Dr. Tiller

Pectoral Augmentation Pectoral Implants With Dr Tiller, Pensacola, Florida

A Good looking chest is not necessarily a large chest rather it is a chest that is firm and well-defined and, of course, has size to show off both of those features. These attributes can be achieved by placing a soft but solid implant beneath the chest muscles on each side. These implants are placed through short incisions well-hidden in the armpit areas. To achieve a natural appearance the implants are contoured during surgery to for the individual person. During surgery the arms are extended in all directions to assure that the result is both good looking and natural-appearing and feeling. Following implant placement, dissolvable stitches are placed and light dressings are used to cover the incisions. What is exciting about pectoral augmentation like the other muslce augmentation procedures that patients can immediately see the positive results of the surgery and the results only look better with time as the modest swelling subsides and muscle definition becomes more obvious. During the three to five days of recovery, the patient is instructed in physical exercises to help reduce discomfort and to improve range of motion. Pain medications and muscle relaxants during this period can make recovery more quicker and more comfortable. A patient can usually return within a month to gym activities, starting slowly and building up gradually to his usual work out. In the long term, a pectoral augmentation should not interfere with any physical activities such as sports or even heavy resistance training. (Sep 5, 2019)