Bulbous Tip Rhinoplasty Procedure

A bulbous nose can be reduced in size by refining the nasal tip through removal and suturing and sculpting the tip cartilages.

This can be done with sutures, cartilage grafting to refine the tip but still remain the original character of the nose.

The nasal bones can be narrowed through osteotomies, which will balance the tip out as well.

If the rhinoplasty has been performed correctly, it will not look weird and will balance out with the remainder of the facial features.

Please see the link below to see how we have addressed the bulbous tip in our rhinoplasty practice (William Portuese, MD, Seattle Facial Plastic Surgeon)

The goal for any rhinoplasty is to achieve natural results. This applies to changes to the tip. A bulbous tip can be refined using common tip techniques.

The surgeon must acknowledge the strength and shape of the tip cartilages along with the skin type. (Edward S. Kwak, MD, Manhattan Facial Plastic Surgeon)

The key here is to do enough to the right elements ( thick skin, enlarged lower lateral cartilages) in just the right amount so as to thin the look of the nose but to AVOID the done or unatural look of a rhinoplasty.

This means you may have to settle for less especially if very thick skin is the major problem.

Male rhinoplasty for bulbous tip

I prefer to remove as little cartilage as possible and just reshape what is there and use it for support to thin and accentuate shapes in the tip of the nose. Skin thinning is essential but must be done carefully so as not to harm the nose (Richard Galitz, MD, FACS, Miami Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Rhinoplasty today can produce very natural results

Rhinoplasty can produce very pleasing and natural results and is indeed performed with greater precision than in the past. The language that we use to describe the shape and appearance of the nose is very imprecise however. Terms such as bulbous can be confusing to both patient and surgeon.

I have found the best way to bridge the gap between description of the nose and the actual appearance is through computer imaging.

Rhinoplasty for bulbous tip natural results

The computer can’t show exactly what result can be obtained, but it can make it very clear what a change in the bridge of the nose, or a change in the tip of the nose could look like. This is much more tangible an understanding than a statement that the tip will be more refined, or the nose will appear smaller.

Start with a board certified plastic surgeon and suggest an image of the suggested changes or outcome. I hope you have a pleasant surprize. And there is no risk! (Peter E. Johnson, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)

Bulbous has become a very generic term to describe a poorly defined and generally large tip. In individuals with very thick skin, this can be a challenging problem. However, your skin type and general overall structure are compatible with a very satisfactory outcome. Seek a couple of consultations and review your options. (Otto Joseph Placik, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)

Absolutely possible to have good nasal surgery results

Rhinoplasty for bulbous tip nose

Nasal surgery is designed to improve the appearance of the nose by created a balance between the different components. These components are the the tip, the dorsum (or bridge), and the radix (the top of the nose just below the eyebrows). In order to properly analyze the nose, it is important to view the different aspects of the nose. At a minimum the surgeon should analyze the frontal view, the side view, the oblique view, and the inferior view.

The are excellent approaches designed to address the “bulbous” nose. However, since the nose has many components, balance is more important than any single component alone. An example of poor balance in the nose is the nose of Michael Jackson. When looking at his face, you are immediately drawn to the nose which is out of balance and is not in harmony with his face. Many patients know that they don’t like a certain part of their nose, but they often don’t consider the interrelationships of the different components.

Our patients often find that no one has identified that they have had a “nose job”. Instead people comment on their improved overall appearance. Frequently assuming that their make-up is better, or their hair style is improved, or they look well rested. This is a true sign of successful nasal surgery. By bringing the nose into better balance, you can improve your look without drawing attention to the nose. Good luck with your procedure. (A. Peter Salas, MD, Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)

Bulbous tip rhinoplasty is a type of rhinoplasty that can be done by opening the nose or with a closed approach but only deals with the lower third of the nose, or specifically the tip.

This means there is no narrowing of the bridge or hump that needs to be removed and only tip work is necessary which is fairly rare.

