Restylane rhinoplasty

Hold off Restylane until Rhinoplasty results have settled

I would hold off on Restylane since it is in close proximity to your alar base. Once the rhinoplasty settles (at least 3 months) then go ahead with the Restylane. (Elan B. Singer, MD, Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)

There should be no problem with alar base reduction and Restylane

Alar base reduction should not affect the efficacy of the Restylane injection. When the alar base incision is done, the scar should be well placed in the natural crease line above the nasolabial crease area.

The two procedures should be preferably be performed by the same surgeon, so that he/ she knows where the Restylane was injected when they do the rhinoplasty. (Wilfred Brown, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)

Will Restylane to the nasolabial folds affect a planned rhinoplasty?

Restylane given to the nasolabial folds should not affect your rhinoplasty procedure in the next two months. This is true even if you are getting alar base reduction during your rhinoplasty. (Sirish Maddali, MD, Portland Plastic Surgeon)

Filler injection into nasolabial fold after Rhinoplasty is okay

As answered by my colleagues already I agree that the filler injection into the NL fold should not affect the rhinoplasty.

Restylane rhinoplasty cream

But I think it is also wise to mention this to your plastic surgeon and just confirm he/she is aware of this and agrees. (Robert B. Pollack, MD, La Jolla Plastic Surgeon)

Do rhinoplasty before Restylane.

  1. Restylane injections in the upper nasolabial folds will definitely alter the anatomy and structure of the base of your nose.
  2. So I recommend having your rhinoplasty with alar base reduction first. Three months later, you can correct the folds with Restylane or Juvederm. (George J. Beraka, MD (retired), Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)

Restylane in Nasolabial Folds 2 Months Before Rhinoplasty with Planned Alarplasty

Restylane rhinoplasty injections

Since you are having your rhinoplasty relatively soon, I would advise you to wait on the Restylane in your nasolabial fold (unless you stay away from the upper part of the fold that meets the nose).

If you feel that you must have filler to look great for the holidays, may sure that you discuss it with your rhinoplasty surgeon. Most likely your surgeon injects fillers as well. (Michael A. Persky, MD, Encino Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Nasolabial Restylane and Nostril Shaping (Alarplasty)

A Weir excision or Alaplasty is done in the side wall of the nostril to reduce bowing or alar flaring. the incision is hidden just above the junction of the nostril and the cheek. Restylane/Perlane and other fillers are usually placed along the nose to mouth (Nasolabial) fold. This should not affect your rhinoplasty or alarplasty in any way. (Peter A. Aldea, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)

Alar base reduction rhinoplasty and fillers in the nasolabial fold

Restylane rhinoplasty pictures

The alar base reduction is performed in a well defined crease and I would highly doubt that fillers would interfer with the procedure but I would ask your surgeon. (Otto Joseph Placik, MD, New York Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Alarplasty requires very carefully planned incisions

Alarplasty is an excellent adjunct to rhinoplasty for the right patient. The incision needs to be carefully placed so it is either completely hidden or barely visible except to the trained eye looking with a magnifying glass.

I published an article in the spring on alarplasty in the Archives of Facial Plastic Surgery discussing the indications and techniques.

I would suggest you hold off on the filler in the nasolabial fold until after surgery since the filler may distort where the nostril meets the cheek. Filler may also make this area firmer and may make a proper closure using what is called an everting technique more difficult as well. (Steven J. Pearlman, MD, )