Dr Perakis Plastic Surgeon 06105

Name: Helen Perakis, MD
Last name: Perakis
Began aesthetic medicine in: 0
Primary Specialty: Plastic Surgeon
Address: 1000 Asylum Ave.
Address suite: Ste. 3207
Phone: +1 860-714-6574
City: Hartford
State: Connecticut
Zip Code: 06105
Country: US
Consulting Fees: -1$
Has Sponsored Offer : No

Clinical Privileges
  • Sentara Norfolk General and Leigh, Childrens Hospital of Kings Daughters, Bon Secours Surgery Center, Princess Anne Ambulatory Surgery Center
  • Medical: MD, Boston University School of Medicine
Postdoc Training
  • Residency: Otolaryngology, Georgia Regents University
  • Residency: Plastic Surgery, University of Minnesota

GPS coordinates on map: 41.7665,-72.67320251

Helen Perakis, MD

Primary location
Location name: Hartford
State: CT
Country: US
Map point: 41.7665,-72.67320251
  • Brazilian Butt Lift
  • Breast Augmentation
  • Breast Lift
  • Breast Reconstruction
  • Breast Reduction
  • CoolSculpting
  • Dermal Fillers
  • Facelift
  • Gynecomastia Surgery
  • Labiaplasty
  • Liposuction
  • Rhinoplasty

RealSelf Info

Profile views: 1837
Answer count: 53
Review count: 0
Star rating: 2.0473720558371
Anonymous votes: 0
Offer count: 0
Profile created: Sep 20, 2016
Profile modified: Oct 2, 2019
Profile promotion: No
Profile inactive: No
Premier status: Free
Tier: Free-Claimed
RealCare Promise: No
Directory link: Board Certified Plastic Surgeon
RealSelf’s PRO: No
Doctor Designation Start Time: Sep 21, 2016
Doctor Designation End Time: Jan 1, 2033


