplasty generally refers to surgical changes in the nasal tip to address assymmetries, a tip that is too narrow and pointy, or a tip that is too wide.

Often, improvements of the contour of the nasal tip are in fact the most challenging in rhinoplasty surgery because the nasal tip is composed of cartilage and other soft tissues that have elasticity and some “memory”. Any surgical changes in this area must anticipate the expected changes in the soft tissue during the healing phase. Corrections of widening, deformity, or assymmetry in the tip – even if subtle – are often the most satisfying in nasal surgery. (Michael R. Macdonald, MD, Bay Area Facial Plastic Surgeon)

A tip rhinoplasty will focus on the ‘tip’

Tip rhinoplasty is desired by some patients. These patients generally require work only on the tip. They may have a nice width to the upper two thirds of the nose with a nice profile already.

Usually patients will larger, bulbous or boxy nasal tips will benefit from tip work for more refinement. This is carried out well with an open rhinoplasty for many but not all. On occasion, a cartilage tip graft may be desireable. (Sanjay Grover, MD, Orange County Plastic Surgeon)

Improving the tip of the nose shape in rhinoplasty surgery

Some patients are fortunate to have a straight nose with out a “bump” and just want to help the tip of their nose. A procedure that focuses on the tip only is called a “tip Rhinoplasty”.

Changing the tip still takes surgery, anesthesia and recovery and some swelling. However, without the need to sculpt the nasal bones and upper cartilage, the healing process can be a bit quicker.

The most common tip surgery I perform involves narrowing the tip through careful, limited cartilage removal, and non-destructive suturing techniques. I sometimes strengthen the tip support and shape with small grafts of cartilage. The final tip rhinoplasty result should create a pleasing balance between the tip shape and rest of the nose and the face. (Michael Suzman, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)

I have performed Rhinoplasty for over 20 years and have seen Rhinoplasties called all sorts of terms. Tip Rhinoplasty, or what is often called a Tip-plasty, describes a procedure that modifies the nasal tip.

This can be done alone or as part of a full Rhinoplasty which may modify the nasal bridge cartilage, bone as well as the sides of the nasal bones to alter the nasal width. I frequently perform Tip Rhinoplasty alone and like to use a technique called “Retrograde Tip Plasty” that uses limited incisions and dissection resulting in minimal nasal swelling and down time. (Francis R. Palmer, III, MD, Beverly Hills Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Tip Rhinoplasty is a term used to describe nasal tip reshaping or refinement. It is rare that someone solely needs their nasal tip addressed as other areas of the nose are frequently addressed at the same time.

If you are considering addressing your nose, I would recommend scheduling a consultation with a rhinoplasty specialist to determine if you are an appropriate candidate. (Michael T. Somenek, MD, FACS, Washington DC Facial Plastic Surgeon)

A tip rhinoplasty addresses the bottom third of the nose – the pointy junction of the paired lower lateral cartilages that forms the prominence or pointy part of your nose.

A tip rhinoplasty is done when someone is happy with the upper and middle thirds of their nose (the width of the nose, the side view of the nose, the overall shape), but they are unhappy with the look of the very tip of the nose.

This can be because of a “boxy” tip or a “bulbous” tip. Discuss your concerns about your nose with your surgeon, and she or he can direct you to the correct type of rhinoplasty for you. (Lara Devgan, MD, MPH, New York Plastic Surgeon)

This refers to modifying the shape/size of the tip on the nose. It really is just rhinoplasty, but targeting the tip of the nose. However, this doesn’t mean that only the tip would be operated on. A lot of the rest of the nose contributes to the appearance of the tip, including the bridge and nostrils. (Jerome Edelstein, MD, Toronto Plastic Surgeon)

A ‘tip’ rhinoplasty refers to surgical alteration of the tip of the nose only, and nothing else. It is very uncommon that only the tip needs to be altered.

Part of the complexity of rhinoplasty is that all of the parts of the nose inter-relate, and changing one structure will alter another. This is why it is important to find a surgeon who devotes a significant portion of his/her practice to rhinoplasty. (Bryan Correa, MD, Houston Plastic Surgeon)

Sculptured Rhinoplasty

A tip rhinoplasty is exactly as the name states, a surgical procedure limited to correcting issues such as size or shape of the nasal tip ONLY. A conventional or complete rhinoplasty addresses both the dorsum (bridge) and the tip. (Frank L. Stile, MD, Las Vegas Plastic Surgeon)

I believe what you are referring to is modification and reshaping of the nasal tip. This typically entails an open rhinoplasty approach. The soft tissues are gently elevated, allowing direct access to the nasal tip cartilages.

