Dr Sigmund L. Sattenspiel, MD Freehold, New Jersey

Name: Sigmund L. Sattenspiel, MD
Last name: Sattenspiel
Began aesthetic medicine in: 1972
Years experience: 51
Primary Specialty: Facial Plastic Surgeon
Business: Sattenspiel Surgical Arts Pavilion
Address: 1050 West Main St
Phone: +1 732-780-1333
City: Freehold
State: New Jersey
Zip Code: 07728
Country: US
Consulting Fees: 0$
Consultation note: If you mention Real Self.com, your consultion fee of $100 will be waived.
Has Sponsored Offer : No

Clinical Privileges
  • CentraState Medical Center,NJ -Mt Sinai Hospital,NY
  • Undergraduate:
  • University of Wisconsin
  • Medical School:
  • University of Maryland
Postdoc Training
  • Residency:
  • Facial Plastic,Head & Neck Surgery,Otolaryngology, Mt Sinai Hospital & Medical School NY,NY
Board Certification
Sigmund Linder Sattenspiel (ABMSUID -311968)

Viewed: 8/28/2008
Day of birth:

Status: Alive
Certification: American Board of Otolaryngology
Otolaryngology – General

Status: Certified Active Lifetime Initial Certification 11/2/1973 –
Education: 1965 MD (Doctor of Medicine)
Location: 1050 W Main StFreehold, NJ 07728-2509 (United States)

GPS coordinates on map: 40.2591,-74.27570343

Sigmund L. Sattenspiel, MD

Primary location
Location name: Freehold
State: NJ
Country: US
Map point: 40.2591,-74.27570343
  • Asian Rhinoplasty
  • Botox
  • Brow Lift
  • Cheek Augmentation
  • Cheek Lift
  • Chemical Peel
  • Chin Implant
  • Chin Liposuction
  • CO2 Laser
  • Deep Plane Facelift
  • Dermabrasion
  • Dermal Fillers
  • Double Eyelid Surgery
  • Ear Surgery
  • Earlobe Repair
  • Eyelid Surgery
  • Facelift
  • Facelift Revision
  • Facial
  • Facial Fat Transfer
  • Facial Reconstructive Surgery
  • Fractional Laser
  • Fractora RF
  • Genioplasty
  • GentleLase
  • Glycolic Peel
  • Hand Rejuvenation
  • Jessner Peel
  • Juvederm
  • Laser Hair Removal
  • Laser Peel
  • Laser Resurfacing
  • Latisse
  • Lip Fillers
  • Lip Lift
  • Lipoma Removal
  • Liposculpture
  • Lower Facelift
  • Microdermabrasion
  • Microneedling
  • Mini Facelift
  • Mole Removal
  • Neck Lift
  • Nonsurgical Facelift
  • Nonsurgical Neck Lift
  • Pearl Laser
  • Permanent Makeup
  • Phenol Peel
  • Radiesse
  • Restylane
  • Restylane Silk
  • Revision Rhinoplasty
  • Rhinoplasty
  • Salicylic Peel
  • Septoplasty
  • Silicone Injections
  • Silikon 1000
  • Sinus Surgery
  • Skin Rejuvenation
  • Skin Tightening
  • Smart Lipo
  • SMAS Facelift
  • TCA Peel
  • Venus Legacy
  • Venus Viva
  • YAG Laser
  • Zerona

RealSelf Info

Profile views: 8597
Answer count: 210
Review count: 0
Star rating: 2.0473720558371
Anonymous votes: 45
Offer count: 0
Profile created: Oct 16, 2009
Profile modified: Oct 2, 2019
Profile promotion: No
Profile inactive: No
Premier status: Free
Tier: Free-Claimed
RealCare Promise: No
Directory link: Board Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon
RealSelf’s PRO: No
Doctor Designation Start Time: Nov 1, 2011
Doctor Designation End Time: Jan 1, 2033


  • Freehold, NJ, US. GPS coordinates: 40.2591,-74.27570343

Doctor’s answers

Answer Header & Date
Answer Snippet
More visible or upturned nose
Upturned Nose?
Aug 13, 2010
Question: More Visible or Upturned Nose?

Answer: Removing the hump itself will not affect the nostrils or turn up the tip of the nose.
The position of the tip of the nose and nostrils are related to work on the tip
cartilages and the end of the septum. You should discuss your concerns with
your surgeon.

why do some say lumigan is more potent than latisse?- both contain 3% bimatoprost
Lumigan more potent than Latisse?
Aug 13, 2010
Question: Why Do Some Say Lumigan is More Potent than Latisse?

Answer: Latisse and Lumigan are the same product. The only difference is the type
of application and indication for appropriate usage. If you have specific
questions about potency, you should probably contact the manufacturer, Allergan,
but they will most likely give you the same answer.

Smoking after rhinoplasty
Smoking after rhinoplasty?
Aug 13, 2010
Question: Smoking after rhinoplasty?

Answer: There is no specific answer regarding when it is safe to smoke after rhinoplasty.
Most likely, your nose will not suffer any drastic complications because of your
smoking. However, smoking is never safe. Chances are, smoking will ultimately
reduce your quality of life and, statistically, it will most likely shorten your life.
No ethical conscientious doctor would use the word safe and smoking in the
same sentence.

Dark triangles from bruises under my eyes 6 weeks after lower blepharoplasty
Dark bruises under eyes 6 weeks after lower blepharoplasty?
Aug 13, 2010
Question: Dark triangles from bruises under my eyes 6 weeks after lower blepharoplasty?

