Rhinoplasty nostrils

The goal of Rhinoplasty is to create a nose that fits harmoniously with the face and balanced for each individual patient. Asymmetric nostrils can be improved upon and made to look more symmetrical. However, largely asymmetric nostrils can be quite difficult to be made to look perfect.

It can be very difficult to adjust one oval nostril to match a more round nostril, but the nostrils can be done to look more symmetrical.

An alar plasty can help address wide nostrils and asymmetry. The caudal septum may also need to be trimmed back since it appears curved at the base. For many examples, please see the link below to our or rhinoplasty photo gallery (William Portuese, MD, Seattle Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Nasal Asymmetry

Persistent deviation of your septum or asymmetry of the tip cartilages may have caused your problem.

An experienced surgeon could improve the appearance of your very thick uneven tip as well as improve your nasal breathing. (Richard W. Fleming, MD, Beverly Hills Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Rhinoplasty can correct nostril asymmetry

Assymetry of the nose, or elements of the nose, including the nostrils, tip, columella, dorsum, or bony hump are caused by the underlying support mechanism and cartilaginous architecture.

In most cases, as in yours, there is an obvious asymmetry caused by malpositioning of the cartilaginous support units of the nose. To correct, I would advise undergoing an open rhinoplasty to assess nasal tip support and architecture.

Rhinoplasty nostrils asymmetry before and after

This will identify normal elements and deficient cartilaginous elements and allow visualization of the deforming units of the nose. (Raffy Karamanoukian, MD, FACS, Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon)

Septoplasty shouldn’t have affected nostril asymmetry

A septoplasty should not have impacted nostril asymmetry. Nostril asymmtery is normal but if yours is excessive, a simple procedure to reduce one nostril base may correct your problem. (Steven Wallach, MD, Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)

Nostril asymmetry can be corrected with Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty asymmetry nostrils

The short answer is yes, but the treatment depends on the causes for the asymmetry. Nostril asymmetry can be caused by a deviated septum, asymmetry is the lower lateral cartilage, asymmetry alar soft tissues and developmental problems such as a cleft lip deformity.

In your case, with the one view, I suspect you have several contributing factors including thick soft tissue asymmetry, alar cartilage mal-position and poor nasal tip support.

However, I recommend that you have several consultations with a Board Certified Plastic Surgeons who has extensive rhinoplasty experience. (Daniel Reichner, MD, Newport Beach Plastic Surgeon)

Nostril asymmetry can be improved with rhinoplasty

Nostril asymmetry is a challenging problem but can be improved with advanced Rhinoplasty techniques and cartilage grafting. At times the asymmetry of the nostrils may be due to deviation of the septum. This can be corrected with a Septoplasty procedure. See before and after pictures of a recent revision Rhinoplasty I performed for correction of nostril asymmetry here. (Sam Naficy, MD, Seattle Facial Plastic Surgeon)