Teenage Rhinoplasty Surgery

Too young for teen nose job

I generally feel that the proper age for teen nose job in a young women can be as young a 14 and in men as young as 15 years old.

There are circumstances that would allow me to operate on younger children. As far as young ladies I think that if they have had their periods for more than two years and their height is approximately the size of their mother’s they are unlikely to grow any more to affect the results of heir nose surgery.

In men I tend to do a more conservative operation and limit the amount of septal work when I operate at a younger age.

In over 25 years of performing teen nose job surgery I have only had to revise one patient solely because of their early age of surgery. (Carlos Wolf, MD, Miami Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Teen nose job ages are a general guideline

If your daughter has a crooked nose and a nasal hump and she is 14, then she could have a conservative nose job to straighten the nose and file down the bump as seen in the photos you provided.

That being said, the age of 15 for girls and 16 for boys is approximate and some surgeons can deviate.

What you want to be really careful about is a lot of surgery involving the septum itself which is the growth plate of the nose so to speak and you would not want to do much surgery there until the child has reached close to their maximum height so if they are very tall, you would not want a smaller nose on them. (Scott Trimas, MD, Jacksonville Facial Plastic Surgeon)

The earlist age for a teen nose job

Teen nose job rhinoplasty surgery

I beging operating on young women at the age of 13 and on men at 14. I have been doing this for over 30 years and have never observed any adverse consequences.

I once did a teen nose job on an 11 year old with a huge nose who was suffering severe psychological trauma. Again, there was no subsequent problem with facial bone growth or anything else. I feel the surgery was more than justified. (Howard T. Bellin, MD (retired), Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)

Teen nose job can be done on younger teens in certain circumstances

Teen nose job operation

In general we wait that girls are 15, and boys are 16-17 but there are exceptions. I always try to ascertain how far along that child is on his or her growth curve. If it appears that they have hit all or a majority of their growth spurts and their nose is causing them psycho-social issues at school then by all means I will do surgery for them early on.

I had a 12 year old girls who’s parents were both about 5 foot 8 inches and she was 5 foot 7 inches and she was made fun of on a daily basis because the drastic bump on her nose. I spoke to her pediatrician who confirmed that she wouldn’t be expected to grow much more.

We did her surgery and it the was best thing that ever happened to her. This is an exception of course but each person needs to be taken on a case by case basis. (Jason B. Diamond, MD, Beverly Hills Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Teen nose job okay for teens when facial growth complete

Teen nose job pictures

Teen nose job should be delayed until facial growth is complete. Early teenage years for girls and mid teenage years for boys. The psychological reasons for the operation are important.

The parents, who will be taking responsibility for the operation, must be certain this is in the best emotional interest of their child.

My daughter wanter her nose fixed for years. I agreed when she was old enough to sign her own consent. (Vincent N. Zubowicz, MD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)

What is the age cut off for rhinoplasty for teens?

There isn’t one. The two factors in the decision are the maturity of the patient and the degree of nasal pathology. As girls usually mature earlier, nasal surgery can be done younger than boys often.

When the surgeon and parents judge the child is capable of managing the post operative recovery satisfactory, then its time. The degree of pathology becomes more of a factor when there are functional issues. Here at the University of Toronto we have one of the largest experience in nasal surgery in children in the world.

For many years doctors were reluctant to operate until the facial growth had finished for fear of interfering negatively.

This is no longer felt to be a deterant. In fact not operating and allowing the child to continue to month breath has conclusively be shown to cause abnormal facial bone growth. (Oakley Smith, MD, Toronto Facial Plastic Surgeon)

The Right Age For Rhinoplasty for teens

There really is no age rule for Rhinoplasty for teens. There are 2 considerations before proceeding with rhinoplasty. Is the person mature from a growth standpoint, and is the person mature from an emotional standpoint. Another consideration which may seem odd to say, but does the prospective patient want a rhinoplasty. I have had parents bring their child in under the pretense that the child wants a new nose, but really it is the parent. Typically girls have completed their growth (physically and mentally) a little earlier than boys. I will take consults on 14 year old girls and 16 year old boys and see how things go from there. (Louis W. Apostolakis, MD, Austin Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Rhinoplasty for young girls

Although people talk about hard and fast rules for rhinoplasty in teenagers, every case is different. There are 14 year old (even 13!) girls whose facial growth is stable and are emotionally capable of having a rhinoplasty, and in these patients I think it is perfectly reasonable to proceed with surgery.

