Rhinoplasty hard

Hard rhinoplasty

Few surgeons will call any rhinoplasty easy. No matter what you do there is always an unpredictable element to healing. You appear to have a wide broad tip and lower nose. I can’t say anything about your profile. It’s also hard to know if your nose is the way it is because of very thick skin or overly large cartilages.

These are the factors that will determine your result. You also haven’t mentioned your expectations. If you are looking for a small delicate nose it’s unlikely that your skin envelope will shrink enough to allow this.

If you will be happy with more shape and moderate reduction you will find this to be a more achievable goal. (Michael L. Schwartz, MD, West Palm Beach Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Rhinoplasty surgery is a delicate procedure

As you probably know, Rhinoplasty surgery is a delicate procedure. Results may include narrowing base, smoothing out a hump, refining the tip, lifting up the tip, narrowing the center of nose. Patients must be realistic about how much should be done and still preserve the most important function – breathing.

That being said, small modifications do create a change, so patients need to be ready for seeing themselves with that change. (John W. Bass, MD, Phoenix Plastic Surgeon)

Is my Nose a Hard Procedure?

The problem is your skin and lack of definition of the tip. Yes I think achieving a good result will be a challenge. (Rafael C. Cabrera, MD, Boca Raton Plastic Surgeon)

Is your rhinoplasty difficult?

Rhinoplasty surgery hard

All rhinoplasties are technically sensitive procedures. Experienced surgeons, however, are able to master the techniques. The feature that makes your nose more difficult is the thick appearing skin on the tip. If will be tough to make it more defined. If that is not your goal, then don’t worry. (Neal Goldberg, MD, Westchester Plastic Surgeon)

Rhinoplasty as a hard procedure

The technical aspects of rhinoplasty are not particularly hard, and some noses are not harder than others. The difficulty with rhinoplasty is understanding the proper aesthetics and form, and understanding the limitation of skin type and ethnicity. Not all patients like the same things, and not all surgeons agree for that matter. Be careful in your search for a surgeon, and we find computer imaging an important tool in sorting out what might be right for you. (Peter E. Johnson, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)

Difficult nose

Rhinoplasty hard surgery

Most cosmetic surgeons consider rhinoplasty to be the most difficult of all procedures Not only is the operation difficult and demanding but the correct diagnosis before surgery is critical. Every nose is different and must be approached differently. I do not know either surgeon. (David A. Bray, Sr., MD, Los Angeles Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Is Your Nose a Hard Procedure?

Some noses are a bit more complicated than others although I do not feel any primary Rhinoplasties are “hard or difficult” The experienced surgeon knows what to do and goes into surgery with a game plan that wll create improvement in the appearance of your nose.

You appear to have thick skin involving the nasal tip so that it may be longer before the final result is apparent ie up to 12 months. so be very patient. I do not know anything about the doctors you mentioned.

Rhinoplasty hard procedure

Find someone with lots of experience and who is not afraid to show you plenty of similar noses from their practice! I am a facial plastic surgery specialist so my bias leans that way, but there are many plastic surgeons who also have great expertise with this procedure.

Make sure that your surgeon is Board Certified in either Facial Plastic surgery or Plastic Surgery and ask around a bit and see if you can find any friends or associates who have had any experience with the doctor(s) you visit in consultation. These are the best ways to make certain that you make the right choice. Remember. Experience with any given procedure is still the major predictor of a successful outcome! (S. Randolph Waldman, MD, Lexington Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Rhinoplasty In The Thick-Skinned Patient

Rhinoplasty hard operation

The biggest issue with your rhinoplasty is not whether it is hard or not but with the thickness of skin that you have. This means two important things. First, you are never going to have as thin or as well shaped nose as you would like. Your skin thickness will prevent it from happening regardless of how the underlying framework is sculpted. It is important, therefore, for you to have realistic expectations with what a rhinoplasty can achieve.

Secondly, you are going to have a lot of tip swelling that will take a very long time to go down. When your tapes and splint come off after the first week, your nose is likely to bigger than before and will take weeks to just get back to normal size. It will then take a few months to see some visible results and up to a year to see the final result. Regardless of the plastic surgeon that you see, you must view your rhinoplasty as a long-term process with realistic expectations. (Barry L. Eppley, MD, DMD, Indianapolis Plastic Surgeon)