Nasal Hump Removal or Radix Graft
I would not do a hump removal without a radix graft because your profile would be too low.
A radix graft alone would improve your nasal appearance but a graft combined with hump removal would provide the best result. (Richard W. Fleming, MD, Beverly Hills Facial Plastic Surgeon)
Hump removal vs. radix graft.
Hump removal vs. radix graft is a frequent question and the answer depends on how big you want your nose to be.
If you draw in the radix graft on the photo and you like that then that is all you need.
Often patients want a small amount of hump removal and a radix graft. (Toby Mayer, MD, Beverly Hills Facial Plastic Surgeon)
Hump removal or Radix graft
I would probably go with a radix graft. You can see what it would look like either way by doing computer imaging before and after.
See links below. Feel free to send your photos via email for free imaging. (Oleh Slupchynskyj, MD, FACS, New York Facial Plastic Surgeon)
Radix grafts are great for making a hump look straight
If you have a low radix, “root of the nose” removing a hump to meet the low point could make the nose too low and look washed out.
Often I combine radix graft with partial hump removal. Using a computer imager is very helpful in determining which to do, as well as how much to add or remove from the radix and hump. (Steven J. Pearlman, MD, New York Facial Plastic Surgeon)
Radix graft
From the photo I would definitely say radix graft vs hump removal. There is a patient on my website with almost the same profile (see reference below).
You can see the effect of a radix graft. It might be a good idea to see a rhinoplasty surgeon who uses computer imaging to make sure you know what a radix graft might look like in your case. (Matthew Bridges, MD, Richmond Facial Plastic Surgeon)
Radix Graft or Hump Removal Rhinoplasty
Radix graft would be one option for your issue. You may or may not want to try out filler to that area to determine if you like the look, but I prefer rhinoplasty in these cases. (Kenneth B. Hughes, MD, Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon)
Pseudohump removal versus radix graft
Your dorsum will be too low if you lower it to match the radix. Augmenting your radix will give you a more attractive profile and nose overall. (Donald B. Yoo, MD, Beverly Hills Facial Plastic Surgeon)
Rhinoplasty for a bump
I agree with the previous doctor, a radix graft would balance out the nose more
Taking down the hump will make the nose look too short. (Nima Shemirani, MD, Beverly Hills Facial Plastic Surgeon)
Radix Graft
Hard to see your profile from the photo you submitted but from what I can see you would benefit from a radix graft. You are very observant to understand this. Many surgeons do not understand this and simply take down the dorsal hump and not realize the low radix is part of the problem. The best way to tell for sure is to be examined by a surgeon who is well versed in rhinoplasty. Also, if they have imaging capability they can do a digital profile photo and use the program to modify the area. You then can see for yourself what it might appear like after the surgery. Good luck! (Scott R. Brundage, MD, Grand Rapids Plastic Surgeon)