Average rhinoplasty cost

Average rhinoplasty cost of a rhinoplasty procedure depends on the difficulty of it and the setup and place where it is performed.

Rhinoplasty is without a doubt the most complex and unpredictable of cosmetic procedures.

As a truly three dimensional procedure one can create wonderful little sculptures and use complex technical and artistic skill.

However, even after a very skilled operation quite the opposite can manifest, as scar build up and contracture as well as external trauma are out of the control of the surgeon. Some rhinoplasties take an hour to do, others take up to four hours.

Straight forwards ones will have a lower revision rate and more complex ones a higher one. A very experienced and meticulous surgeon will be able to achieve more with difficult cases and might have a lower redo rate when comparing cases of similar difficulty.

Counting merely the numbers of redos leads to wrong conclusions though as a very fuzzy surgeon might take more redos on than his colleague. A surgeon who claims to have no redos in his rhinoplasty practice needs to work harder, is in denial or has a bad memory.

A surgeon who practices in a country with low tax and little litigation will be able to make his business work with lower fees, and the patient might profit from this setup too.

Having surgery away from home might backlash though, in case that things do not go so well and the option to just go back to see your surgeon is less easy.

In my practice you will find an average rhinoplasty cost from 4K to 14K in relation to the difficulty of the procedure.

Average rhinoplasty surgery cost

This does not mean that the end result of a complex procedure looks better than the result of a more straight forward one, it is more to be understood in a way that a complex nose might not be doable at all without a certain input of time and funding.

If I may use a comparison which I often use in my practice to illustrate the connection between the difficulty of a task and the effort involved: It is easier to lift 10kg in a gym ten times than 100kg one time. (Stefan Gonschior, MD, DMD, London Facial Plastic Surgeon)

How Much Does Rhinoplasty Cost?

Average full rhinoplasty cost

Costs vary depending on your geographic area. Average rhinoplasty cost around the country run from around $4,000 to $15,000+. New Orleans costs are typically in the middle-lower end of that spectrum.

Remember, however, that you should not be bargain hunting for the doctor that you are entrusting to enhance your nasal appearance. Primary rhinoplasties (first time) generally cost less than revision rhinoplasties.

We also include all post-operative visits and treatments related to the procedure in the initial cost of the surgery. Please call our office for a consultation with me to discuss your individual needs. (Parker A. Velargo, MD, New Orleans Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Cost of rhinoplasty

Average rhinoplasty operation cost

Average rhinoplasty surgery cost is affected by not only the type and complexity of work being performed but also by geographic locale and the individual surgeon variations. The typical range for rhinoplasty surgery may vary from $5K-$15K and beyond based on these and other factors. What is much more important is to select a surgeon based on his or her experience and qualifications.

Surprising as it may seem, just because someone is labeled an “expert” on an Internet forum or advertising site does not in fact make them an expert. As in anything that is challenging or difficult, acquiring expertise in that area means one has devoted a significant amount of time, energy and effort to master and then excel in that area. Please do your research and find a surgeon with the experience and understanding to help you achieve your goals. (Tom D. Wang, MD, Portland Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Average rhinoplasty cost

Average rhinoplasty procedure cost

The cost of a rhinoplasty depends upon how much needs to be done to achieve the result. I tend to approach it as follows:

1. Tip only- $2500-$30002. Narrow nostrils-$25003. Narrow nasal bones-$25004. Reduce a hump-$25005. Cartilage graft placement – $1000-$1500 (Kevin R. Smith, MD, Houston Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Rhinoplasty (nose job) Cost in Montreal, Laval, Quebec, Canada

I do quite a number of rhinoplasty surgery and in my practice the cost differs patient to patient as my procedure differs patient to patients. I customize the procedure to best fit my patients anatomy, facial structure, nasal shape and their ultimate goals. Keeping in mind that I aim for natural and safe enhancements. The prices can range from 2500$ to $9000 (Hani Sinno, MD, Montreal Plastic Surgeon)