Rhinoplasty Healing Period

Rhinoplasty healing varies based on the procedure and patient

The healing period very much depends on the individual patient and the exact procedure performed. For a “simple” rhinoplasty where perhaps a small hump is removed and some minor tip work performed, the 85% would be fairly typical.

For a more complex procedure in a thick skinned person for example the final result won’t be apparent for a year or more. Generally, the tip swelling is the last to resolve. Surgeons such as Tardy have shown with long term follow-up that changes take place for decades after the procedure.

In general we advise our patients that by 4-8 weeks they have a pretty good idea of the outcome but that it takes a year or more for the final result. (Wayne F. Larrabee, MD, Seattle Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Healing time after Rhinoplasty

Healing after rhinoplasty can vary based on many factors, including skin thickness, open vs closed approach, grafts used and the patient’s biology.

In general most patients look pretty good by 3 weeks. However, full healing, especially at the level of the tip, doesn’t take place for 1 year. (Amir M. Karam, MD, San Diego Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Healing Period for Rhinoplasty

It takes about 3 weeks for most of the swelling to go down and any bruising to disappear. However, subtle changes can continue to happen for up to one year.

Rhinoplasty Healing Period after surgery

You can expedite your healing by avoiding any thing that can increase the bruising such as aspirin, motrin, fishoil etc for 2 weeks before surgery.

Take Arnica Pills and Bromelain after surgery and ice like crazy for the first 3 days at least. Keep ice pack on for 20 minutes then off 20minutes and so on. Keep head elevated by sleeping on pillows or in a recliner. (Tanveer Janjua, MD, Bedminster Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Time for rhinoplasty healing

Yes, in the typical patient this is a reasonable estimate of the time. Of course, a variety of factors may effect the ulitmate outcome and time it takes to achieve a stable appearance. (Otto Joseph Placik, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)

People are presentable one week after rhinoplasty.

Nose job Healing Period picture

With gentle technique and doing a closed rhinoplasty (which is all most people need), you will be entirely presentable in one week, and you see almost all of the final result in one month. Ask to see a lot of before and after pictures. (George J. Beraka, MD (retired), Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)

Rhinoplasty Recovery

Difficult to quantitate but that is pretty close. It isnt until the first 6 months that the majority of the swelling is gone, but it does take about 1 years time for the healing process to be complete. But at about 4-6 weeks you have a very good idea of how your nose is going to look. (Farbod Esmailian, MD, Orange County Plastic Surgeon)

Recovery from Rhinoplasty is two weeks, 6 weeks, six month.

Rhinoplasty Healing Period timeline

What I mean by 2 weeks is that you must be careful not to do any lifting, straining or getting your blood pressure up to minimize the chance of your developing a post op bleed.

By 6 weeks i mean that you must avoid being hit or banged in the nose for 6-8 weeks until the bones have healed and by 6 months I mean that is how long it takes to be able to actually see the final result.

Usually after 2-3 weeks you will look presentable in public with out people noticing that you had some thing done to your nose. (Carl W. “Rick” Lentz III, MD, Orlando Plastic Surgeon)

Healing after rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty Healing Period after reducing dorsal hump

Your doctor’s estimate that 85% of the swelling will be gone in 4 weeks is pretty accurate. In general, the majority of swelling dissipates rapidly, within just a few weeks after nasal surgery. The last bit, however, takes a few months.

Patients become particularly cognizant of this, saying that their nasal tip appears shiny or that the nose becomes slightly asymmetric if they sleep with their head on one side. After 6-12 months, virtually all of the swelling is gone, and the nose assumes its final postoperative appearance. (Sam Jejurikar, MD, Dallas Plastic Surgeon)