Nose Job For Guys

There are many factors that shape our ideas of what is attractive or beautiful when looking at facial features i.e. our personal bias, our cultural and ethnic heritage, societal standards. In my opinion, male noses should have strength and definition while maintaing balance with other facial features.

When performing male rhinoplasty I strive to correct the features that are disliked by the patient, but always try to maintain the masculinity of the nose even if this means having some slight “imperfections”. (Andres Gantous, MD, Toronto Facial Plastic Surgeon)

What’s Most Attractive in a Male Nose

A male nose should be midline and straight without a dorsal hump. It must also be synchronous with a strong chin. There should be no feminizing of the nose. (Paul Vitenas, Jr., MD, Houston Plastic Surgeon)

A male nose should be straight and strong.

The principles of male rhinoplasty are not very different. You just have to make extra sure that the nose fits the face. Also, we often put chin implants in male rhinoplasty patients, because a strong chin is so important. (George J. Beraka, MD (retired), Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)

Differences between male and female noses and other facial features.

There are certain characteristics in a female nose that are generally less desireable in male nose. For example it is widely accepted that the angle of the nose with the upper lip be closer to 90 in a male whereas a female nose should be closer to 105.

Nose job male bruises

Of course there is variation. However, this is not limited to the nose, in a make the brow should be more pronounced as well as the chin. These are not simply aesthetic ideals but based on underlying skeletal differences. Therefore anthropologists can frequently tell the difference between a male or female skull by looking for these differences. (Otto Joseph Placik, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)

Attractive male noses

Everyone’s aesthetics are a bit different. An attractive male nose can be attractive without feminizing it. Most men want a straight nose without a significant dorsal hump. If the tip is wide or the base is wide these can be narrowed conservatively to make them more attractive but yet keep them masculine. (Steven Wallach, MD, Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)

Male Nose Should Be Non Distracting

Nose job male pictures

The most important feature of any nose is to be non distracting and not beautiful. When you talk to someone you focus on their eyes. If you end up noticing their nose it means the nose is not aesthetically pleasing. Having said that, some of the masculine features of the nose are;

  1. Strong high profile nose but no dorsal hump
  2. Well shaped nostrils with a mild flare
  3. Straight nose but not narrow

Remember these are generalizations and cannot apply to all ethnicities. Regards (Tanveer Janjua, MD, Bedminster Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Male nose job is different than female nose job do to different anatomical constraints, thickness of skin and expectations.

When we perform male nose job we tend to leave a stronger profile and slightly thicker and wider features do to the pre-existing anatomy and facial features.

For many examples of male nose job please see the link below to our nose job photo gallery (William Portuese, MD, Seattle Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Male Rhinoplasty Surgery

Male nose job surgery can be extremely challenging for a variety of reasons. These reasons include differences in male aesthetic goals as well as differences in male anatomy.

As a general rule the basic tenets of nose job surgery hold true for male nose job patients. These patients are interested in harmony, balance, and proportion with surrounding facial structures.

They are also extremely interested in symmetry. In most cases, men are not interested in radical changes in their nasal appearance.

They usually want to undergo refinements, which make them look better without dramatically altering their appearance.

In addition, men tend to have thicker skin than women. As a result, there are limitations on how much can be accomplished with any given surgical procedure.

No two patients are alike and because of this, every patient should be considered as an individual. Each patient has unique aesthetic goals, which dramatically impact the final result.

If you’re considering male nose job, consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon will be helpful. This consultation should help determine what type of nose is best for you. (Richard J. Bruneteau, MD, Omaha Plastic Surgeon)

Attractive Male Nose

There are definitely different beauty standards for men and women when it comes to noses, much like other aspects of your body. The bottom line, though, is that regardless of what the “standard” is for a male nose looking attractive, the best nose job results for you are going to be customized to your face.

No two noses are exactly alike, and nose surgery procedures should therefore be individualized based on your current appearance and desired result. Rhinoplasty is about more than just making the nose straighter or removing a bump.

A ‘nose job’ that’s done well can bring all your facial features into better harmony. People will notice the actual shape of your nose much less than they’ll notice how attractive your face looks as a whole. (David N. Sayah, MD, FACS, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon)

What makes a man’s nose attractive?

The answers will vary significantly by age group, culture/ethnicity, and even region of the country. In general, the most attractive nose is one that is harmonious with the face — meaning, the size is appropriate, and the character fits the other facial features. For example, a long, thin nose on a man with a large head or heavy brow may not look right – but the same nose on a thin-faced man with a soft brow may look perfect. A handsome male nose is usually straight, without a bump or hump, but also without a “ski-slope” or supratip break.

The ideal rotation (angle with the upper lip) is around 90 degrees. In thinking about changes to your nose, this is a good place to start your conversation with a qualified nose job surgeon. (Evan Ransom, MD, Bay Area Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Male Rhinoplasty Techniques

Rhinoplasty is a very complex procedure and is unique to each patient’s facial features since no two noses are exactly the same. Successful results are based on the nose’s shape and size in proportion to the rest of a man’s face. While most women desire smaller, more subtle noses, a man typically seeks a stronger looking nose with a higher, smoother bridge. However, since each patient’s structure is different, it is important to consult a board certified plastic surgeon who has specialized experience performing male nose job to determine how to achieve the most natural results. (David Whiteman, MD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)

There are several factors that are taken into consideration when rhinoplasty is done on a man. Men have thicker skin at the tip of their nose; their cartilages are thicker and more resilient to change than in women.

