Dr Dayan Rhinoplasty Cost

Nose Job By Doctor Dayan, Chicago, Illinois

This young lady’s nose is short and drooping in her before picture. The convex bridge causes her face to appear small and round. Her nasal starting point is located at the lowest point of the bridge between the eyes and is shallow. By placing a radix graft (which is a small piece of soft cartilage) on the bridge between her eyes the nose seems raised up ever so slightly and starts at a higher point. It also means that less of the hump has to be removed, so less surgery is necessary. Afterwards, the nose appears longer and more elegant.

The tip’s projection is also slightly increased and rotated upwards so that the tip becomes the leading feature on the face. Also notice the area where the lip attaches to the nose, before surgery is was projecting out away from the face and looks almost web like. Afterwards it is reduced and improves the overall appearance of her nose. Additionally it makes the angle under the nose open up a little bit, in this patients case about 110 degrees. For a female a more open or rotated nose looks a little more attractive and feminine. Where as with a male we may be more likely to keep that angle around 90 degrees.

(Jan 1, 1970)