There should be no pain after the first evening, if at all. The swelling will not show to anyone besides you and the surgeon after 2-3 weeks. (Toby Mayer, MD, Beverly Hills Facial Plastic Surgeon)
Discuss this with your rhinoplalsty surgeon, as there are many different things that may be done in a rhinoplasty, and it may affect your recovery.
In general however, this is not that painful of an operation. Most swelling is down by 2 to 3 months, but the residual may take 2 or more years to resolve. (Scott E. Kasden, MD, Dallas Plastic Surgeon)
While the final result from your Rhinoplasty may not be fully apparent for 6-12 months you should be just fine by the time of your wedding two months after surgery! (S. Randolph Waldman, MD, Lexington Facial Plastic Surgeon)
Is Two Months Enough Time to Recover Before Getting Married?
Two months after rhinoplasty should be enough time to normally recover and have your nose looking good for your wedding pictures. You are “cutting it” a little short, and putting a little extra pressure on your rhinoplasty surgeon to get things just right so that your nose looks great in those wedding photos.
Make sure to choose your rhinoplasty surgeon most carefully (as well as your prospective husband, after all 50% of marriages end in divorce while the other 50% end in death), once you have made the choice, your surgeon must be able to answer your question about the timing of your surgery. (Michael A. Persky, MD, Encino Facial Plastic Surgeon)
Most of your nasal swelling after Rhinoplasty will subside in 3 weeks.
The best advice I can give you is to get married first, and then get your nose fixed. You’ll likely be fine, but with only 2 mos. before the big day, you’re adding a lot of stress to the situation.
After the big day, you’ll be more relaxed and will feel less rushed. This will provide more time to go to several consultations, choose your surgeon wisely, and increase the likelihood of a favorable result. (Eric M. Joseph, MD, West Orange Facial Plastic Surgeon)
Pain, yes.. swelling – maybe. This is a question for the operating surgeon.
It generally takes about 1 week to ‘recover” from rhinoplasty surgery. The pain after surgery lasts only a few days, and a great deal of swelling is gone after about 2 weeks. That being said, people heal differently after surgery.
Depending on your ethnicity and the technique the doctor used to perform your rhinoplasty. You may experience swelling of the nose (especially the tip) for 6-12 months after surgery. This is a question for your surgeon, for only they know the amount of work that needs to be done on your nose and the nature of your skin and soft tissues. You need to discuss this frankly with your physician. (Theda C. Kontis, MD, Baltimore Facial Plastic Surgeon)
2 months after Rhinoplasty should be more than enough for recovery
By 2 months you should have no discomfort after the operation. Visually, the nose should look pretty good but some fine definition might not emerge for months more due to swelling.
However, you should be reasonably close to the endpoint chosen by your surgeon and you. (Vincent N. Zubowicz, MD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)
You can be in good shape 2 months after Rhinoplasty
By all means you can be in good shape in 2 months. You will not be healed completely as that may take up to a year. But if you are unhappy with your nose and want it to look good in the wedding pictures, go ahead with surgery. I advise my patients that 85-90% of the swelling resolves in 2 months and the last 10-15% takes up to a year. Look great and have a great time at your wedding. (Steven Schuster, MD, Boca Raton Plastic Surgeon)