Rhinoplasty results in men tend to be a stronger dorsal profile than that of women. (William Portuese, MD, Seattle Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Rhinoplasty for men and women is different for many reasons. It is important for the surgeon to have a good sense of artistry and aesthetics to be able to create a nose that fits that persons face.

Your surgeon should have a lot of experience with rhinoplasty to ensure that will be happy with your results (Jason B. Diamond, MD, Beverly Hills Facial Plastic Surgeon)

The surgical technique, when operating men versus women is essentially the same. The difference is in the results the patients want.

Most men have an angle of approximately 90 degrees. Women ‘s noses generally have a more upturned nose with an angle of 100 degrees , but may vary. Women”s noses are generally done in a more dainty fashion ,but vary according to what the patient wants. I like to computer image patients to get a close approximation of what they want.

This imaging helps both me and my patient to determine what type of nose surgery they will get. (Carlos Wolf, MD, Miami Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Certain appearance traits are recognized as masculine while others are viewed as feminine.

Rhinoplasty is not a single operation but is a particular set of mini procedures performed for certain purposes or indications. While reducing a high or curved dorsum is done in both sexes, a slightly convex dorsum is more feminine. A narrower nose is also more feminine. A smaller, round nasal tip that is slightly upturned is also feminine. In performing a cosmetic rhinoplasty, the surgeon applies his patient’s likes and dislikes while trying to maintain the nose’s gender and ethnic identity. (Peter A. Aldea, MD, Memphis Plastic Surgeon)

Rhinoplasty surgery is basically not different in men

Rhinoplasty surgery is basically not different between men and women. The surgical techniques involved are basically the same. However, quite obviously, men’s and women’s faces are different; so the changes that are made in the nose must fit not just the facial features, but the gender as well. (Howard T. Bellin, MD (retired), Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)

Male vs Female in Rhinoplasty

Techniqes used in rhinoplasty are not gender specific. However these same surgical techniques are used to achieve very different results. The most important aesthetic goal is to make the nose proportional to the other facial structures – obviously different in males and females. (Richard W. Fleming, MD, Beverly Hills Facial Plastic Surgeon)

rhinoplasty male vs. women

The desirable male nose is generally considered to be “stronger” and somewhat more prominent in the face. In women, a more refined nasal dorsum and nasal tip is often desired.

The surgery is very much the same; however, the desired outcomes may be somewhat different. (Michael R. Macdonald, MD, Bay Area Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Rhinoplasty differences in men and women

The basic rhinoplasty operation is the same for men and women. There are differences in the nose tissues in men and women that may alter the techniques used and may limit the result.

The surgical goals are usually different for men and women, too. You should discuss your goals with an experienced surgeon who can discuss specific details with you. (Randy J. Buckspan, MD, Austin Plastic Surgeon)

Male Versus Female Rhinoplasty

There are fairly significant differences between male and female rhinoplasty. These largely have to do with the inherent differences in the aesthetic goals for men and women undergoing rhinoplasty.

For instance, in male rhinoplasty the nasal bridge should typically remain straight or even slightly convex with adequate height as seen on profile view. Any hint of a low bridge and/or a tip break (where the tip projects out slightly farther than the bridge height) would be a more feminine trait.

Another example is tip positioning. In a male nose the angle between the upper lip and the bottom of the nose should be between 90-95 degrees, whereas in females they can tolerate a slightly more open angle. These are just two examples of how male and female rhinoplasty should differ in terms of the aesthetic goals. There are also natural differences between male and female noses in terms of the skin and underlying cartilage framework.

For example, males tend to have thicker skin than females, which needs to be taken into consideration when trying to refine the nose. In addition, males generally have stiffer cartilage than females. This often dictates a different technique when altering the cartilage framework to reshape the nose. Make sure your chosen rhinoplasty surgeon has knowledge and experience in both male and female rhinoplasty. Also make sure you see plenty of photo examples of their male rhinoplasty work to maximize chances of a successful outcome. (John M. Hilinski, MD, San Diego Facial Plastic Surgeon)

rhinoplasty male – What Makes A Male Nose Attractive

The surgical techniques are essentially the same for male and female rhinoplasty. However, the difference lies in the proportions. Males typically have a straigher dorsum (bridge) and a tip that is rotated (turned-up) only 90-95 degrees. The more slope or scoop there is to the bridge and the more the nose is turned up, the more feminine the nose appears. Characteristics of the “Ideal” Male Nose Straight dorsum (bridge) on profile Tip rotation of 90-95 degrees Tip length equal to roughly 2/3 the length of the bridge. Regardless of the patient’s sex, ethnicity, or nose type, the goal of any rhinoplasty is to produce a nose that looks natural and functions well. (C. Spencer Cochran, MD, Dallas Facial Plastic Surgeon)