Average cost of nose job

Cost of rhinoplasty varies in Los Angeles

A rhinoplasty, or nose job, can vary in price from seven thousand to twenty thousand dollars depending on the degree of nasal deformity.

In Los Angeles, the top rhinoplasty surgeons charge over eight thousand for a standard nasal surgery.

In some cases, a functional nose surgery, such as a septoplasty, may be covered with insurance, but this will vary depending on the type of insurance. (Raffy Karamanoukian, MD, FACS, Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon)

Average cost of nose job is $7,000

The average cost of a nose job (or rhinoplasty) is approximately $7,000. This cost includes the operating room fee, the anesthesia doctors fee, and the surgeon’s fee.

It is best not to shop price, but look for quality. The rhinoplasty procedure is the hardest operation to perform in the field of cosmetic surgery, so it is important to get it done right the first time.

Look for a very experienced rhinoplasty surgeon. For many examples, please see the link below (William Portuese, MD, Seattle Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Costs of Nose Jobs varies from location to location

The costs of rhinoplasty or cosmetic nose surgery varies depending upon whether you are having the procedure in the Northeast or South or out west.

Average cost of nose job operation

I have seen prices in California especially LA and Beverly Hills in the 10 to 15 thousand dollar range; although I’m sure you can find others in the area that are less.

New York City tends to be around 10 to 12 thousand. In our area of upper Florida in Jacksonville the costs range from about 5500 to 7500. Our cost for example is 3500 plus 1000 facility and 750 for anesthesia for a total cost of 5250. (Scott Trimas, MD, Jacksonville Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Great variablity in Nose Job prices

Depending on what the various problems are with your nose, a rhinoplasty could cost anywhere from six to fifteen thousand dollars (this includes the cost for the operating room and anesthesia). However, there is great variability between patients.

Average cost of nose job rjinoplasty

Some portions of these procedures may be covered by your insurance plan (for obstructed airway or difficulty breathing), which could reduce your total out of pocket costs. The best way to find out all of this information is to come in for a full examination. (Kevin Brenner, MD, FACS, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon)

Cost of Nose Job

Do not shop price! That is not to say the most expensive is necessarily the best, but carefully evaluate the experience and previous results of your surgeon. The cost varies from $7,000-16,000 depending on how complicated the problem. (Richard W. Fleming, MD, Beverly Hills Facial Plastic Surgeon)

It depends on the surgeon and the extent of the surgery.

Average cost of rhinoplasty

Choose an experienced rhinoplasty surgeon and don’t try looking for a deal! The cost varies between $6000-15,000. The more complex, the more the time and the cost. (Toby Mayer, MD, Beverly Hills Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Do not select your rhinoplasty (nose) surgeon based on price

There is a tremendous range in fees for rhinoplasty. The factors involved include Geographic area in US. Northeast tends to be more expensive. Medical tourism is becoming more popular. I am seeing increasing requests for revision rhinoplasty work in patients who had their surgery abroad in the hopes of saving money. I would be very cautious unless you have done your homework and other patients have seen this surgeon. The type of rhinoplasty being performed- reducing a bump on the bridge costs less than when the entire nose including the tip is refined. Type and experience of surgeon- a plastic surgeon who tends to specialize on facial plastic surgery, in particular nasal surgery, will tend to charge more their expertise.

The average cost of nose job in LA

In my opinion, well worth it. Plastic surgeons educate other doctors at the university level also tend to have more experience and skill. Do it right the first time and save later in revision fees. primary vs revision rhinoplasty- having to revise another surgeon’s work always costs more. In summary, you will see fees ranging from $3,000 to 15,00 (Ran Y. Rubinstein, MD, Manhattan Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Rhinoplasty cost varies

Rhinoplasty costs vary by geographic area, primary vs. revision rhinoplasty, the amount of work, facility fees, and various other factors. Typical prices at my Philadelphia area practice vary from $4500 to $10000. (Kevin Ende, MD, Manhattan Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Cost of a Rhinoplasty

Average cost of nose job rhinoplasty image

The cost of a cosmetic rhinoplasty varies depending on the geographic location. Also if there are medical issues with your nose, there maybe some insurance coverage. However, in general the price can range from $4000 to $15000. In the northeast the price is more like $8000 to $15000. (Oleh Slupchynskyj, MD, FACS, New York Facial Plastic Surgeon)

The choice of surgeon is more important

Rhinoplasty has about a 15% revision rate. Sometimes the stress and cost of revision surgeries may far outweigh the expense of an primary surgery. Now that does not mean that you should pick the most expensive person in your area. Pick the best one. (Robert M. Freund, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)