Tip reduction rhinoplasty

Alarplasty and Tip Reduction Rhinoplasty

I believe that your goals are realistic and the morph software that generated the photos you have provided is used to approximate the potential final results.

That being said and based on incomplete photos (because of the stripes), it is hard to provide you with specific details.

Nonetheless, I believe that you could benefit the most from a tip deprojection and an alar base reduction and potentially a narrowing of the nasal dorsum.

You surgery is of a delicate nature and it will enhance your facial features/beauty as far as it is performed accurately maintaining the “NATURAL LOOK” of your nose.

Please remember that commendable results require an exceptionally skilled surgeon to perform the surgery and settling for anything less than that increases the chances of corrective surgeries dramatically.

Checking the before/after photos in the Rhinoplasty gallery of the website below will give you an idea of what changes you may expect to achieve. (Ali Sajjadian, MD, FACS, Orange County Plastic Surgeon)

Rhinoplasty Goals.

My first thought after looking at your photos is that your nose does not “ruin the picture”. That said, from what I can see from a nose surgeon’s eye, the base of your nose and the tip are too wide in proportion to your mouth. You would want this proportion to be improved and the tip refined.

Tip reduction rhinoplasty surgery

I cannot see the rest of your nose in proportion to your face all that well in these photos. It seems to me that your goals for rhinoplasty are realistic and achievable. (Ramin Behmand, MD, San Francisco Plastic Surgeon)

Can this rhinoplasty result be achieved?

It would appear that the results you are looking for could be achieved. However, final determination could only be made upon careful review of your wishes and a through internal and external examination of your nose. I would suggest several consultations with board certified plastic surgeons or facial plastic surgeons. Do not use price as a final determination as secondary or revisional rhinoplasty surgery is much more difficult and expensive than primary or first surgery. (Donald M. Brown, MD, San Francisco Plastic Surgeon)

Rhinoplasty, Nose syrgery

Tip reduction rhinoplasty operation

It appears that you would benefit from a reduction rhionoplasty with emphasis on addressing your bulbous tip. This is a routine request from many patients seeking reshaping their nose.

I often perform this operation as out patient and under local anesthesia with some sedation. Average fee for this operation is $ 4000-6000. Choosing the qualified plastic surgeon is more important that finding the cheapest surgeon. (Fereydoon S. Mahjouri, MD, Minneapolis Plastic Surgeon)

A smaller nose is possible with the 10K price tag. Make sure that you have a solid understanding of what your rhinoplasty includes! (Robert Shumway, MD, San Diego Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Rhinoplasty for the bulbous tip, etc.

Tip reduction rhinoplasty images

Your goals are realistic to have a rhinoplasty. Costs vary according to the skill of the surgeon and the area. $6500-10,000 is the range. Pick a surgeon who has a great deal of experience and noses he has done that you like. Don’t shop price – having to have a revision is more costly! (Toby Mayer, MD, Beverly Hills Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Slimmer Nasal Bridge

It appears like you want a slimmer nasal bridge. Yes this can be achieved. Not sure what surgeons charge for Rhinoplasty in your area but you are probably looking at anywhere between 6500 to 10000. Make you choice not on price but on ability and experience. (Oleh Slupchynskyj, MD, FACS, New York Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Interested in Rhinoplasty and Getting a Smaller Nose

Tip reduction rhinoplasty nose job

Having a nose that is too large is one of the most common complaints for people seeking rhinoplasty. Rhinoplasty can help you obtain a nose that is smaller and more shapely.

I would consult with an experienced Board Certified Plastic Surgeon or Facial Plastic Surgeon. (Larry Fan, MD, San Francisco Plastic Surgeon)

Interested in rhinoplasty

I think that you have realistic goals and should get a great result. Go get a few consultations from reliable surgeons who perform rhinoplasty regularly. Go for it. (Ronald Schuster, MD, Baltimore Plastic Surgeon)