Dr Derosa Rhinoplasty

Name: Jaimie DeRosa, MD
Last name: DeRosa
Began aesthetic medicine in: 2006
Years experience: 14
Primary Specialty: Facial Plastic Surgeon
Website: https://derosaclinicplasticsurgery.com/
Business: DeRosa Clinic Plastic Surgery
Address: 91 Newbury Street
Address suite: Ste. 300
City: Boston
State: Massachusetts
Zip Code: 02116
Country: US
Statement: Dr. DeRosa is a third generation physician who’s lifelong interest in architecture transcends through her compassionate love of medicine to achieve truly artistic results for her patients.

Consulting Fees: 0$
Consultation note: During consultation you will receive comprehensive evaluation of your condition, will have an opportunity to discuss surgical and non-surgical options, have your facial pictures taken and different post-surgery appearance options demonstrated.
Has Sponsored Offer : No

Special Offers
Offer #1: Galderma Offer
Special Offer Treatments: Restylane, Sculptra Aesthetic, Dysport, Restylane Silk, Restylane Lyft, Restylane Refyne, Restylane Defyne
End Time: 12/31/2020
Detail: Sign up for Aspire Galderma Rewards prior to your appointment to receive $20 off on each treatment listed below: Dysport®, Restylane® family, Sculptra® Aesthetic.
Primary location
Location name: Boston
State: MA
Country: US
Map point: 42.3589,-71.05780029

Google plus: https://plus.google.com/105835954468676265163

Jaimie DeRosa, MD

RealSelf Info

  • MD, Magna cum laude, SUNY at Buffalo School of Medicine, 2000
  • Recognition Award for Scoring Above 90% in Patient Satisfaction, Geisinger Medical Center, 2007
  • Recognition Award for Scoring Above 90% in Patient Satisfaction, Geisinger Medical Center, 2008
  • Appreciation Award for Continuing Service as Committee Member of the ABFPRS LAPDCF Program, 2019
  • Recognition Award for Obtaining the Highest Score on the AAFPRS and MOC Examination, 2019

Rating: 5.0
Profile views: 6679
Answer count: 17
Review count: 6
5 star count: 6
Total star count: 6
Star rating: 3.4342128140809
Lead count last three months: 7
Anonymous votes: 0
Offer count: 1
Profile created: Nov 18, 2007
Profile modified: Nov 2, 2020
Profile promotion: No
Profile inactive: No
Premier status: Free
Tier: Free-Claimed
Linked url: https://derosaclinic.com/
RealCare Promise: No
Directory link: Board Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon
RealSelf’s PRO: No
Doctor Designation Start Time: Jan 21, 2014
Doctor Designation End Time: Jan 1, 2033


  • Boston, MA, US. GPS coordinates: 42.3589,-71.05780029
  • Palm Beach Gardens, FL, US. GPS coordinates: 26.8457,-80.09020233

Latest ratings of Rhinoplasty treatment

Treatment Date
Review Title
Mar 2020
Overall rating: 5/5
I Had my Nose Done
Dec 2019
Overall rating: 5/5
What a Wonderful Experience! So happy I discovered Dr. D!
Jul 2019
Overall rating: 5/5 (Wait times: 5/5, Doctor’s bedside manner: 5/5, Phone or email responsiveness: 5/5, Payment process: 5/5, Time spent with patient: 5/5, After care follow-up: 5/5, Staff professionalism & courtesy: 5/5, Answered questions: 5/5)
It Was Less Complicated and Less Painful Than Anticipated – Boston, MA
Mar 2019
Overall rating: 5/5
Pros & Cons of my rhinoplasty with Dr. DeRosa – FIVE STARS

Latest Rhinoplasty Prices

  • $6000 – Jul 2019 – Boston, MA

Practice Locations

Name & Website
DeRosa Clinic Facial Plastic Surgery – Boston, https://derosaclinic.com
91 Newbury St.Ste. 300, Boston, Massachusetts, US, 02116 (GPS coordinates: 42.351946,-71.0750564)
(617) 652-5837
Working Hours
Created / Modified
Mar 10, 2020 / Apr 15, 2020
Name & Website
DeRosa Clinic Plastic Surgery – Palm Beach Gardens, https://derosaclinicplasticsurgery.com
900 Village Square CrossingSte. 150, Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, US, 33410 (GPS coordinates: 26.8360641,-80.0739657)
(561) 468-6569
Working Hours
Created / Modified
Mar 10, 2020 / Apr 9, 2020

