Radiesse Nose Job

Every second person on this planet thinks about the shape nose correction. But few are resolved to the radical correction, as surgical rhinoplasty is a radical way, after the application of which way back will be gone. And if the result of such an operation does not like to you? Alas, return is not possible. For this reason, the joint efforts of doctors and cosmetologists was invented a completely new method for correction of the nose. Is a non-surgical rhinoplasty with using of Radiesse.

The technique and the indications for its use

Purpose of non-surgical rhinoplasty (Radiesse Nose Job) is a stable, but temporary correction of the form of nose. With it you can make a straight nose, remove unnecessary bumps or pits. However, non-surgical correction of the nose can not reduce or radically change this part of your face.

The essence of this method is quite simple – specific substances are injected under the skin in the problem area – fillers, which play a the role of peculiar implants. The amount and location of the injection depends on the problems – correction of the nose should be substantial or undistinguished?

The main indications for this intervention are:

1. Asymmetrical shape.
2. Cavity, dips, nose bump.
3. Correcting the defects of the nose tip.
4 .Sharp corners of the bridge of the nose.
5. Hump on the bridge of the nose or flat nasal bridge.
6. Reconstruction after injuries.
7. Correction of postoperative defects.
8. Flabbiness and sagging skin.

Radiesse Nose Job Is A Revolutionary Non-invasive Cosmetic Procedure

Non-surgical rhinoplasty: correct the nose without a scalpel and anesthesia.

Types of fillers for non-surgical rhinoplasty.

The effectiveness and durability of correction depends on the preparation, which there is:

Biodegradable. These substances are decomposed to simple components and excreted from the human body. Such cosmetic preparations include:

1. Fillers based on collagen – bullish (Zirderm, Artecoll) or human (Autologen, Izologen, Saymetra); Slowly resorbable fillers (which may be in the body for up to 3 years), which are made of calcium hydroxylapatite (Radiesse), lactic acid-based synthetic origin (Sculpture) or polycaprolactone (Ellans).

Through The Use Of Radiesse Nose Surgery, The Nose Can Be Injected To Straighten A Nasal Profile

2. Bio-nondegradable are preparations in which basis synthetic polymer gels such as silicone. These substances do not react chemically with the compounds of the human body and not eliminated from the body.

3. Autologous is a patient’s own fat (lipofilling).

The longest effect is maintained the effectiveness of the correction of the nose preparations based gels, but we must not forget that this type of substance provokes the development of tissue fibrosis.

But nose correction with fillers of the first type (biodegradable) not as durable, but these substances have a positive effect on the skin of the whole face, improving its relief and tone.

Technique of performance of non-surgical rhinoplasty and recovery period.

Radiesse Rhinoplasty Cannot Make A Larger Nose Appear Smaller Or Improve Breathing

Before manipulation, the patient must visit a dermatologist and plastic surgeon in order to properly define volume the forthcoming operation and choose the best preparation. You also need to consult with a physician for the absence (or presence) of contraindications.

The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis with local anesthesia. The skin of the nose and cheeks are treated with antiseptic and smeared with a special cream containing an anesthetic. Corrective substance is administered strictly in pre-selected areas, and in small amounts. Manipulation lasts 30-45 minutes. The patient can safely go home after the recovery of sensitivity of the skin.

The recovery period does not last long – the next day you can return to normal life, and the final effect of rhinoplasty will be visible after 3-4 days. In rare cases, you may experience minor complications such as of bruises or swelling in the local area perform manipulations. However, they quickly disappear without the use of any means of healing or physioprocedures.

Radiesse Allows The Nose To Be Reshaped Without Surgery

For non-surgical nose reshaping (non-surgical rhinoplasty) quite tiny injections of filler Radiesse.

If you need to slightly raise the tip of the nose, get rid of the hump or indentations on the nose, is not necessary to think about the surgery, a few weeks recovery after it, and fears that the new nose shape you will not like, and change nothing is impossible. A non-surgical rhinoplasty is a new method for correction of the form of nose without surgery.

What is Radiesse?

Radiesse is an injectable filler recommended for filling nasolabial folds and wrinkles on the face, increase chin and cheekbones, as well as for correction of the form of nose (in fact this is the contour correction of the nose in a minimum volume).

Radiess Nose Job Can Correct Imperfections On The Nose,

Compared with other fillers, the effect of injection Radiesse in the bridge of the nose is durable from 1.5 to 2 years. The product is soft and gives a completely natural correction.

How long does the procedure for the correction of the form of nose?

Firstly, anesthetic cream is applied for 15-20 minutes, then the doctor injects filler. Usually the swelling practically no, so that the “new” nose shape you can appreciate immediately.

This procedure suitable for all?

No, of course, because only a doctor can assess the possibility of the form of nose correction by using filler.

Radiesse Is Rapidly Becoming A Popular Alternative To Surgery

For example, change a large nose on the small or the shape of the nostrils by injections is impossible. But the bridge of the nose and shape is perfectly amenable to correction.

Is it possible to use other fillers?

In principle it is possible. Many doctors practicing injections of hyaluronic acid. But in our opinion, the best result in this case is obtained with the use of filler Radiesse.

Radiesse Rhinoplasty Before & After