This is especially true if there is significant psychological distress secondary to the nasal deformity.

Like any other surgery, your surgeon should be able to discuss the risks of having this surgery at an early age and help you to make an informed decision. (Ryan N. Heffelfinger, MD, Philadelphia Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Appropriate Age For rhinoplasty for teens

It is fairly uncommon in our practice to see female patients desiring rhinoplasty for teens who are less than 16-17 years old. This is typically the age that young females have the maturity level to begin understanding what a rhinoplasty procedure involves and what it might achieve as far as their appearance is concerned.

In addition, this is around the age when many females begin to taper off in terms of their growth curve. I will commonly ask young female rhinoplasty patients when their shoe size last changed.

This is a fairly reliable indicator of whether or not their growth has tapered off. (John M. Hilinski, MD, San Diego Facial Plastic Surgeon)

What age to perform rhinoplasty for teens

I don’t think there is any hard and fast rule on this although we have long considered 16 to be the golden age. There are boys at 16 who are too emotionally immature to have have surgery.

On the other hand I have seen young women 14 to 15 who are emotionally and physically mature enough to have the surgery. I do believe that once a girl has been having a normal period for at least one year I would consider the surgery.

A lot would depend on the initial consultation and my overall impression. (Steven Schuster, MD, Boca Raton Plastic Surgeon)

When a teenager can have rhinoplasty

The main factor you must consider regarding your teenager having a rhinoplasty is their overall maturity level and motivation.

Generally, you’d also want their facial growth to be completed which is around 15 years old for girls and a couple years older for boys.

Also, the patient should be able to explain (on their own) what it is that bothers them about their nose and how they’d like it changed. (Thomas A. Lamperti, MD, Chicago Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Rhinoplasty for teenagers

In my practice rhinoplasty in a teenage population is rather common. In properly selected teenage patients this procedure has a powerful salutary effect, producing great satisfaction to the patient, patient’s family and the surgeon.

There are two factors to consider, emotional maturity/motivation and physical maturation and growth. It is a rather involved topic and an experienced and caring rhinoplasty surgeon can discuss this with you in detail.

In brief, most girls can undergo teenage rhinoplasty at approximately 15 year of age, while for the boys it should be at least 16.

You might find it insightful to read my article “The Art of Sculpting the Nose” which can be found on my web site under “publications” (Boris M. Ackerman, MD, Newport Beach Plastic Surgeon)

How Young for Rhinoplasty?

Teenage rhinoplasty can be performed on individuals when they have reached both physical and emotional maturity. Females tend to reach both categories sooner than male patients.

A quick guideline in determining if the nose has reached full physical maturity is when the shoe size has not changed for at least a year. This can be as early as 14 in a girl, but more likely 15 or 16, and usually 16 or 17 in a male patient. (Anil R. Shah, MD, )

Patients should be mature and at least 16 years of age

Patients who desire teenage rhinoplasty should be mature and at least 16 years of age. By 16 years of age, the facial growth is nearly complete. Maturity and emotional stability of the patient is critical.

Be sure to meet with several surgeons to discuss your concerns. I recommend a surgeon who is a Board Certified Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon, Cosmetic Surgeon, or General Plastic Surgeon. (Gregory Pippin, MD, Metairie Facial Plastic Surgeon)

How young is too young for rhinoplasty?

There isn’t any age requirement for teenage rhinoplasty. I would generally recommend waiting until a patient is at least 15 years old to operate. The patient should be in good physical health and emotionally mature. (Usha Rajagopal, MD, San Francisco Plastic Surgeon)

No absolute age requirement

There is no absolute age requirement. The patient should be old enough to understand the procedure, and be prepared mentally and physically for the recovery process. Most surgeons begin operating on patients who are at least 15 or 16 years of age. (David Mabrie, MD, Bay Area Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Age for Rhinoplasty