These cartilages are then sculpted and sutured to reshape the nasal tip. (Anand G. Shah, MD, San Antonio Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Tip rhinoplasty is performed to refine the nasal tip. During this procedure, the surgeon will not alter any other external or internal features of the nose besides the tip. Other rhinoplasties will focus on the nose as one unit, correcting various parts of it.

A tip rhinoplasty should be reserved for select patients who have no other concerns other than the tip. (Peyman Solieman, MD, Beverly Hills Facial Plastic Surgeon)

What is tip rhinoplasty, tip refinement surgery

Tip rhinoplasty simply refers to a surgery which manipulates the nasal tip.

Also called tip refinement or tip reduction unless there is a need for tip reconstruction or support in a revision case. Natural and powerful changes in the nasal tip tip can be very difficult to obtain as opposed to a simple hump reduction. Asymmetries and support must also be addressed when doing tip surgery.

Finding a surgeon who does a lot of closed tip rhinoplasty is difficult as most perform the surgery open to get the control they need.

Performing the surgery closed or without an external incision provides the fastest healing although similar outcomes can be achieved with both closed and open rhinoplasties depending on the surgeon’s skill. (Ben Talei, MD, Beverly Hills Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Usually a rhinoplasty tip refers to surgery performed on the lower third of the nose. This can be limited to just the tip cartilages but can extend up to the cartilaginous dorsum or supratip region of the nose.

Rhinoplasty tip can be distinguished from a full rhinoplasty or bridge only rhinoplasty by the absence of cuts/fractures into the nasal bones. Since the nasal bones are not altered, there is typically no bruising and quicker initial healing time.

It is important when selecting a tip only rhinoplasty to confirm the proposed tip aesthetics match the overall bridge aesthetics to achieve a natural result. (George T. Moynihan, MD, Chicago Facial Plastic Surgeon)

In short it is no different from other techniques, except that only the tip or lower 1/3rd of the nose is operated on. What sort of rhinoplasty you need is highly dependent on what needs fixing. Sure if your tip is the only problem, then have a rhinoplasty tip.

The art to a good nose job is marrying all the subunits of the nose together, so isolated work on the tip may be all that is needed to give you your desired results. (Pouria Moradi, MBBS, FRACS, Sydney Plastic Surgeon)

Difference between “tip” rhinoplasty and routine rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty is not one procedure, but rather than many potential operations that may address may areas of the nose. The nose is conceptually divided in 3 parts by plastic surgeons: upper, middle, and tip. While many patients have a bump or hump that makes the nose bigger, some patients have a tip that they would like to make smaller.

Patients may complain the nasal tip is too wide, bulbous, or droopy. Rhinoplasty tip refers to plastic surgery just on the nasal tip. The tip has skin and cartilage, while the upper parts of the nose also has bone. Tip rhinoplasty, just like all other rhinoplasty, can be either performed via an open or closed technique. While confusing, the name itself is not as important as to the actual modifications performed by your surgeon. (Houtan Chaboki, MD, Washington DC Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Rhinoplasty tip Is Done To Refine The Nasal Tip Only

The rhinoplasty tip is done only on the nasal tip cartilages to refine and narrow the tip. No bony work is done thus recovery from rhinoplasty tip is usually less than recovery after a full rhinoplasty. Bruising does not usually occur after rhinoplasty tip. (Brooke R. Seckel, MD, FACS, Boston Plastic Surgeon)

Rhinoplasty tip is a more limited operation

Rhinoplasty tip is focused, as the name states, solely on the tip. It can be done with a closed or open approach. Although it sounds like a more simple operation, reshaping the tip is the most difficult aspect of rhinoplasty.

Other rhinoplasties address other parts of the nose and may or may not include the tip as a part of the operation. (Richard A. Zoumalan, MD, Los Angeles Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Rhinoplasty Compared to Rhinoplasty tip

Rhinoplasty is surgery directed at all during the shape and appearance of the nose. Some people, the main concern and main intent of the operation is to adjust the appearance of the tip of the nose such as reducing the width of the cartilage or perhaps reducing asymmetry.

Most often, rhinoplasty requires some adjustment of the tip as well as the middle portion of the nose and top of the nose. Ultimately, the technique involved in surgery is a essentially the same, and if she truly only needs the tip adjusted then this may imply slightly less swelling and bruising and shorter recovery. However, most often rhinoplasty requires addressing several components of the nose in order to be sure that all the parts of the nose are in balance with each other. (Cory Goldberg, MD, Toronto Plastic Surgeon)

Rhinoplasty tip is often referred to a rhinoplasty procedure that just aims to shape the lower 1/3 of the nose

Rhinoplasty tip is a rhinoplasty procedure that focuses on the lower 1/3 (tip) of the nose. This area comprises the columella and the dome and nostril of the nose. (Remus Repta, MD, Scottsdale Plastic Surgeon)