Doctor’s answers about Rhinoplasty

Answer Header & Date
Answer Snippet
What type of rhinoplasty would work for me to reduce the hump and narrow my nose?
Type of rhinoplasty
May 11, 2020
A classic open rhinoplasty with hump reduction and lateral osteotomies to narrow the bones would be appropriate to address the hump.
For your tip my preference would be to use a caudal extension graft which would allow me to rotate your tip a bit and decrease projection. Conservative cephalic trim may also be necessary.
From the photos you appear to be a good candidate but a virtual face to face consult would be a good place to start.
As far as issues going forward, make sure that…
Can you still get a rhinoplasty after your nose has been cauterized?
Rhinoplasty after cauterization of the septum
Apr 16, 2020
A history of cauterization in the past will not have any bearing on surgeon’s ability to perform rhinoplasty. Deviated septum is a concern and cosmetic rhino is actually a perfect time to fix it. This might add a little extra time to your procedure but the benefit of functional improvement in addition to good cosmetic result is worth it. With that, you want to make sure that your surgeon is trained and able to repair your septum at the same time.
Extreme sun and heat 2 months post op? Could I have done permanent damage? My nose is now painful and
Excess sun after rhinoplasty
Sep 2, 2014
Dear Eaz81,Hopefully by now your nose is less painful/swollen. It is not unusual for the nose to be very sensitive to large changes in temperature even one year after rhinoplasty. Staying out of the sun/cooling off should help to reduce the swelling. However, there is a risk of sunburn to the nasal skin that could be damaging. I would recommend calling your plastic surgeon to discuss your concerns. Best of luck,Dr. DeRosa
I feel my nose tissues have been gathered in the tip. I am afraid that this is not swelling. Will it
Nasal swelling
Sep 2, 2014
Dear Hessahasan,It is normal to have nasal swelling so soon after rhinoplasty, especially since it looks like you have thicker nasal skin. (Thicker skin will take longer for the swelling to reduce.) I tell my patients that I would expect to see improvement in the swelling after at least 4-6 weeks and that the initial ‘bad’ swelling to go down in about 3 months.I would also recommend talking with your plastic surgeon about your concerns.Best of luck,Dr. DeRosa
What procedure is performed to pull a retracted philtrum back in place?
Seek consultation
Sep 2, 2014
Dear Aaatx,I am sorry to hear that you are not happy with the results of your revision rhinoplasty. My suggestion would be to first voice your concerns with your surgeon, as he or she may be able to help.Without photos, what you describe (deprojecting the nasal tip with result of a retracted philtrum) does not really make sense, as the philtrum/upper lip would, if anything, look longer. I would suggest seeking one or several consultations with a surgeon who specializes in…
I had rhinoplasty six months age. How long do I need to wait before I can have a septoplasty to fix m
Questionable reason for acne
Jul 14, 2014
Dear Sanies,If the acne is on your nose, this is likely due to the nasal skin swelling associated with the rhinoplasty. This should resolve over time as the swelling diminishes, but this could take over a year. A deviated septum should have no impact the presence of acne on your face or even on your nose. I would not recommend undergoing nasal surgery for this reason alone. I would also recommend talking with your plastic surgeon before considering any further…
Nasal valve collapse on the right side of my nose? I can only breathe properly when I gently pull my
Still may be too soon
Jul 14, 2014
Dear Marzipan,I would recommend talking with your plastic surgeon about your concerns. It is not unusual for nasal breathing to be diminished weeks after rhinoplasty, and he or she may be able to suggest treatment now that could help improve your right nasal breathing.Best of luck,Dr. DeRosa
How can I tell if my nose is fractured from recent Rhinoplasty, or an impact of a dog bite 5 weeks po
Call your doctor
Jul 10, 2014
I would recommended having your plastic surgeon evaluate your nose as soon as possible. He or she will be better able to tell you what changes seen on the CT scan are due to the rhinoplasty versus the dog bite.Best of luck,Dr. DeRosa
Would it be possible to correct a Deviated Septum, slim down the nose and reduce side profile in one
Reasonable request
Jun 25, 2014
Yes, it is a reasonable request to achieve all three of your goals in one procedure. I would recommend working with a plastic surgeon who has extensive experience in rhinoplasty. As I work in the US, I cannot comment on the cost question in the UK. Good luck!Jaimie DeRosa, MD

Latest Before And After Rhinoplasty Photos

Last updated on 12/24/2020