Doctor Sturm Otolaryngologist in Ames, Iowa 50010

Name: Lindsay Sturm, DO
Last name: Sturm
Began aesthetic medicine in: 2018
Years experience: 5
Primary Specialty: Otolaryngologist
Business: Sturm Cosmetic Surgery
Address: 2722 Aspen Rd.
Address suite: Ste. 101/102
Phone: +1 515-292-2480
City: Ames
State: Iowa
Zip Code: 50010
Country: US
Consulting Fees: 0$
Has Sponsored Offer : No

Clinical Privileges
  • Marina del Rey Hospital, Marina del Rey, California

GPS coordinates on map: 42.0504576,-93.6460471

Primary location
Location name: Ames
State: IA
Country: US
Map point: 42.0229,-93.62680054

Lindsay Sturm, DO

  • Botox
  • Brow Lift
  • Chemical Peel
  • Chin Implant
  • Chin Liposuction
  • CO2 Laser
  • Dermal Fillers
  • Dermaplaning
  • Ear Surgery
  • Earlobe Repair
  • Eyelid Surgery
  • Facelift
  • Hand Rejuvenation
  • Laser Hair Removal
  • Latisse
  • Lip Fillers
  • Lip Implants
  • Lip Lift
  • Liposculpture
  • Lower Facelift
  • Microneedling
  • RHA Collection Fillers
  • Rhinoplasty
  • Scar Removal
  • Septoplasty
  • Skin Rejuvenation
  • SkinCeuticals
  • SkinMedica

RealSelf Info

Profile views: 585
Answer count: 143
Review count: 0
Star rating: 2.0473720558371
Anonymous votes: 0
Offer count: 0
Profile created: Feb 8, 2019
Profile modified: Aug 28, 2021
Profile promotion: No
Profile inactive: No
Premier status: Free
Tier: Free-Unclaimed
RealCare Promise: No
Directory link: Board Certified Otolaryngologist
RealSelf’s PRO: No
Doctor Designation Start Time: Feb 26, 2019
Doctor Designation End Time: Jan 1, 2033


  • Ames, IA, US. GPS coordinates: 42.0229,-93.62680054

Latest ratings of treatments

  • Laser Resurfacing (Jul 2019) – Overall rating: 5/5
  • Laser Resurfacing (Jul 2019) – Overall rating: 5/5
  • Laser Resurfacing (Jul 2019) – Overall rating: 5/5
  • Laser Resurfacing (Jul 2019) – Overall rating: 5/5
  • Laser Resurfacing (Jul 2019) – Overall rating: 5/5
  • Laser Resurfacing (Jul 2019) – Overall rating: 5/5

Practice Locations

Name & Website
Sturm Cosmetic Surgery,
2722 Aspen Rd.Ste. 101/102, Ames, Iowa, US, 50010 (GPS coordinates: 42.0504576,-93.6460471)
(515) 292-2480
Working Hours
Created / Modified
Feb 5, 2020 / May 22, 2021