Answer: Your surgeon is correct and you should give it more time. Sometimes, the dark pigment from the bruising lasts for a relatively long period of time. Occasionally, it lasts for a number of months but it almost invariably diminishes and disappears. In the meantime, do the best you can with cover up make-up.

Besides tip work, do you think I need my bridge lowered/narrowed to get my ideal nose?
Bridge lowered/narrowed to get my ideal nose?
Aug 13, 2010
Question: Besides tip work, do you think I need my bridge lowered/narrowed to get my ideal nose?

Answer: If I were your doctor, I would most likely not want to operate on your nose. This is because of the way you phrased your statements and questions. The bridge of your nose has nothing to do with the distance of your eyes to each other. The term “prefer to drastically narrow the tip of my nose” is completely inappropriate. Also, “cheaper” should never be a…

Did bumping my nose 8 days after rhinoplasty ruin my result?
Will bumping my nose after rhinoplasty ruin result?
Aug 13, 2010
Question: Did bumping my nose 8 days after rhinoplasty ruin my result?

Answer: There is no way to make this determination online. The determination can best be made by your surgeon. If your surgeon feels that you did not create a problem by bumping your nose, then you should take the surgeon at his word. Nevertheless, if you are not happy with your results at five months, you should address these concerns with your surgeon. The results of a rhinoplasty are not final at five months…

Rhinoplasty revision – less expensive if I use the same doctor?
Revision Rhinoplasty Cost?
Aug 13, 2010
Question: Revision Rhinoplasty – less expensive if I use the same doctor?

Answer: It is always best to initially follow up with the surgeon who performed a rhinoplasty. If indicated and desirable and if the surgeon feels that an improvement can be achieved, an ethical surgeon may offer to revise the rhinoplasty. Most surgeons who revise their own rhinoplasty will reduce the revision fee although there is usually a facility and an anesthesia fee as well.

Will insurance pay for my rhinoplasty to address breathing problems?
Will insurance cover rhinoplasty?
Aug 13, 2010
Question: Will insurance pay for my rhinoplasty to address breathing problems?

Answer: If you truly have breathing problems caused by an anatomical obstruction of your airway and, if this can be proven to the insurance company, and, if the insurance company accepts the story, the insurance company may honor and may pay for a portion of the procedure. Basically, insurance companies are very skeptical. They understand that the majority of people desiring a rhinoplasty do so for…

I had botox about 11 days ago. I can still furrow my brow. Is this normal?
Still a furrow in brow after 11 days?
Aug 13, 2010
Question: I had BOTOX® 11 days ago, I can still furrow my brow, Is this normal?

Answer: At 11 days I would expect a substantial improvement from the BOTOX®.
There are several possibilities for the furrowing of your brows. You may have very deep or very superficial furrow lines involving the superficial area of the skin that is only partially treated with BOTOX®. The addition of a judicious filler might be of help. Secondly, the BOTOX® may not have been placed in a…

Is it safe to have rhinoplasty when you have the beginning signs of a cold?
Postpone surgery
Jul 23, 2010
If it is truly a very mild viral cold, you might be the lucky and have a successful rhinoplasty without problems. On the other hand, if this “beginning” of a cold develops into a more serious upper and lower respiratory infection with sinusitis, bronchitis and even pneumonia, surgery and anesthesia will compound your problems both systemically and locally regarding the surgery of the nose. When there is doubt, it is wise to postpone the surgery until you are well. An ethical…
Can the Vampire facelift really get rid of wrinkles?
Vampire Facelift
Jul 23, 2010
There were many cosmetic procedures touted in the media and online. It is best to consult with a reputable experienced cosmetic surgeon who will discuss you best treatment options and offer recommendations based on his or her experience
When will I know if eyelid surgery results are final?
Postoperative changes taking place
Jul 23, 2010
Five weeks may be premature to determine symmetry of your eyelids. There are still postoperative changes taking place. In some cases, it may take several months to adequately assess the ultimate symmetry and appearance of the eyelids following blepharoplasty. In addition, there are other factors that may contribute to eye asymmetry, most notably the brow position. In your picture, your right eyebrow appears to be lower than the left eyebrow: This brow asymmetry was most likely present…
Everyday swelling or permanet nasal obstruction 12 days after rhinoplasty?
12 Days post-op nasal obstruction
Jul 23, 2010
There is always some swelling to a greater or lesser degree following rhinoplasty
surgery. Unless there are unusual circumstances or unusual problems, the intranasal swelling and stuffiness always abates. You should continue to follow up and adhere to the instructions of your surgeon. If you are still dissatisfied, seek the consultation of another surgeon. However, swelling and stuffiness is par for the course at this stage with associated and expected edema, crusting and other typical…
Surgery to fix dorsal hump?
Rhinoplasty for dorsal hump
Jul 23, 2010
The best treatment for you is a well performed natural appearing rhinoplasty.
There are no good shortcuts and people are often dissatisfied when they get what
they perceive to be a financial “ bargain.” You should seek consultations with well-trained experienced aesthetically oriented rhinoplasty surgeons. A good result with which you will be happy will last you a lifetime. A poor result will lead to dissatisfaction, unhappiness and additional surgical revision procedures…
What’s the best solution for my neck?
Neck best solution
Jul 23, 2010
You did not state your age and you did not provide photographs. Therefore, it is
very difficult to adequately answer your question in a satisfactory manner to determine
what technique would be best suited for you. However, you did learn a lesson. There
are many ways to skin a cat! Each surgeon will offer recommendations and perform
procedures based on his or her experience and results. There is no “standard” way to
perform almost any plastic surgical procedure….

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Last updated on 11/24/2023