Nose Job Recovery Time Blog

Plastic surgery nose recovery time is different for each patient depending on whether it was a primary rhinoplasty, revision rhinoplasty, an open, closed technique, etc.

There are many factors which can contribute to noses looking better sooner. Noses that are projected (made further from face) tend to look better sooner than noses which are reduced (made closer to the face) as the skin will shape around the nose more easily.

The vast majority of patients in my practice go back to work at one week with the main hindrance being the cast on the nose. The cast comes off the nose at week one.

Patients who can work from home, often do on postoperative day 4, since at this point icing is not required. Each practice also may have pearls to help in the recovery process and minimize bruising.

I have posted a video of a patient’s plastic surgery nose journey for your reference. (Anil R. Shah, MD, Chicago Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Recovery time after plastic surgery nose

With the advent of dissolveable sutures replacing nasal packing, the rlastic surgery nose has become much more patient friendly.

Patients generally have little to no bruising( the rare patient may develope black eyes). swelling for most resolves by the end of 12-18 months, but the bulk resolves within two weeks.

The protective outer splint is removed from 5-7 days after the procedure, allowing most patients to get back to work.

Light activity is okay after a week, however I generally recommend avoiding any strenuous activity for 6 weeks. (Brian Maloney, MD, FACS, Atlanta Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Plastic surgery nose recovery time photo

Though every patient is different, there are some generalities that can be made: General anesthesia will slow you down for 2 days after the procedure. This is the absolute shortest amount of time that my patients need to take off from work, school, etc. There is a cast on the nose for the first week, and so many people opt not to go to work during that time.

You may also have bruising that will take at least a week to resolve. The swelling and congestion gradually will go away over the first 8 weeks. After the first week the swelling isn’t so bad that you’d turn heads walking down the street, but you may notice the difference. The full healing process takes 12-18 months, though the change is pretty subtle after the first 2 months. (Andrew Winkler, MD, Lone Tree Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Recovery Following Rhinoplasty

Plastic surgery nose recovery time image

Plastic surgery nose recovery time picture

Plastic surgery nose recovery time will depend on exactly what needs to be done during your surgery. However, in general, you will experience a little pain for 24-48 hours.

The nasal cast will be in place for about one week. After 7-10 days the swelling will have decreased adequately for you to return to work. Nasal breathing will improve for several weeks. You should avoid any nasal trauma for at least 6 weeks. (Richard W. Fleming, MD, Beverly Hills Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Plastic surgery nose recovery time

In most cases, recovery time with a plastic surgery nose should not take more than one week before you can resume normal activities.

This all depends on the type of surgery performed and whether or not an osteotomy was performed. My patients usually recover within 5 days. I recommend bruisestick for my patients after rhinoplasty to reduce swelling and bruising. (Raffy Karamanoukian, MD, FACS, Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon)