Dr Michael Zacharia Rhinoplasty Cost

Name: Philip Michael, MBBCh, FRACS, FRCS(Ed)
Last name: Michael
Began aesthetic medicine in: 2008
Years experience: 12
Primary Specialty: Otolaryngologist
Website: https://www.drphilipmichael.com/
Business: Dr Philip Michael, Rhinology and Facial Plastic Surgery
Address: Ste. 8.5, Level 8, Danks Wing, Epworth Hospital
Address suite: 89 Bridge Rd., Richmond
City: Melbourne
Zip Code: VIC 3121
Country: AU
Statement: Dr Michael practices in Melbourne at the Epworth Hospital, Richmond, Cabrini Hospital, Malvern and 46 Clyde Road in Berwick. A current referral from your family practitioner is required and appointments can be made by contacting the clinic receptionist.
Consulting Fees: -1$
Has Sponsored Offer : No

Primary location
Location name: Melbourne
State: 07
Country: AU
Map point: -37.8413,144.977005

RealSelf Info

Rating: 5.0
Profile views: 2369
Answer count: 32
Review count: 19
5 star count: 19
Total star count: 19
Star rating: 4.2409610943886
Lead count last three months: 8
Anonymous votes: 0
Offer count: 0

Philip Michael, MBBCh, FRACS, FRCS(Ed)

Profile created: Oct 9, 2017
Profile modified: Jun 28, 2020
Profile promotion: Yes
Profile inactive: No
Premier status: Preferred
Tier: Free-Claimed
RealCare Promise: No
Directory link: Specialist Otolaryngologist
RealSelf’s PRO: Yes
Doctor Designation Start Time: Mar 20, 2018
Doctor Designation End Time: Jan 1, 2033


  • Melbourne, 07, AU. GPS coordinates: -37.8413,144.977005

Latest ratings of Rhinoplasty treatment

Treatment Date
Review Title
Dec 2020
Overall rating: 5/5
Unbelievable Experience 10/10!
Oct 2020
Overall rating: 5/5
Friendly, Professional and Good Surgeon
Oct 2020
Overall rating: 5/5
Amazing Results, Best Surgeon!
Nov 2020
Overall rating: 5/5
I am just so happy my nose looks natural and I still look like me, just better
Jun 2020
Overall rating: 5/5
Professional and Caring.
Mar 2020
Overall rating: 5/5
Look No Further!
Feb 2020
Overall rating: 5/5
New Airways, New Beginning
Mar 2020
Overall rating: 5/5
Lovely Man and Amazing Results!
Mar 2020
Overall rating: 5/5
It Was an Exciting and Amazing Experience
Nov 2019
Overall rating: 5/5
Rhinoplasty/ Turbinoplasty/ Septoplasty
Oct 2019
Overall rating: 5/5
Septorhinoplasty and Turbinectomy
Jul 2019
Overall rating: 5/5
Jul 2019
Overall rating: 5/5
Painless Experience with Amazing Results
Sep 2018
Overall rating: 5/5
Could not ask for a kinder or more caring surgeon!
Sep 2018
Overall rating: 5/5
Highly Recommended.
Aug 2018
Overall rating: 5/5

Doctor’s answers about Rhinoplasty

Answer Header & Date
Answer Snippet
Would a nose job be beneficial for me?
Ideal nose?
Jul 16, 2019
Pursuing a cosmetic procedure is very much an individual decision. Whether you should undertake a rhinoplasty is primarily dependent upon how your nasal features contribute to your own self identity. For example, I have patients who contrary to what would be expected, ask for their nasal hump to be preserved as it is the same as their father’s. Hence, a cookie cutter approach can give an operated effect rather than a more natural result that fits and complements your own face. That said, in…
Is it possible to refine my bulbous nose?
Thick nasal tip skin, bulbous nasal tip
Jul 14, 2019
Many thanks for your enquiry. A reduction rhinoplasty can be undertaken for your concerns. If you do have thick skin, however much the inner structure of the nose is reduced, there is a limitation upon how much smaller the size of the nasal tip can be made. In particular, your nasal tip cartilages (termed lower lateral cartilages) appear a little more curved and tilted upwards. While this can be done by closed techniques through suture techniques, open approach techniques provide…
Is a rhinoplasty suitable for my nose shape?
Dorsal hump
Jul 10, 2019
Many thanks for your query. Your profile view can certainly addressed through a rhinoplasty. With respect to difficulty, there are are few rhinoplasty cases that are easy. In your case, I suspect that you will need grafting termed spreader grafts to support your nasal dorsum after removal of the hump. However, your nasal tip cartilages appear broader and lengthened together with thicker skin which would impact upon the result obtained as addressing these would be a consideration for…
8 years post-op from open septorhinoplasty and experiencing severe breathing difficulties through
Alar collapse
Apr 11, 2019
Thank you for your question. Your symptoms are suggestive of alar collapse where breathing in causes a negative pressure and the side walls of your nose to collapse. This can be because your nasal septum was not straightened and there is a residual twist to narrow the nasal passage and cause the airflow issues.However, if you had surgery to your nasal tip, it is possible that the cartilage supporting your nostrils was resected (cephalic trim of lower lateral cartilages). Whilst this can…
My lateral crura was cut/trimmed, are there ways to reverse this?
pinched nasal tip
Aug 4, 2018
Thank you for your question. The way you describe your nose does sound as if your lateral crura have been cut. While this can make for an initial improvement, as the overlying skin contracts, the loss of structural support can manifest in the ways that you describe. There are various techniques that can improve things which usually involve strengthening the trimmed cartilages with grafts. It would be worthwhile consulting with someone who is experienced in undertaking revision…
Why does my nose look so different (points down) when I smile with teeth showing vs normal restin
nose tipping down
Aug 4, 2018
Dear Rachel, Thank you for your question. The nose is most likely tipping downwards due to the action of a muscle (depressor sept nasi) that is just under your upper lip and joins to the wall between your two nostrils (the septum). During a rhinoplasty procedure, this muscle can be separated which helps to reduce how much the nose droops. Best Wishes.
Is there a technique to push the nostrils out in revision rhinoplasty?
nostril size
Jun 24, 2018
Thank you for your question. The shape of the nostrils is determined to a large extent by the cartilages the form the nostril perimeter. If the nostrils need to pushed to the tip, it may mean that the tip cartilages need to be changed by adjusting the shape of the domes. This can be done either through a rhinoplasty approach but you would need assessment to determine whether this is appropriate in your scenario. Best Wishes
Revision rhinoplasty required. Please help! I had open rhinoplasty 8 years ago and tip is dented.
revision surgery
Jun 24, 2018
Dear Suzie, thank you for your question and the photos which are very helpful. The issues with the shape of your nose I think relate mainly to your alar cartilages. You can see them illustrated in a diagram if your click this link. I suspect that when you had your initially surgery, the outermost parts of this cartilage were trimmed and this has resulted in loss of the support to your nose. Doing this can often be pleasing initially but as healing occurs, the skin tends to put…
Rhinoplasty swelling, bridge has gone down now after 2 and a half months post but tip apparently
swelling after rhinoplasty
Jun 24, 2018
Dear Lucy. Thank you for your question. Swelling is notorious after rhinoplasty and you will see changes over time which will be more dramatic initially but can extend over months or perhaps years and so it would be entirely reasonable to wait for the tip swelling to settle as your doctor has suggested.

Latest Before And After Rhinoplasty Photos

Last updated on 12/25/2020