Nose Tip After Rhinoplasty

Tip high after rhinoplasty

This is normal and after the cast is off and the tip heals (6-12 months) it should be fine. Be patient and don’t worry. (Toby Mayer, MD, Beverly Hills Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Tip 3 Days after Rhinoplasty

3 days after surgery is way to early to tell the results. The tip is always elevated after a rhinoplasty from the sweling. Swelling is usually at its worst 2 days after the surgery.

You have to be patient with the nose and understand that it takes time for the tip to settlle during the recovery process.

If you are concerned please speak to your surgeon about this for further guidance and assurance. (Jacob D. Steiger, MD, Boca Raton Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Rhinoplasty 3 days postop

At three days post – op you are experiencing maximal swelling which may be distorting the nasal tip height. You have to wait at least 6 months to determine if the nasal tip height is adequate.

Unless the tip is grossly overprojected after the cast comes off.  (Oleh Slupchynskyj, MD, FACS, New York Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Cannot Judge Angle of Nasal Tip 3 Days After Rhinoplasty

It is way to early to judge your nose, the nasal tip will fall from where it is 3 days after rhinoplasty. Be patient and all should be well. (Michael A. Persky, MD, Encino Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Nose at three days post-op

Nose Tip After Rhinoplasty at first 3 days

At three days “all bets are off” in terms of the final look. Often the tip is taped in a slightly elevated position. (Steven Wallach, MD, Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)

Nose Tip Too High after Rhinoplasty

Christina Before and after photographs of your nose would be helpful for more specific advice. That being said, 3 days after rhinoplasty is way too early to judge.

Most patients who think their nose is too high right after surgery, just love it once the cast and splints are removed and everything settles in time. (Daniel Reichner, MD, Newport Beach Plastic Surgeon)

Cast and Tapes Post Rhinoplasty Elevate the Tip

Nose Tip After Rhinoplasty surgery

Absolutely. The cast and nasal tapes are applied so as to elevate your tip during the early post operative period.

They provide early support to your nose to ensure a good result. Once they are removed you will see an imediate descent of your tip to the position your surgeon intended. (Thomas Buonassisi, MD, Vancouver Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Rhinoplasty Results

Three days post-operative is entirely took soon to judge any type of outcome. I always encourage patients to discuss any post-operative concerns with their surgeon. (Michael Sullivan, MD, Columbus Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Nasal tip looks too high

Nose Tip After Rhinoplasty too high

It is not unusual for the nasal tip to appear “too high” in the early days following rhinoplasty. It will certainly change in the weeks and months to come; the tip is usually the last structure to “remodel” after the operation, and may take 6-12 months to achieve its final shape. Rhinoplasty techniques can weaken nasal projection unless efforts are made to address this; so the fact that your tip appears to high to you is not necessarily a bad thing ( especially since much or the splint and dressing is intended to support the tip). Just be patient, and discuss your concerns with your surgeon. (Jerry Lugger, MD, Southlake Plastic Surgeon)

Appearance of nose at 3 days – with the splint on

You can’t judge your nose at 3 days, never mind that the splint is still on. Often, the nose is taped to bring the tip up slightly which will then subsequently drop down slightly with time. Ig may take 6 months or more to have a better idea of the long term appearance. (Steven Turkeltaub, MD, Scottsdale Plastic Surgeon)

Nasal tip position early after rhinoplasty

Nose Tip After Rhinoplasty procedure

While the nasal tip is still taped after rhinoplastyit is pulled up to eliminate “dead space” above the tip . Be patient the final result will be fine. (Erel Laufer, MD, Dunedin Plastic Surgeon)

Nose too high 3 days after rhinoplasty

It is too early to judge the results, especially with a splint or cast in place. You really need to give it much more time. (Karol A. Gutowski, MD, FACS, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)