Nose job bruises

Depending won what exactly is required to correct the deformities, you may count on black eyes and some degree of swelling. The swelling is mostly limited to the nose, but some swelling of the cheeks is common. The black eyes tend to linger longer in the lower lids. sek (Scott E. Kasden, MD, Dallas Plastic Surgeon)

Bruising from Rhinoplasty

Meticulous attention to detail can minimize bruising. However, if you broke your nose several times before, as you stated, then I suspect any bruising which might occur should be something you have dealt with before.

If your nose is crooked, you have to decide either to simply live with it, or have surgery. This is not something that you can diet and excercise away. (Darrick E. Antell, MD, Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)

Appearance after a nose job

A crooked nose often involves a crooked septum and the underlying septum support (the vomer) and the nasal bones may be twisted,deviated or involved.

The process of straightening the nose may involve several surgical maneuvers to correct each one of these components.

But commonly it involves controlled fractures of the sides of the nose WHICH may lead to bruising for up to 10 days.

If you “really need to fix my (your) crooked nose”, then you should be accepting of all expected and potential downsides of the procedure. Having elective surgery an especially Cosmetic surgery should be a decision based on potential benefits weighed against potential risks, complications and inconveniences.

Nose job surgery bruises

Personally, I think if you broke your nose several times, correcting it may well be worth one more such event. (Peter A. Aldea, MD, Memphis Plastic Surgeon)

Most people who have a rhinoplasy develop some black and blue and bruising. Get a consultions with a board certified plastic surgeon with a lot of experience with noses.

It does not guarantee you a non bruised result – but you should end up with a great looking nose.

Remember – the done nose you will have for the rest of your life – some bruising usually lasts no more than three weeks. (William B. Rosenblatt, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)

Yes you’ll have some bruising and swelling

Image of nose job bruises

Inevitably you will have quite a bit of swelling and bruising after rhinoplasty surgery. Every patient bruises and swells to a different degree. Having an asymmetric nose requires the nasal bones to be manipulated to give you better symmetry and this will cause more bruising. Bruising will go away faster then the swelling. Minor swelling can last up to a year after rhinoplasty, but I tell most patients 90% should be gone in 6-8 weeks. Arnica may help reduce some of your post-operative recovery time. (Samson Lee, MD, Seattle Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Usually bruised after Rhinoplasty for about 2 weeks

You usually have bruising for about two weeks after a rhinoplasty. Some people even a shorter time. It’s worth the bruisingto get the result. Better two weeks of bruising than a lifetime with a crooked nose. (G. Gregory Gallico III, MD, Boston Plastic Surgeon)

Rhinoplasty post-op appearance

Nose job bruises before and after

Bruising post-op varies. If the nasal bones are fractured, bruising tends to stay around for about 2 weeks. If it persists, the female patients usually place cover up over the bruising. Selling can persist for months. (Steven Wallach, MD, Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)

Just like any other plastic surgery, rhinoplasty is a real surgery. It is not like getting your hair cut or going for a facial. You have to expect some recovery time, in which you have bruising and swelling. With rhinoplasty, you usually get mild bruising and swelling – this is to be expected. (David Shafer, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)

Steps to decrease bruising following rhinoplasty surgery

It is impossible to determine or predict how much swelling and bruising a patient will have following a rhinoplasty. The type of procedure performed as well as the technique used for the nasal fracture will all make differences.

Rhinoplasty bruises pictures

All patients are concerned about bruising after any facial procedure. There are 5 things that you can do to help decrease the amount of bruising

  1. Do not take any aspirin or aspirin containing products for 2 weeks prior to your surgery. It is also advisable to avoid ibuprofen as well. If needed Tylenol is fine.
  2. Keep your blood pressure under control. If you have high blood pressure take your medications as prescribed by your physician.
  3. There are several herbal products that help to decrease bruising and swelling, discuss these with your surgeon. Products include Arnica and Bromelan. I typically use an Arnica product called Sineech. It can be purchased on line at Bromelan is pineapple extract and can be useful as well
  4. Following surgery, keep your head elevated, apply ice or ice compresses to the upper face and lower eyelid area. Avoid bending or straining. (Jeffrey Zwiren, MD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)

Black eye after Rhinoplasty

The nose is under cast and tape dressing for one week after surgery. However, the lower eyelid area can be bruised, especially if lateral osteotomies are performed in the surgery. The bruising and swelling goes away gradually over 7-10 days. (Mehryar (Ray) Taban, MD, FACS, Los Angeles Oculoplastic Surgeon)