Some patients come to our consultation thinking they want only their tip reduced, but you have to imagine what the rest of the nose will look like with that reduced tip.will it be balanced with the rest? Will your new tip fit the remaining facial features?

These are important questions your plastic surgeon will be answering for you. (Mike Majmundar, MD, Atlanta Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Bulbous tip rhinoplasty is no different from other types of rhinoplasty. This type of rhinoplasty is focused to just treat the tip region of the nose, and not the bridge or other parts of the nose.

In general, a tip rhinoplasty helps to: Reduces a bulbous tipReshape a boxy tip. Any other modifications that need to be done to improve or refine the tip. Typically it is best to do it as an open approach. (Amir M. Karam, MD, San Diego Facial Plastic Surgeon)

What is a nose tip rhinoplasty

Bulbous tip rhinoplasty generally refers to reshaping the bottom third of the nose – the nasal tip.

The nasal tip, formed by a pair of cartilages, is intimately related to the upper two thirds of the nose as well as the nasal septum. Most individuals seeking rhinoplasty require balancing of all aspects of the nose to achieve the most pleasing appearance of the nose.

For most patients, performing a tip plasty alone would be less than optimal because the other aspects of the nose that need to addressed in order to be harmonious with the new tip would be ignored. (Thomas E. Kaniff, MD, FACS, Sacramento Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Bulbous tip rhinoplasty can be a great option…

The tip of the nose is a very complex structure, and sometimes improvement of this area can make a great difference in the shape of the entire nose. The nose may look like it has a bump, when in reality, the tip is just small and droopy.

Nose tip rhinoplasty, or “tip-plasty” can improve just the tip in relation to the other structures of the nose. The benefit of this is a quicker recovery time because the nasal bones are not manipulated. This is a option in only a small amount of people, however, because usually some work on the nasal bridge is necessary.

Be sure to discuss all your thoughts during consultation to come up with the best solution. (Andrew Miller, MD, Edison Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Bulbous tip rhinoplasty involves only manipulation of the nasal tip

When someone is generally happy with his or her nasal bridge (i.e. the bridge height, width, straightness, etc. are all satisfactory) and has concerns isolated to the nasal tip, we may suggest nose tip rhinoplasty. This refers to a rhinoplasty procedure confined to shaping of the nasal tip.

This can be appropriate when someone’s tip is too wide, boxy, undefined, projected, asymmetric or droopy. This is still a rhinoplasty, but because the bridge and nasal bones are not being addressed, recovery will often be a little quicker than with a full rhinoplasty.

In nose tip rhinoplasty, the tip cartilages are often reshaped and/or reduced. We prefer to do this through an open approach which allows better access and control to set the tip exactly as the patient wants. It also allows us to better increase tip support so that, over the long term, your nose stays exactly as imaged. (Jason Litner, MD, Beverly Hills Facial Plastic Surgeon)

At times, patients have no cosmetic issues in the upper third (boney nose) or middle third of the nose (adjacent to the upper lateral cartilages).

These patients essentially have cartilage irregularities in the tip only. The tip size and shape are mostly related to the underlying lower lateral cartilages.

The height of the tip is defined by the septum toward the tip. Both the septum and the lower lateral cartilages may be adjusted in a number of ways to achieve aesthetic goals. This may be done with internal or external incisions depending on a number of patient factors. Because it is less invasive than a classic rhinoplasty, it is generally less expensive, and usually carries less risks of swelling and down-time. Obviously it is limited in that the patients are not changing the bridge of the nose in any way. (Todd Christopher Hobgood, MD, Phoenix Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Bulbous tip refinement can be accomplished by an experienced rhinoplasty surgeon without making you look operated on or “different.”

Under the best of circumstances, nobody will be able to tell you had a rhinoplasty, just that you look better for some unknown reason. (Richard P. Rand, MD, FACS, Seattle Plastic Surgeon)

Rhinoplasty bulbous tip is very precise these days

Rhinoplasty surgery has evolved tremendously in the last 3 decades. We now specifically address characteristics of the nose and concentrate more on preserving and augmenting the nasal structures rather than removing everything.

