Alcohol Before Rhinoplasty

It is necessary to eliminate the use of alcohol before rhinoplasty. Alcohol alters the effect of anesthesia in an unpredictable way. For some patients the standard dose of anesthesia becomes insufficient and there is a high risk to wake up under the effect of anesthesia, while for others, on the contrary, the standard dose causes an overdose, manifested by sharp depression of the cardiovascular system and respiration.

My recommendation is no alcohol with 24 hours of plastic surgery for nose. The health status plays an important role for rhinoplasty. Before rhinoplasty is important to pass a comprehensive examination of the body, including consultation of a therapist, to pass a series of tests (blood group and Rh factor, blood count, urinalysis, blood chemistry, coagulation) and instrumental investigations (ECG, after 40 years old).

In general, the result rhinoplasty is determined by two factors, the patient’s health status and the work of anesthesiologist. If before the operation in advance to take care of these two fundamentally important points anesthesia, the likelihood of successful completion of rhinoplasty will be 100%.

Take care of their health state prior to rhinoplasty, try to find a good anesthesiologist – this will be enough for a comfortable rhinoplasty and without any complications! Alcohol can affect the course of surgery in different ways, and no matter how much was consumed.

Some patients who are under the influence of alcohol, a standard dose of anesthesia is not enough, so that you can observe the patient awakening during surgery.

For others on the contrary, the standard dosage may be too large, which will contribute to the development respiratory and cardiovascular depression.

One To Two Weeks Of Alcohol Avoidance Around The Time Of Rhinoplasty Is Prudent And Reasonable

In patients taking alcoholic drinks daily, observed carbohydrate metabolism. Therefore, in such patients may develop complications to the anesthetics.

For example, withdrawal syndrome, which manifests itself in the form of inappropriate behavior or encephalopathy.

Alcoholic drinks are not recommended to drink during the day before surgery. Patients in an intoxicated state, but drinking irregularly, are in need an increased dosage of anesthetic drugs.

Because the effect of anesthetics is faster under the influence of alcohol and the risk of waking during surgery increases.

Be honest with your doctor about the use of alcohol. Tell me, how often do you drink alcohol. This is really important information.

No Alcohol With 48 Hours Of Nose Job

Drinking alcohol may affect to the operation and postoperative period. The excessive daily consumption of alcoholic beverages, and before the operation is especially, can lead to severe complications, called a abstinence.

Alcohol withdrawal is a set of unpleasant symptoms that can occur in case of failure from alcohol.

In this case, the nervous system is very sensitive to the absence of alcohol until the occurrence of psychosis with violation of consciousness, hallucinations.

Smoking and alcohol affect the course of general anesthesia and during recovery after surgery on his nose. All recommendations on the preparation before anesthesia must be followed carefully. At the doctor’s questions should be answered only the truth, it will help avoid serious consequences, and in some cases and death.

How to prepare for rhinoplasty?

Having Alcohol In Your System At The Time Of Rhinoplasty Could Potentiate The Anesthesia Given To You

Before the surgery, the patient undergoes a consultation with the doctor, who determines the methods and volume of the operation. He also appoints the medical examinations and tests that are needed to prepare for rhinoplasty.

Medical examinations.

  • Correction of the nasal septum requires the passage of several required of instrumental and functional examinations: fluorography, examination of the lungs and chest organs;
  • laboratory tests;
  • Electrocardiography (ECG);
  • Consultation of the family doctor or therapist, which decrypts the results of examination and, if necessary, extends them.

Tests. Laboratory testing includes a list of mandatory tests:

Drinking Alcohol Before Nose Job

  1. complete blood count (hemoglobin, red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets, leukocytic formula);
  2. urinalysis (the presence of protein, microscopy urine sediment);
  3. a blood test for a coagulogram (coagulability of indices, platelet count, fibrinogen level);
  4. determination in the blood of antibodies to HIV and viral hepatitis;
  5. test for syphilis (by microprecipitation reaction);
  6. test on blood group and Rh factor.

Generally, all tests necessary to pass 2 weeks prior nose reshaping.


Can I Drink Alcohol Before Rhinoplasty

There are a number of prohibitions on preparation for the operation, which requires a responsible approach:

  • forbidden to use any cosmetics before the operation, at least 1 month;
  • you must to avoid aggressive action of sunlight on the skin of the nose;
  • You have not to worry immediately before nose reshaping and avoid the excessive exercise, as these factors can lead to complications in the form of bleeding during nose surgery or after.

It is important to comply with such recommendations regarding ban the use of products, drugs and bad habits for a month before the alleged rhinoplasty:

  1. forbidden to eat fruits that contain citrates which reduce blood clotting (oranges, tangerines, lemons);
  2. Alcohol Before Rhinoplasty Surgery

  3. confectionery cocoa (chocolate) since it increases the brittleness and of vessels hemorrhage;
  4. in regard to diet, undesirable to eat fatty meats, smoked meats and spices;
  5. prohibited from excessive consumption of carbohydrates (flour products, sweets) for the prevention of infectious complications;
  6. the operation is performed on an empty stomach, do not eat breakfast in the morning, last meal should be light, not later than 2 hours before bedtime;
  7. Nicotine impairs tissue regeneration,vascular condition, so you should refrain from smoking before rhinoplasty;
  8. Alcohol causes a spasm of blood vessels in the body, has a general toxic effect, impairs the functioning of the nervous system, so you can not to drink even low alcohol drinks;
  9. Alcohol Before Rhinoplasty Can Decrease Your Blood’s Ability To Clot

  10. in the case of continuous use of drugs, should consult with your doctor, as some of them (aspirin) can reduce blood clotting and lead to the development of bleeding during surgery or in the postoperative period.

The recommendations of doctors.

In addition to passing the medical tests, implementation of bans on nutrition, lifestyle before surgery, doctors strongly recommend to perform a number of important steps:

  1. consultation with a physician, who will determine the indications, contraindications, volume and method of the forthcoming operation;
  2. you need try to avoid stress on the day of correction, because they raise the level of adrenaline, which is a vasoconstrictor hormone and increases systemic arterial pressure;
  3. Alcohol Before Nose Job

  4. it is important to get enough sleep on the night before the operation, the optimal sleep for 8 hours, from 22.00 at 6.00 (the biological rhythm of a person);
  5. you can not have breakfast in the morning, as the operation is performed on an empty stomach;
  6. relation to beverages, it is necessary to exclude the use of coffee or strong black tea, soda water, you can drink non-carbonated mineral water or fruit juice (not from citrus fruits);
  7. You should tell your doctor about the presence of any chronic or somatic diseases in the past or at present;
  8. you must to be calm and level-headed to-day operations;
  9. a doctor can perform a quality photo of a person before rhinoplasty which will be required for the subsequent comparison operation result.

Alcohol Before Nose Job Can Increase The Risk Of Excessive Bleeding During And After Surgery

The attending physician obliged to provide to the patient all the information about the methods and techniques of rhinoplasty surgery, the development of possible complications and consequences during nose job or after. Having received information and advice, the patient puts his signature to a written consent for surgery.