Dr. Kim Rhinoplasty Cost

Name: Haena Kim MD, FACS
Last name: Kim
Began aesthetic medicine in: 2012
Years experience: 8
Primary Specialty: Facial Plastic Surgeon
Website: https://drhaenakim.com/
Business: Dr. Haena Kim Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Address: 106 La Casa Via
Address suite: Ste. 200
Phone: (925) 301-9007
International phone number: +19253019007
City: Walnut Creek
State: California
Zip Code: 94598
Country: US
Statement: Dr. Haena Kim is board certified in head and neck surgery and fellowship trained in facial plastic and reconstructive surgery. Dr. Kim devotes her plastic surgery Walnut Creek practice exclusively to the beautification and reconstruction of the face and neck.
Consulting Fees: -1$
Has Sponsored Offer : No

Special Offers
Offer #1: Galderma Offer
Special Offer Treatments: Restylane, Sculptra Aesthetic, Dysport, Restylane Silk, Restylane Lyft, Restylane Refyne, Restylane Defyne
End Time: 12/31/2020
Detail: Sign up for Aspire Galderma Rewards prior to your appointment to receive $20 off on each treatment listed below: Dysport®, Restylane® family, Sculptra® Aesthetic.
Primary location
Location name: Walnut Creek
State: CA
Country: US
Map point: 37.9063,-122.064003

RealSelf Info

  • NIH NIDCD T32 Pre-Doctoral Training Grant. University of Pittsburgh Otolaryngology Department. Project Title: Combination Tumor Antigen Targeted Immunotherapy in Human Papilloma Virus Positive (HPV+) Head and Neck Cancer.
  • American Academy of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery Foundation / The Alcon Foundation of Resident Research Grant. Project Title: Bacterial Inhibition by Innate Antimicrobials in Chronic Rhinosinusitis.

Rating: 4.9
Profile views: 4033
Answer count: 66

Haena Kim MD, FACS

Review count: 17
4 star count: 1
5 star count: 15
Total star count: 16
Star rating: 4.0905423337135
Lead count last three months: 9
Anonymous votes: 0
Offer count: 1
Profile created: Jun 16, 2014
Profile modified: Jan 23, 2020
Profile photo modified: Feb 21, 2020
Profile promotion: Yes
Profile inactive: No
Premier status: Profile Plus
Tier: Pro
RealCare Promise: No
Directory link: Board Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon
RealSelf’s PRO: Yes
Doctor Designation Start Time: Mar 26, 2018
Doctor Designation End Time: Jan 1, 2033


  • Walnut Creek, CA, US. GPS coordinates: 37.9063,-122.064003

Latest ratings of Rhinoplasty treatment

Treatment Date
Review Title
Apr 2020
Overall rating: 5/5
Thanks Dr. Kim!
Jan 2020
Overall rating: 5/5
The Best of the Best
Jul 2019
Overall rating: 5/5
Amazing experience! Dr. Kim fixed everything inside and gave me a much prettier cosmetic nose!

Doctor’s answers about Rhinoplasty

Answer Header & Date
Answer Snippet
Is this uneven swelling, will the front of my columella even out and drop a bit within time? (photos
post op swelling
Feb 7, 2019
4 weeks is incredibly early after a rhinoplasty. Based on your photos there is a considerable amount of swelling and this can alter structures that may have been left alone.
It is incredibly difficult to be patient after a rhinoplasty for the final results, but it can oftentimes take up to a year for the nose to settle down. Make sure to continue with icing and regular follow up visits with your surgeon.
1 week rhinoplasty : putting pressure on the nose to make it straight, what are you thoughts?
taping and pressure to help a nose heal straight
Dec 21, 2018
There can be a tremendous amount of swelling after a rhinoplasty, especially after the cast is removed. Unfortunately, even the nose does not swell the same on one side as it can on the other and asymmetry during the healing period is incredibly common. Taping is a very common and effective technique to encourage the swelling to stay to a minimum as prolonged swelling leads to scar tissue if not adequately addressed. This is why so many rhinoplasty surgeons insist on icing as much as…
Would it be possible to get the old nose tip back?
getting old nose back
Dec 21, 2018
I’m sorry that you are unhappy with your result from your surgery. Healing from any procedure is an emotional experience and can be hard to navigate.
It’s difficult to give someone back their “old nose”, exactly the way it was before as cartilage has been reshaped and in some cases removed entirely. If you are trying to soften the appearance of the tip of your nose you will likely require cartilage and soft tissue grafting from your ear and/or temporalis fascia to build the tip back up…
Is my nose tip too high after rhinoplasty? 3.5 months post-op
rotated nasal tip
Dec 14, 2018
A columellar strut graft can come down a bit more as it is not secured to your septal cartilage. You do have thicker nasal skin which holds onto swelling longer than someone with thinner skin. You’re still fairly early in the post op period and I would recommend giving your nose the time to heal. Remember, it takes up to a year sometimes even a year a half to completely heal from a rhinoplasty.
Possible to get protruding columella and infratip after tip being over shortened? What cartilage is
protruding infratip and columella
Sep 6, 2018
The changes to your nose are visible, but a revision rhinoplasty will not guarantee a return of your original nose. From your pictures I do not see a mid-columellar incision, but these frequently heal so well they are almost invisible post operatively. You could have cartilage grafts placed in the desired area, but I would say rib would not be necessary for these changes. If you still have nasal septal cartilage in place, you could use this or your ear cartilage. If you decide to…
When will my alar crease be evident after rhinoplasty?
alar crease
Sep 6, 2018
The are around the tip of the nose can hold on to post operative swelling for a frustratingly long time. While the initial healing and majority of swelling after a rhinoplasty calms down at a reasonable pace, the full results can take from one to one and a half years depending on amount of surgery, skin thickness, and if it was a revision or not. The key is to be patient with the healing process! You’ve made it through the hard part already!

Latest Before And After Rhinoplasty Photos

Last updated on 12/24/2020