Your nose does not appear particularly bulbous, but the terminology is somewhat superfluous, as a board certified plastic surgeon or facial plastic surgeon can effectively address your concerns and correct them. (Kenneth R. Francis, MD, FACS, Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)

Rhinoplasty techniques for improving bulbous tip

Rhinoplasty techniques address three key areas of the nose, including the bulbous tip, the cartilaginous dorsum, and the nasal bones. The decision to change these elements surgically should be determined by your individual preferences and the recommendations of a board certified plastic surgeon.

Rhinoplasty in your particular case, may address your tip, but consideration to the bony and cartilaginous dorsum should be made to add harmony to your face and nose. (Raffy Karamanoukian, MD, FACS, Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon)

There are changes that can be made to your nose which will make a nice difference for you without looking “done” or unnatural. Bulbous tip can be refined with partial trim of your lower lateral cartilages and with slight narrowing of your nasal bones. You did not provide a lateral picture. If you do, we may be able to comment on changes that can be made to your profile view with rhinoplasty as well. (David Shafer, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)

Rhinoplasty without looking weird is possible

The goal of plastic surgery in my opinion is that it should “whisper and not shout” ™. In consultation with your plastic surgeon, discuss your concerns and desires. The procedure is done from the inside of the nose and you can focus on just the bulbous tip, or the entire nose. If your friends notice anything at all, they usually say: “Did you change your hairstyle?” Or , “Have you been working out lately?” Or, “Have you lost weight ?” (Darrick E. Antell, MD, Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)

Fixing a Bulbous Nose is Possible

Rhinoplasty surgery has many objectives, and can address different areas of the nose. It is in short, a highly customizable procedure, that must be tailored to the patient’s needs. It is important for you to communicate honestly and openly with your surgeon your goals, and to enquire of him to be sure that you are on the same wave length. You have only one view, and it is not a standard medical photography view. With that disclaimer, I do see some fullness to the tip, some wideness to the nasal width (bones), perhaps a hump, and maybe a bit of excess columella show (the fleshy part between the nostrils from lip to nose).

Again, just a cursory look. In any event, despite these minor imperfections, you should be able to get a subtle refinement that enhances your beauty, and refines the harmony between the nose and face, without making you look weird. Remember however, your look will change even with minor changes to the nose, and that is after all why you are considering this surgery. What you really want is to change your look to the look you want! (Scott E. Kasden, MD, Dallas Plastic Surgeon)

You can get a very nice, natural improvement. Bulbous tip can be made more refined, and the balance of the nose from top to bottom improved. Keep in mind some important considerations. First, I would recommend that you choose the surgeon carefully. Rhinoplasty is delicate and difficult – perhaps the most difficult of all plastic surgery procedures. Every single patient is different; there are individual variations of the thickness of the skin and soft tissue, the size, shape, and resilience of the cartilages, even the aesthetic preferences of the individual. I would advise you to see more than one person in consultation. Choose a board certified surgeon who dedicates a substantial portion of his or her practice to rhinoplasty – at least a couple of cases per week. Next, make sure that you go in with realistic expectations. A talented and experienced surgeon will consistently get very nice improvement with their rhinoplasties. However, perfection is never acheived. You need to be comfortable with this risk going in. Finally, you need to be patient. It takes time for the final result to manifest as the swelling goes down and healing occurs up to a year. (Patrick Byrne, MD, Baltimore Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Reduction of the bulbous tip can be done without having an unnatural look. Please do your homework and get more than one consultation . Ask for board certified plastic surgeon.

Make sure to ask for multiple before and after pictures. (Kamran Khoobehi, MD, New Orleans Plastic Surgeon)

If a bulbous nose is made smaller and more defined, if done conservatively it should improve the look and put emphasis on the eyes instead of the nose.

