What type of rhinoplasty is needed for drooping nasal tip?
Tip refinement for drooping tip
Rhinoplasty can be used to improve the tip drooping you’re noting. This is a common issue as we age due to loosening of the connections of the tip cartilages to the nasal bones and loss of tissue volume at the base of the nose. Your nasal bump can certainly be left alone if you don’t want it removed. (Thomas A. Lamperti, MD, Seattle Facial Plastic Surgeon)
Tip refinement in rhinoplasty
Rhinoplasty can and should be tailored to your concerns. It is very possible to address the dropping of the nasal tip. This can be done with or without addressing any other changes in the appearance of the nose. The appropriate techniques can give you long term support to prevent further drooping with time. The one sentence review of your health suggests you are a good candidate for an elective procedure like rhinoplasty.
Your surgeon will go over all this with you, but make sure you avoid over the counter blood thinners like aspirin, excedrin, vitamin E, fish oil, etc around the time of surgery. (Michael Bowman, MD, Montgomery Facial Plastic Surgeon)
Is Tip-plasty for you?
You have a drooping or plunging tip. It is caused by large cartilage which is also probably “mal-rotated”. There also is a very small muscle that is pulling the tip down and should be cut.
The tip might need support using something called a columellar strut, like a pole holding up the center of a tent. You have an attractive face – go for it. (Ronald Schuster, MD, Baltimore Plastic Surgeon)
Best Rhinoplasty (Tiplasty) for Drooping Tip With Aging
The nasal tip often “drops” with age (unfortunately like many other anatomic parts) due to weakening of the the nasal cartilages as well as the loss of volume at the base of the nose (at the bottom). As an aside, we have found that when we replace facial volume with Sculptra around the nose, patients often state that we have “given me back my nose that I had as a teenager.”
You would benefit from a tiplasty to support your nasal tip and keep it from drooping when smiling (it it bothers you). Refinement of your nasal tip should also be included in your surgery. Please take your time, consult with a few skilled and experienced rhinoplasty specialists, and then most importantly choose your rhinoplasty surgeon most carefully. (See rhinoplasty photos in web reference). (Michael A. Persky, MD, Encino Facial Plastic Surgeon)
Nasal Tip Refinement
One of the beauties (no pun intended) of rhinoplasty surgery is that each procedure can be individualized to meet the needs and desires of each patient and surgeon.
Your tip can be ‘refined’ without changing other parts of your nose. Talk with an experienced surgeon so you can consider all alternatives before making a decision. (Richard W. Fleming, MD, Beverly Hills Facial Plastic Surgeon)
Nasal Tip Refinement
Please consult with a board certified rhinoplasty specialist to address your concerns. Tip refinement is a common request and can be addressed. (Kimberly Lee, MD, Beverly Hills Facial Plastic Surgeon)
Question about reasonableness of a rhinoplasty
If you are unhappy with the appearance of your nose and the tip in specific, then undergoing a rhinoplasty would be reasonable.
You would need to be assessed by a rhinoplasty surgeon and based on your concerns and the physical findings, a reasonable surgical plan can then be formulated. (Steven Turkeltaub, MD, Scottsdale Plastic Surgeon)
Tip rotation with a columellar strut for support would help. You might also want to address the alar width.
If you remove your slight hump, the lateral osteotomies woul narrow the bridge creating a long narrow nose. Stick with the tip. (David A. Bray, Sr., MD, Los Angeles Facial Plastic Surgeon)