  • Hartford, CT, US. GPS coordinates: 41.7665,-72.67320251

Doctor’s answers

Answer Header & Date
Answer Snippet
Fillers for ice pick scarring?
Acne scars and fillers
Feb 2, 2017
Generally speaking, fillers do not tend to be useful in improving the appearance of “ice pick” acne scars. Laser resurfacing, depending on the depth of the acne scars and the depth of penetration that is available with certain lasers, can help improve the quality of these scars and re-texturize the adjacent skin to help blend the scars more. Medical grade chemical peels, using TCA is also a way to treat these deep acne scars.
Fillers for asymmetric aging on my face?
Facial Asymmetry and Facial Fillers
Feb 2, 2017
Some degree of facial asymmetry is within normal limits. No one has exact symmetry of each half of their face. Luckily if this is something that bothers you, it can be easily improved with the use of facial fillers. There are a variety of filler types that can be used to help improve the symmetry. Although you have to be realistic in knowing that even after fillers- the two sides will never be exactly the same…they will be significantly improved- but never 100% symmetric.
I suffer from Von Willebrand disease, are HA fillers safe for me?
Von Willebrand and Fillers/Botox
Feb 1, 2017
Greetings! Thanks for the great question. Having Von Willebrand’s disease is not a contraindication to getting any type of injectable, be it fillers or a neurotoxin such as botox. Because Von Willebrand’s disease has to do with the way your blood clots, you are more likely than another patient to have some bruising. You can take Arnica Montana (which is an herbal supplement) prior to getting your fillers which should help with bruising. Good Luck!
I am petrified I am gonna wake up and want the breast implants out?
Severe Anxiety about Breast Augmentation
Jan 28, 2017
Many patients experience anxiety prior to surgery. In your case, you seem very anxious about having breast implants….this might be a reason to NOT have a breast augmentation. You should think about the surgery and the reasons you initially wanted breast implants. You should also spend time talking with your plastic surgeon. At the end of the day, this is an elective procedure- and therefore if you are not mentally ready to undergo surgery- you shouldn’t!
Can I go ahead and get a breast reduction or should I wait?
Breast Reduction and Younger Age
Dec 9, 2016
Greetings and thanks for your question. You seem to have very large breasts that are causing symptoms such as your back pain, breast pain and inability to exercise. These would all be reasons for you to undergo a breast reduction. Breast reduction tends to be the one surgery which has the highest satisfaction rate amongst our patients, as it truly is life altering. I think you would be a great candidate for a breast reduction. Although, you have to realize that this is surgery- and all…
Septorhinoplasty looking no different. Is it possible that my surgeon didn’t do rhinoplasty or is it
Rhinoplasty and swelling
Dec 9, 2016
Greetings. I understand that you are concerned, but one week following rhinoplasty surgery is a very short period of time. The nose tends to stay swollen for some time. Your nasal swelling may take up to 3 months to resolve. I wouldn’t judge the results for at least a few months. Good Luck!
How do you get the swelling down after breast reduction surgery?
Breast Reduction and swelling
Nov 30, 2016
Swelling is common and normal after any surgery- including breast reduction. There’s really not much you can do to help decrease the swelling- usually TIME alone will take care of it. Just be patient and your body will resolve the swelling on its own. Sometimes it make take up to 3 months for the swelling to fully resolve. Take Care.
Can my uneven side of my lip be changed with fillers?
Asymmetry of lips and fillers
Nov 30, 2016
Greetings. You definitely have a minimal amount of asymmetry of your lips, but just based on this picture, you seem to have slight asymmetry on the entire right side of your face. Even when I look at your nose- the right nostril is smaller than the left nostril and the right cheek is slightly smaller than the left side. It is common for most people to have mild asymmetries between one side of their face when you compare it to the other. Overall, I think that fillers may be helpful-…
Nose whistling at night – why?
Nasal whistling
Nov 29, 2016
That’s a great question. There are a variety of reasons that you may be whistling through your nose at night. If you have had previous nasal surgery- there could be a septal perforation (a hole in the septum) which is causing this sound as air flows from one nostril to the other. If you have never had nasal surgery- you may have a deviated septum which is causing this. In any case, it would make sense for you to be seen by a board certified physician who specializes in nasal surgery and…
After a chin implant is removed, can a filler or fat be placed into the empty pocket to fix any chin
Chin implant
Nov 28, 2016
That’s a great question. What is it about the chin implant that you do not like in specific? I would think long and hard about whether to remove it, as you had it placed in the first place. Also, it depends on how recessed your chin is. There are other options, such as genioplasty where your own jaw bone can be cut and brought forward. This is often performed instead of a chin implant to bring the mandible forward. Usually for chin augmentation a genioplasty or a chin implant…
Can I still get a BBL and breast augmentation after finding out I have hyperthyroidism?
Hyperthyroidism and Surgery
Nov 28, 2016
If your hyperthyroidism was just diagnosed this may need to take precedence over your elective surgery. You will need to obtain medical clearance from your primary physician prior to undergoing your BBL and breast augmentation. Depending on your primary care physician, he or she may also decide to send you to an endocrinologist. If your primary physician clears you for surgery- do not forget to let your anesthesiologist know about your hyperthyroidism the morning of surgery. If…
Can vertical chin height be increased with fillers?
vertical chin height and fillers
Nov 25, 2016
Greetings. That’s a great question. Facial fillers of any kind (hyaluronic acid based fillers or calcium based fillers) will increase the vertical height of the chin to some degree, although minimal. It all depends on the amount of augmentation you are interested in and your baseline. Vertical chin height can be altered by placing a chin implant or it can be altered by bringing your actual chin/jaw into a different position. Sometimes depending on your overall anatomy orthognathic (jaw)…
Is there any way to make my face fat go down/ look less babyish?
Baby face (buccal fat)
Nov 24, 2016
Greetings. That’s a great question. There is a procedure call a buccal fat reduction- where the fat that is located in the lower cheek region can be removed through an incision made on the inside of your mouth. Removing this fat pad would help give you a slimmer face. Although I would be very hesitant in you undergoing such a procedure, as it is irreversible, and you are very young. My advice would be to wait a few years. I think that within a few years, your face will slimmer up…
Can I have surgery with anxiety/white coat syndrome?
Rhinoplasty and Anxiety
Nov 24, 2016
It is very normal to have anxiety when you are at the doctor’s office and especially the morning of the surgery. The anesthesiologist will evaluate you the morning of your surgery and will medicate you accordingly. You may be given some anti-anxiety medication prior to being taken back to the operating room. You will be monitored throughout your surgery (blood pressure and pulse) and following your surgery. Let your surgeon and anesthesiologist know your situation.

Good Luck with your surgery!

Pregnancy after a preventative mastectomy?
Pregnancy after preventative double mastectomy
Nov 24, 2016
Greetings. That’s a great question. It is very courageous that you are taking your health into your own hands and undergoing a preventative double mastectomy. I think that a nipple sparing type of mastectomy with immediate implant reconstruction is the ideal scenario. The actual surgery should have no effect on your hormone levels or your fertility. The only question is that even with a nipple sparing mastectomy- there may still be a minimal amount of breast tissue left behind and…

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Last updated on 11/24/2023