Alar Base Reduction

A picture of the base of your nose would be helpful, but it does not appear alar base reduction would be beneficial.

A thorough evaluation of your tip and alar base is necessary to answer your question. (Richard W. Fleming, MD, Beverly Hills Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Alar base reduction

Given the relatively modest degree of alar (nostril) flaring shown in the picture here, I sould nor advise alar reduciton (Otto Joseph Placik, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)

Is alar base reduction needed?

From the limited frontal view you submitted it doesn’t appear that your nasal base is excessively wide. A better assessment could be made via a full face/multi-view evaluation however.

Base reduction can also be used to treat excessively flared, ala. This is easier to determine via a base view. Classically, it is said that the ala should extend out as far as the medial canthus (inner part of the eye).

However, this is not dogma; depending on one’s overall facial proportions, ethnicity, etc. an ideal nasal base width can vary quite a bit. (Thomas A. Lamperti, MD, Seattle Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Candidate for Alar Base Reduction?

The ideal width of the alar base of the nose is usually the distance between the inner most aspect of the eyes (medial canthi). From this photograph, you can clearly see the edges of your nose and NOT the inside of your eyes.

Alar Base Reduction need

Thus, you are not an ideal candidate for this procedure and your nose will likely appear too small for your face. Discuss this with a plastic surgeon in person for a more complete answer. (Vincent P. Marin, MD, San Diego Plastic Surgeon)

Perform Alar Base Surgery only if needed

From the view, that I can see , you dont need an alar base resection. A basal or birdeyes view is better to evaluate the need for this procedure. In general, I reserve doing alar base resection until the end of the rhinoplasty . I do it only if you REALLY would benefit from it as it is an additional scar at the base of the nostril. (Rod J. Rohrich, MD, Dallas Plastic Surgeon)

Am I a Good Candidate for Alar Base Reduction?

Thanks for attempting to post the photo we would need to adequately answer your question. But if I had to guess from this photo I would say NO!.  (Darryl J. Blinski, MD, Miami Plastic Surgeon)

Alar Base Reduction candidate

It is impossible to adequately evaluate the aesthetics of your nose. It would be better to have several pictures from several angles or to evaluate you in person. (David Shafer, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)

It does not look like you need an alar base reduction but more of your face in the photos would have been helpful. (Steven Wallach, MD, Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)

Not a candidate for alar base reduction

Alar Base Reduction photo

Alar base reduction is based on aesthetic proportions. As it goes, some things just look right, and the alar base should be about as wide as the width between the inner corners of your eyes. Also the width of the nose should be the same width as your eyes, corner (canthus) to corner.

Your face should be five times the width of the base of your nose. You get the picture. Your tip is too wide, the alar base is not. (Peter E. Johnson, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)

It would be helpful to have multiple views of your nose to give you specific advice related to your alar base. Based on the frontal view, I would not recommend alar base reduction. (Daniel Reichner, MD, Newport Beach Plastic Surgeon)