Nasal Tip Swelling Following Rhinoplasty

Although healing times and the amount of swelling is different for each patient, you can expect substantial swelling to subside after about 4 weeks, and subtle swelling to fully diminish up to one year (this is when patients typically see “full results”).

However, after Rhinoplasty you can enjoy social activities or as some call it, be “restaurant ready”, in as little as 10 days. (Kenneth Dickie, MD, FRCSC, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)

Tip swelling rhinoplasty takes 6 months to fully resolve. About 1/2 is gone at a month and 2/3 at 2 months. The rest trails off over the following months. There are day to day flucuations usually resolving in a few months, but occassionally for a year.

There is generally more swelling if its revision surgery, open rhinoplasty, osteotomies, thicker skin, additionl septoplasty or extensive reconstruction. (Oakley Smith, MD, Toronto Facial Plastic Surgeon)

It is very normal to have tip swelling rhinoplasty for weeks after the surgery. You will notice swelling for awhile, but your friends will not. Heat tends to keep the nose swollen longer. It would be well advised not to bake in the sun. An average patient can have some swelling up to a year. Be patient and enjoy your new nose. (Robert E. Zaworski, MD, Cleveland Plastic Surgeon)

Tip swelling rhinoplasty improves quickly initially but the final result is gradual

Like any surgical procedure, recovery after rhinoplasty varies considerably between patients. Most patients are back to work in a week, after their splints come out. Bruising and the majority of swelling are mostly resolved after 2-3 weeks. Most patients will not show obvious signs of surgery after about 3 weeks.

Tip swelling rhinoplasty image

However, the end result cosmetically can take 18 months or more because residual swelling resolves gradually and the skin envelope of the nose will contract and redrape around the re-shaped underlying nasal structure over 18+ months. (Steven Goldman, MD, Philadelphia Facial Plastic Surgeon)

How long does it take for swelling to resolve after rhinoplasty?

In my experience, most of the swelling resolves in the first month. The rest of the swelling resolves fully over the next 6-11 months.

Tip swelling rhinoplasty surgery

The amount of swelling depends on whether or not osteotomies (breaks in the nasal bones) are done. There is less swelling if osteotomies are not needed. Most patients take 1 week off of work and although the nose is still swollen at that time, it is a smaller, better shaped nose. (Jonathan Pontell, MD, FACS, Toronto Facial Plastic Surgeon)

The amount of visible swelling following rhinoplasty should settle within 3 weeks. If you notice a deformaty that persists for longer than 4 weeks it may be due to displaced nasal bones or inadequete treatment of subcutanous nasal structures preventing to obtain slimming of your nose that was desired pre-operatively. (Kris Conrad, MD, )

Length of time for swelling after rhinoplasty

Tip swelling rhinoplasty operation

Tip swelling rhinoplasty, especially within the first three weeks, is normal. In fact, swelling can be present for upwards of one year after surgery. The majority of the edema should be resolved, though, by 3 to 6 months after your procedure. (Corey S. Maas, MD, San Francisco Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Unfortunately, swelling does occur and can last for some time after rhinoplasty. A variety of things determine how much swelling a patient has and how long it lasts. First and foremost, is whether a patient had an open rhinoplasty technique.

This involves the surgeon making a small incision underneath the nose to help give a better view during the surgical procedure. While I am a strong advocate of this technique, it definitely does increase swelling in the first weeks after surgery. A closed technique involving more minimal incisions can lead to a quicker recovery and is especially useful in procedures where less work needs to be done.

Another factor for postoperative swelling is what the surgeon performed and how many previous surgeries have occurred. Certainly it is not unusual to have significant swelling three weeks out on a patient who has had previous rhinoplasties and had to have quite a bit of work done. Lastly, swelling does occur to some degree for the entire first year after surgery. As I tell my patients, while I would expect them to feel comfortable getting back out with makeup two weeks after a nasal surgery, the final result really takes up to a full year. So, be patient, give things time and discuss your concerns with your surgeon. (Mark Hamilton, MD, Indianapolis Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Swelling after tip rhinoplasty or nose job

Swelling after rhinoplasty or a nose job is very common. This is also dependent on the amount of work done, duration of surgery, and the thickness of the skin.

Most patients can expect 30% of swelling to subside at 3 weeks and 50% of swelling to subside at 6 weeks.

