Life After Rhinoplasty

Return to a normal life after rhinoplasty

Most can return to work or school the week following rhinoplasty, and after four weeks you should be able to return to all activities or a ‘normal life’. Remember that you have just made a significant investment in reaching your dream, so contact sports should cause reflection. (Peter E. Johnson, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)

Rhinoplasty recovery

You can return to your normal life now, exercise and all IMO. But do try to be careful about getting bumped! (Richard P. Rand, MD, FACS, Seattle Plastic Surgeon)

Rhinoplasty post-op

Most patients can return to routine stuff after about 2 weeks form surgery when most of th bruising goes away.

As for significant activity, I would wait about 6 weeks. (Steven Wallach, MD, Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)

Return to normal Life After Rhinoplasty

After rhino I tell patients to wait about 6 weeks prior to return to normal because I, like you get a bit nervous when imagining someone’s elbow messing it all up in a second. (Ricardo A. Meade, MD, Dallas Plastic Surgeon)

Restrictions after Rhinoplasty.

At one month post-op, tissues and bones have healed, though there will be scar softening and maturation, as well as lymphatic swelling reduction, for many months.

When can i return to active Life After Rhinoplasty

Most importantly, your nose skin sensory nerves have not recovered protective sensation, so your nose should feel numb and firm (to your touch) while looking normal. Because of this loss of sensation I always remind my rhinoplasty patients to avoid sunburn or frostbite situations, since their “Too Hot!” or “Too Cold!” sensory warning capabilities are absent or reduced.

Otherwise, your new nose can be damaged just like my or anyone else’s unoperated nose if we put it where it shouldn’t be. So without being paranoid, enjoy your new nose and just be careful! If your life revolved around mosh pits, unruly crowds, and establishments that over-serve you alcoholic beverages, you may wish to consider a lifestyle change to go along with your new look! (Richard H. Tholen, MD, FACS, Minneapolis Plastic Surgeon)

How Long After Rhinoplasty Until I Can Return to Normal Daily Life?

Life After Rhinoplasty surgery

There are different levels of activity that may be permitted and this will depend on what was done.

But It may take up to 3 mohts before complete unrestricted activity. (Otto Joseph Placik, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)

Activity after Rhinoplasty

You should be able to return to normal activity four to six weeks after a standard rhinoplasty. In the mean time, just avoid strenuous and contact activities. (Daniel Reichner, MD, Newport Beach Plastic Surgeon)

Return to normal life After Rhinoplasty

You should be able to resume all normal activities at this point. The Only restriction should be participating in sports where you are likely to be hit on the nose (volleyball, basketball, martial arts, etc). Exercise and routine activities should be fine. (Ira D. Papel, MD, Baltimore Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Normal Daily Life After Rhinoplasty – Get Your Surgeon’s OK!

At 29 Days, you should be able to safely resume nearly all the activities you did before surgery. However, it is critical that you check with your surgeon first, since only he knows the specific circumstances of your case. Enjoy your “new” nose! (James Bartels, MD, Manchester Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Rhinoplasty Recovery Activity

Life After Rhinoplasty operation

This depends on the type of work that was done to your nose and for this reason the best person to answer your question is your surgeon. In addition, each surgeon has different criteria that they prefer for there patients. I allow my patients to go back to normal activity fairly soon after the rhinoplasty, on the order of around 2 weeks. However, they should really refrain from any activity that can risk hitting the nose for several months. Attached are patient video journeys that highlight the the rhinoplasty recovery process. (Jacob D. Steiger, MD, Boca Raton Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Resuming normal activity following a rhinoplasty

Plastic surgeons have varied recommendations as to limitations during your initial postoperative period. With regards to heavy lifting, working out and non-contact sport, I typically recommend waiting approximately 3 weeks. For contact sports, waiting around 5 – 6 weeks would be more prudent.

Active Life After Rhinoplasty

Many will return to school at about 1 week – as that is when their nasal splint is removed. (Steven Turkeltaub, MD, Scottsdale Plastic Surgeon)

Best Time to Return to Full Normal Activities Following Rhinoplasty

You may return to all normal activities other than diving, boxing, and sky diving. Use common sense to avoid any trauma to your nose. (Michael A. Persky, MD, Encino Facial Plastic Surgeon)


After 5 weeks your nasal bones should be healed solid. Only a very hard blow to the nose at this point could break the nasal bones.

Normal Life After Rhinoplasty

Just be careful and you should be able to do anything you would like. (Todd B. Koch, MD, Buffalo Plastic Surgeon)

Restrictions after Rhinoplasty

First of all, follow your surgeon’s instructions. I always tell my patients to avoid strenuous activities for 2 weeks and any nasal trauma for 6 weeks. Other instructions depend on what was done during the surgery. (Richard W. Fleming, MD, Beverly Hills Facial Plastic Surgeon)