Rhinoplasty And Chin Implant Recovery Time

Combined rhinoplasty and chin augmentation

Combining a rhinoplasty and chin augmentation can greatly impact your ‘profile’ by creating beautiful proportions and balance of the chin and nose.

In fact, the chin plays an important role in how large or small the nose appears. For this reason, some patients benefit from a rhinoplasty and chin augmentation because having both procedures can further enhance the surgical results.

It is common for rhinoplasty and chin augmentation to be performed at the same time. Having both procedures done at the same time generally does not interfere with recovery time.

Additionally, in many cases, having both procedures at the same time is a bit more cost-effective. (Babak Azizzadeh, MD, Beverly Hills Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Chin implant and Rhino at the same time

This combination of procedures is commonly performed and it yields excellent results. The combination of the two procedures can make the profile more balanced and harmonious with the face. The recovery time should be roughly the same length. (Christopher Khorsandi, MD, Las Vegas Plastic Surgeon)

Chin augmentation with rhinoplasty

The quick answer is yes it is possible. Discuss it with your plastic surgeon so that you can set proper goals and expectations. A chin implant will many times nicely balance the facial dimensions. (Francisco Canales, MD, Santa Rosa Plastic Surgeon)

Combining chin implant with rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty and chin augmentation before and after

It is quite common to combine chin augmentation surgery with a rhinoplasty. The recovery would not be affected by adding the chin and it is ideal to combine the procedures so that you can have one recovery period for both procedures. The chin augmentation may also complement the results from your rhinoplasty, allowing you to achieve a very natural result. (Kristina Tansavatdi, MD, Los Angeles Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Nose and chin

A rhinoplasty and chin augmentation are often done together and enhance each other balancing the face. The recovery is not affected by doing both at the same time. (Donald Nunn, MD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)

Chin Augmentation with Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty and chin augmentation simultaneously

Creating a balanced facial profile is key to achieving a beautiful appearance after Rhinoplasty, and a Chin Augmentation can enhance that balance. When performing a Facial Analysis at your consultation the Plastic Surgeon will show you the effect a Chin Augmentation will have on your profile appearance. The two procedures are often done together and recovery is comparable for both. (Douglas Leppink, MD, Grand Rapids Plastic Surgeon)

Chin and nose surgery at the same time

It is actually a very common combination to do.It does not make it any more difficult for the surgeon and there will be no difference in the recovery. (Julio Garcia, MD, Las Vegas Plastic Surgeon)

Rhinoplasty and chin implant are a common combination

Rhinoplasty and chin augmentation is possible

In our practice rhinoplasty and chin implant are a common combination and produce very nice and dramatic results. See the photo in the link below. (Sam Naficy, MD, Seattle Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Is it possible to get a Chin Augmentation and nose job at the same time?

It is possible and doing both procedures can often compliment each other for a better overall result. A thorough pre-operative assessment, with the help of computer imaging (Canfield, Vectra M3), can allow the patient to get an idea of the final outcome when both procedures are combined. See the link below to get further information. The downtime with a chin implant is within the time frame of a rhinoplasty and does not prolong the recovery process. (Timothy R. Miller, MD, Orange County Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Combining Rhinoplasty and Genioplasty

Rhinoplasty and chin augmentation surgery

The projection and position of nose is often gauged with the projection and the position of the chin. Anytime the chin is over or under projected or it is deviated on a patient who is undergoing a rhinoplasty combining these two will have the best positive impact on the face and it is a powerful combination.

On the other hand not correcting the chin problems can adversely influence the outcome of the nose operation a great deal. This is specially true when both the nose and the chin are overprojected whereby reduction of the chin can make the prominent nose even more prominent and visa versa. (Bahman Guyuron, MD, Cleveland Plastic Surgeon)

Rhinoplasty and chin implant.

Rhinoplasty and chin implant are done together about 10-15 % of the time and are almost always done together. See an experienced rhinoplasty surgeon and he will guide you as to size etc. (Toby Mayer, MD, Beverly Hills Facial Plastic Surgeon)

When indicated, chin augmentation is frequently combined with rhinoplasty surgery. It helps you achieve a better balance to your face. Generally speaking, It should not interfere with the rhinoplasty portion and downtime for both procedures combined. will be almost the same. (Maan Kattash, MD, FRCS, Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon)

Chin augmentation and rhinoplasty are routinely done together so I would not worry about it at all.Dr Corbin (Frederic H. Corbin, MD, Brea Plastic Surgeon)

Rhinoplasty and Chin Implant Placement

This is a very common combination of procedures. For patients with a very large nose and/or a weak chin, nose reshaping is often paired with chin implant placement. This can dramatically improve the overall facial harmony – making the nose look better as well as improving the facial profile. (Evan Ransom, MD, Bay Area Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Is it possible to get a Chin Augmentation and nose job at the same time?

Absolutely. These two procedures are frequently performed together. The recovery time is similar for both procedures and most people are back to work within 7-10 days following surgery. I hope this information is helpful for you. (Stephen Weber, MD, FACS, Denver Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Since the results of the two procedures are very complimentary, they are frequently done at the same time. (Ronald V. DeMars, MD, Portland Plastic Surgeon)

Is it possible to get a Chin Augmentation and nose job at the same time?

Yes, it is absolutely possible to have both the chin implant and the rhinoplasty performed at the same time. These two surgeries are frequently performed at the same time. Many times, having a small chin actually makes the nose appear larger. The goal of the rhinoplasty is to refine the nose. The goal of the chin implant is for projection to the chin to balance the lower half of the face. (Francis R. Palmer, III, MD, Beverly Hills Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Rhinoplasty and chin augmentation simultaneously

The combination of rhinoplasty and chin augmentation is very common in our practice and patient’s request them to be done simultaneously, so that there is only one recovery period. For many examples of this combination, please see the link below (William Portuese, MD, Seattle Facial Plastic Surgeon)

It is very common to have Rhinoplasty and Chin Augmentation at the same setting. Discuss your options and expectations with your Board Certified Plastic Surgeon. (Robert E. Zaworski, MD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)