Therefore this should not make the face look weird. (Thomas Romo, III, MD, FACS, Manhattan Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Reducing a Bulbous Tip with rhinoplasty

A bulbous nose can be reduced while maintaining a natural look. Modifications are made by removing some of the excessive cartilage and by putting sutures in the bulbous cartilages to bend them into a narrower, more revised shape. (Jonathan Pontell, MD, FACS, Philadelphia Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Reducing a bulbous tip is a very common request and one that is performed weekly in our practice. The biggest fear of reducing a bulbous tip is getting a tip that’s too narrow or pinched.

Alternatively, you don’t want the nose to be too small for your face so that also is a common fear. When done properly, it can look very natural and can balance the remainder of your facial features.

First, find a surgeon who is board certified and specializes in plastic surgery of the face. Then narrow down the surgeons who do rhinoplasties. Visit them and discuss your concerns before choosing one. (Mike Majmundar, MD, Atlanta Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Changing your nasal tip

A large and bulbous nasal tip is a very common nasal cosmetic complaint, and refining a tip is a common maneuver performed in rhinoplasty. It can be done via a closed or open approach. Consult with several rhinoplasty surgeons, and go with the one you are most comfortable with. (Clyde Mathison, MD, Knoxville Otolaryngologist)

Reshaping Bulbous Nose without Altering Face

Reducing a bulbous tip is likely to have implications on the way you look. This doesn’t, however, mean that your new look will be “weird.” With a good surgeon and with good patient-doctor communication, your new nose can in fact come out looking as you expected.

Many surgeons, including myself, have offices equipped with computer imaging technology that allows the doctor to construct a virtual image of how the patient’s new nose is likely to turn out.

If you have an idea of how a nose job can alter your appearance, you are better off deciding whether to go through with the surgery. (Sam Rizk, MD, New York Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Altering a Bulbous Tip

A bulbous tip can be the consequence wide cartilage arches or excessive soft tissues between these arches that resemble McDonnald logo. Either condition can be corrected by remodeling the involved structures and it is a common component of the bulbous tip rhinoplasty. It is important to make these alterations are done tastefully to avoid a pinched appearance or asymmetry. The goal is creation of and elegant, pleasing and natural looking tip which the most important part of the bulbous tip rhinoplasty. (Bahman Guyuron, MD, Cleveland Plastic Surgeon)

Bulbous Nose Can Be Corrected

The tip of your nose can be modified to make it less bulbous in appearance, although I must say that judging from your photo alone, your aesthetic concern is not readily apparent. Your nose is in good proportion with your face. However, an in-person consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon would help pinpoint your concern and the treatment to address it. (Jerome Edelstein, MD, Toronto Plastic Surgeon)

Rhinoplasty Surgery Goals

In many cases the goal of rhinoplasty surgery is to make the nose look better without making the nose look different. This refinement of appearance requires subtle changes that aren’t always obvious to the casual observer but dramatically impact the appearance of the patient’s nose.

When mild deformities are encountered, aesthetic goals can usually be accomplished without dramatically changing the patient’s appearance. In contrast, when major deformities exist this may not always be possible. In some cases, it may be helpful to change eyewear and hairstyles in the postoperative period. These maneuvers often trick observers into thinking that these obvious changes have made you look better without drawing attention to your nose. Even without these maneuvers, the average person will notice that you look better. The majority will probably not know why. (Richard J. Bruneteau, MD, Omaha Plastic Surgeon)

A bulbous tip can be changed without looking weird.

A bulbous tip can be reduced without looking unnatural. However, because rhinoplasty inherently changes the shape of your nose, this will affect your “look.”

The goal of bulbous tip rhinoplasty is to improve your look and make your nose less prominent, so the viewers attention goes towards your eyes and other parts of your face. The goal of rhinoplasty is to make your nose fit your face. (Richard A. Zoumalan, MD, Los Angeles Facial Plastic Surgeon)