There absolutely is an age requirement for teenage rhinoplasty; it is not based numerically but instead on midfacial development. This is generally after the development of secondary sexual characteristics or in the post-pubertal period. The rational for this rule is that the nasal septum (wall between nasal passages) is one of the major growth centers for mid-facial growth; injuring the septum prematurely could lead to a failure of mid-facial development. Therefore, the generally accepted age for teenage rhinoplasty is about 16 for a girl and about 18 for a boy. (Stephen Prendiville, MD, Fort Myers Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Appropriate age for a teenage rhinoplasty

There are two criteria for suitability/appropriateness for a procedure- one is physical, the other emotional. Physically, most 15 year old girls and 16 year old boys are physically ready to have a rhinoplasty surgery, given that there is little to no further growth of the nose by this age.

From an emotional standpoint, I personally find that until the boy is 16 to 17 years old, he is not emotionally mature enough to make the appropriate decision to undergo a rhinoplasty surgery, while for girls, by 15 years of age I feel they are able to make this decision for the right reasons.

However, every patient needs to be appropriately evaluated before this all important decision is made. (Jeffrey Epstein, MD, FACS, Miami Facial Plastic Surgeon)

The age at which girls can undergo rhinoplasty is 15-16 years of age. Boys can have it done at 16-17.

Until that age the nose is still growing and operating it could potentially affect its growth. (Andres Bustillo, MD, FACS, Miami Facial Plastic Surgeon)

What is the youngest age to have a teen rhinoplasty

An aesthetic rhinoplasty should not be performed on patients younger than 16 years of age. It is preferable to wait until 18 years of age to allow for further growth and maturation of the facial skeleton.

This needs to be treated on a case by case basis however most plastic surgeons would tend to follow this age range for cosmetic nasal surgery.

If you or your child has breathing difficulty, then a rhinoplasty and/or septoplasty may be performed sooner. Consult with a board certified plastic surgeon prior to scheduling a rhinoplasty procedure. (William Bruno, MD, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon)

The earliest age for a teen rhinoplasty

The timing for rhinoplasty and the appropriate age for surgery is argued among experts particularly when it comes to true pediatric deformities such as cleft lip nasal deformity. Some feel the optimal correction is achieved early with refinements at a later age whereas the vast mjority believe it is best deferred until completion of the nasal growth (14-16 for females and 16-18 for males) (Otto Joseph Placik, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)

As soon as the skeletal system is mature a rhinoplasty is possible, usually between 14-16 in females

Rhinoplasty should not be done while the skeletal system is not mature. It matures in females between the ages of 14-16. Additionally, the patient has to be mature enough to handle this serious operation. (Babak Azizzadeh, MD, Beverly Hills Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Timing rhinoplasty surgery in teens

The nose will continue to mature well after the late teens. It is advisable to wait until a patient is at least 17 or 18 years old. (Raffy Karamanoukian, MD, FACS, Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon)

Puberty and mental growth should be complete prior to teen rhinoplasty

The minimum ages for aesthetic rhinoplasty are determined by overall craniofacial growth and mental maturity of the patient. My usual ages are 15-17 in females and 17-19 in men. (Raghu Athre, MD, Houston Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Proper age for teen rhinoplasty

In general I do not consider doing an aesthetic rhinoplasty procedure in someone under the age of 16 to 18 years old for females and 17 and 19 years for a male. This is the age(s) in which the nasal shape and growth is usually complete. Also, this is a better emotional and psychological age for the patient to aid in determining the post-surgical results. The key element is whether the patient has been subjected to social pressure such as teasing due to a significant deformity and in this case it would be considered at a slightly younger age depending on the patient and the life situation (Rod J. Rohrich, MD, Dallas Plastic Surgeon)

Too young for rhinoplasty: A question of physical and emotional maturity.

Physically, teens should not have nasal surgery until their noses are near adult size. This is generally 15-16 in females and 16-17 in males. The reason is that surgery can alter the growth centers in the nose leading to stunted growth.

Perhaps more important is the psychological maturity of the teen. What is their motivation? Rhinoplasty can profoundly change one’s facial appearance and self-perception. Those who have wanted the change for a long time, and have never felt that their noses were their own, may be good candidates. Others whose decisions are recent or fleeting may not be ready for such a change. (Anand D. Patel, MD, Brookfield Facial Plastic Surgeon)