Otherwise, it may take up to one year for swelling to abate and in cases of thick skin, 1.5-2years. (Etai Funk, MD, Houston Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Nose swelling

Every rhinoplasty has some swelling. The degree of which is dependent on the specific procedure done, the degree of dificulty of the procedure and the use of steroids as part of post operative care.

Generally speaking a Rule of Thumb is swelling maximizes at 72 hours and begins the process of going down after that.

The acute swelling may last a couple of weeks, then the long term shrinkage of the swelling takes place in 3-6 months and may continue to shrink for as long as a year.

In any event, you need to ask your doctor in person to assist you in understanding what is going on with your nose. I hope that this is helpful for you . (Jon Sattler, MD, Glendora Plastic Surgeon)

The nose is like a sponge hanging on to water in the tissue as it heals. I really takes six to nine months to get a true picture of the final result.

Patience is your friend at this point. Also, head elevation is critical to maximize the resolution of the swelling. (Talmage J. Raine, MD, Champaign Plastic Surgeon)

Post rhinoplasty tip swelling is normal and could last for up to a year.

Depending upon the extent of the rhinoplasty, there can be a firmness and swelling to the tip of the nose for 3-4 months until it softens with subtle changes up to a year. (Peter Schmid, DO, Longmont Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Persistent Swelling after tip rhinoplasty

If you’ve chosen a good surgeon he/she will be able to reassure you whether your swelling falls within the range of normal. Fracturing of the nasal bones is usually the culprit when there is significant swelling. Splinting and taping can reduce this somewhat.

Avoiding strenuous activities and keeping your head elevated after surgery can also reduce swelling. Some patients have more bleeding than others and this will cause more swelling.

I’ve also found that some patients respond to trauma with more swelling than others. This appears to be due to an exaggerated inflammatory response. The good news is that even for those that swell more than others, usually time will take care of most of the issues someone like you is having. (Jon F. Harrell, DO, Miami Plastic Surgeon)

Acute swelling from primary rhinoplasty can vary but generally lasts 3-4 months. Chronic swelling however may persist up to 2 years or longer. Generally this is not an issue unless the patient has thick sebaceous skin and is focussed mainly on the tip region of the nose. (Jon E. Mendelsohn, MD, Cincinnati Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Swelling 3 weeks after tip rhinoplasty

A good amount of swelling from the surgery should be resolved when the splint is removed at approximately 1 week after surgery, but it isnt uncommon for some patient to still have significant swelling if they are very physically active and work out alot. If that is your case, you may want to refrain from exercise for a couple of weeks and see if the swelling resolves. Some swelling post op will last for up to a year after surgery, but should become less and less over time, and minimal after the first 6-12 weeks. (Amy T. Bandy, DO, FACS, Newport Beach Plastic Surgeon)

You should be able to notice great improvement in the appearance of your nose once the cast/splint is remove from the nose. Tip swelling following rhinoplasty is mostly resolved in the first 6-12 weeks. Most patients are able to go back to their normal activities and work within the first 7-10 days after surgery.

However to be precise, the healing process would take up to a year to complete. Depending on the skill and surgical techniques of your surgeon and the degree of the work that was done, the degree of swelling can vary greatly. By following your plastic surgeon’s advice you can significantly improve your results and accelerate the healing process.  (Ali Sajjadian, MD, FACS, Orange County Plastic Surgeon)

Minimizing tip swelling after rhinoplasty

There is still some swelling expected at 3 weeks post rhinoplasty, although it should not be significant. Although it can take 3-4 months for most of the swelling to subside, most of our patients look presentable and able to return to work after 7-10 days. The degree of post operative swelling to some extend depends on surgeon’s operative technique and skill. (Boris M. Ackerman, MD, Newport Beach Plastic Surgeon)

How to minimize swelling after rhinoplasty

Tip rhinoplasty swelling varies depending on the extent of the procedures performed. My general advice to patients is that 80% of the swelling subsides after 2 weeks, 90% after 2 months. Healing continues up to a year after the procedure. We make sure patients avoid any type of medications that may thin their blood (aspirin products, garlic, vitamin E, etc), take Vitamin C, arnica and other homeopathics prior to the surgery, and avoid alcohol perioperatively. Sometimes we even give steroids after the operation to reduce the swelling. (Ramtin Kassir, MD, Wayne Facial Plastic Surgeon)