Doctor’s answers

Answer Header & Date
Answer Snippet
What should be done to fix my chin implant and can it be repositioned?
chin implant
Sep 19, 2019
Great question, thank you! If you are concerned about your chin, I would definitely recommend scheduling an in-person consultation with a provider in your area to discuss your concerns and goals. If you feel comfortable with returning to the surgeon that placed the implant at your original surgery I would do so as well. You can take the implant out and fillers are a great option for chins! Often times though it can take several syringes of filler to improve the…
I have a scar on my foot from an accident one year ago. How can I remove it?
Sep 19, 2019
Great question, thank you! When it comes to scars there are a few things that you may do. The simplest is a cream or oil to help reduce the scar. These work very well for new scars that are in the early stages of healing, however they may not work as well for scars that are considered mature (scars you have had for several years). You can also try microneedling either a traditional microneedling pen or a microneedling system with radio frequency. I would also…
3 months post-op and one ear has re-protruded – do I have to pay again?
Sep 19, 2019
Good question, thank you! Often times surgeons/practices will have a revision policy in place for things like this. I recommend returning to your surgeon to discuss your concerns and to see if there is a revision policy in place or if he/she would revise the area at a reduced cost. You may also seek a second opinion, yet you would most likely be charged for another surgery. Thanks again for your question. Best wishes, Dr. Lindsay J Sturm
Can fat grafting solve my asymmetrical hollowness and make my eyelids match?
Tear trough deformity
Aug 27, 2019
Great question, thank you! Often times a lower blepharoplasty is combined with adding volume back into the midface (either fat or filler). The cause of a well defined tear trough deformity is two fold; 1. you lose volume in the midface due to fat atrophy and the fat pads shifting/descending lower in the face which makes the junction between lower eyelid and cheek more noticeable, 2. fat around the orbit begins to protrude a bit more as the tissue around the eye become more lax….
Is it possible to get deviated septum surgery and adenoids removed in the same day?
septum and adenoids
Aug 27, 2019
Great question thank you! If your nasal obstruction is caused by your septal deviation, a septoplasty will be of great benefit to help you alleviate this obstruction. Yet in regards to snoring or sinus infections, it may not completely alleviate or resolve these issues. Often times, a septoplasty is performed to help improve compliance with a CPAP machine. If snoring is your biggest concern, I would suggest seeing a sleep specialist and possibly getting a sleep study…
Which procedure would you recommend to get rid of fat under chin and get a defined jaw?
Submental fat and defined jaw
Aug 27, 2019
Great question, thank you! One of the best treatment modalities out on the market right now is a machine called Facetite (also known as Bodytite if used on the body) by Inmode aesthetics. This machine uses radiofrequency to heat the tissues directly underneath your skin. This heat causes a contraction of that tissue over the next several weeks to months and what you are left with is an incredibly defined jaw line. This treatment is complimented by performing a…
What can I do about vaginal lumpy scarring from stitches after giving birth?
Aug 26, 2019
Great question thank you! First of all I am sorry to hear you are experiencing this. When we look at scars, we have found that they take on average, 9-12 months to fully mature. The scars often begin very lumpy, bumpy as the collagen that is initially laid down is a type 3 collagen which is very disorganized. Over the course of several months, your body will remodel this collagen and begin to lay down type 1 collagen which is much more organized. As this happens…
Is there anything I can do to make holes/indents around my mouth and chin after Pixel C02 laser bette
holes/indents on your face
Aug 26, 2019
Great question, thank you! A series of microneedling with radio frequency (and PRP) treatments are a great way to help improve the appearance of scarring such as those caused by acne or previous treatments. Microneedling is a great way to increase your collagen production and improve your skin tone, laxity, and scarring. I recommend scheduling an in-person consultation with a provider to discuss your goals and your concerns to determine a treatment plan which is going to…
What are my face treatment options? Threads, fillers, plasma under eyes?
face treatments
Aug 26, 2019
This is a great question, thank you! As we age what tends to happen is we lose a lot of our facial volume. The fat pads in our mid face begin to atrophy and they also lose a lot of their support/foundation so they begin to drop. This creates a hollowness in the midface, a more prominent valley between your lower eyelids and your cheek junction (known as a tear trough deformity) and prominent nasolabial folds. Often times a combination approach is the best way to help…
Would I need a closed or open rhinoplasty to address a bulbous tip, crooked nose bridge, and projecti
Aug 21, 2019
Great question, thank you! If you were just trying to fix the crooked nasal dorsum, that is often something you can do as a closed procedure. Yet when we look at fixing the nasal tip or projection, it requires re-shaping the cartilage. To do this, it is best to use an open approach so that you are able to visualize the cartilage to help with re-shaping it. It is a very small incision along your columella which heals very well and is often inconspicuous. I…
How many times do I need Botox in my chewing muscles before I get permanent results, or do I need inj
Botox to your chewing muscles
Aug 21, 2019
Great question thank you! Often times it takes several injections to see a atrophy of these muscles and a slimming of your jaw line. Unfortunately botox is not permanent, the injections do wear off over a period of time and do require repeat injections if you like look. Often over time with repeated use, you don’t require as much per each injection or injections as frequent. Thanks again for your question. Best wished, Dr. Lindsy J Sturm
Thoughts on doing submandibular reduction as part of neck lift/lower face lift? I have a thin face an
submandibular gland excision
Aug 21, 2019
Great question, thank you! The best way to determine if your submandibular glands are ptotic and contributing to some submental fullness is an in person exam. From your photo though, it doesn’t appear to me that you have any fullness from a ptotic submandibular gland and would thus not benefit from an excision of this gland. I would however do some liposuction in this region along with your lower face and neck lift. You could also try microneedling with…
How long before/after rhinoplasty can I get hair above my lips laser removed?
LHR and rhinoplasty
Jul 22, 2019
Great question, thank you! Getting your upper lip treated before your surgery is not a problem and will not affect your surgery at all. In regards to having that area treated after your surgery I suggest waiting at least one week to allow the split (if one is placed) or tape to be removed. This also allows the pain to decrease and some of the swelling to diminish. While getting your upper lip hair treated immediately after your surgery will not affect your surgery or…
Can laser hair removal damage lips?
Laser hair removal and lips
Jul 17, 2019
Great question, thank you! Every laser has a specific target or chromophore. The lasers typically used for laser hair reduction target the pigment (or melanin) in the hair or the vessels which supply the hair follicle. They should not affect your lips. With that being said, you can get a burn mark on your lip if the laser is too hot, yet it doesn’t sound like this has happened to you. In regards to filler and lasers, the depth at which filler should be…
What is more effective: injections or microneedleing when administering PRP?
microneedling versus injection of PRP
Jul 16, 2019
Great question, thank you! Both are great options. Microneedling has the added benefit of increasing collagen production and helping to further improve your skin tone and texture. Microneedling also has the added benefit of helping to tighten skin and improve skin tone and texture. Both take a series of treatments, yet I think for the most bang for your buck you would be very happy with the microneedling and PRP combo versus the PRP injections alone. Thanks…

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Last updated on 11/24/2023