Surgery scheduling

Scheduling a rhinoplasty.

The sooner you see the surgeon of your choice, the better. Surgery and vacation schedules of a practice are also made during the summer and all possible surgical days may not be available.

It would be best to have your consult 2-3 months before a selected surgical date.

If you have selected a surgeon, it should be a simple matter to call the office and asked if the doctor has openings on the dates you want to have your surgery.

I would suggest not having fillers done within 3 weeks of your scheduled surgery or an appointment for computer imaging. (Sheldon S. Kabaker, MD, Oakland Facial Plastic Surgeon)

If you are thinking of having a rhinoplasty in June, then you should probaly go for a consultation now to see a doctor and schedule the surgery.

Waiting until May or later, may not give you enough time to find time in the doctor’s schedule. (Steven Wallach, MD, Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)

The fillers will not make a difference. As for the lead time in scheduling most busy, experienced surgeons need a couple of months.

But there are usually openings in busy practices due to illness or business. Choose an experienced surgeon who does natural looking noses! (Toby Mayer, MD, Beverly Hills Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Scheduling for rhinoplasty

Surgery scheduling nose job

In general you should schedule an appointment 1 month prior to surgery. This allows adequate time to obtain your preoperative clearance which includes visit to physician, laboratory tests, and sometimes an EKG and/or CXR. Additionally, this will give you ample time to discuss with your plastic surgeon, with or withour morphing images to determine how you would like to alter your nose. (Arian Mowlavi, MD, Laguna Beach Plastic Surgeon)

Fillers and Imaging with Rhinoplasty

I would encourage a consultation as soon as possible. I think that any imaging will be minimally affected by fillers. Rhinoplasty does need to be carefully planned, but computer imaging is not always helpful or necessary. (Jeff Scott, MD, Everett Plastic Surgeon)

Timing to book a consultation for surgery

Image Surgery scheduling

I always encourage my patients to have the initial consultation as soon as feasible even if they are not contemplating surgery until the future. This affords plenty of time to answer questions and to arrange their schedule accordingly not just for the surgery but for the after care that may be involved as well as the “down” time. (Scott Trimas, MD, Jacksonville Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Scheduling rhinoplasty

From the time of consult to time of surgery, it may take a month or two to set everything in motion. If you hope to have your procedure in June it is time to set an appointment.  (Peter E. Johnson, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)

When to schedule a consultation for this summer rhinoplasty

Surgery scheduling rhinoplasty

Now is a good time for consultation just in case there is a need for further tests and studies in case your surgeon finds airway issues. (Erel Laufer, MD, Dunedin Plastic Surgeon)

Timing of consult for rhinoplasty

The Rhinoplasty Consult and photo imaging that I prefer would be spaced apart so that new questions and concerns can be addressed. Clearly you know what your schedule for June required, but I would schedule your consult soon. A three month wait list is not uncommon and scheduling a surgery for June allow you time to prepare. The Restylane and Perlane fillers shouldnt affect the computer imaging of your nose. (Travis T. Tollefson, MD, MPH, Sacramento Facial Plastic Surgeon)

When is the right time to obtain consultations for a rhinoplasty?

surgical schedule rhinoplasty

If you are planning to have a rhinoplasty this summer and have a small window of opportunity, it would be prudent to start obtaining consultations now. This will give you time so schedule a few consultations and mull over the recommendations, personalities, etc. You should seek reputable board certified plastic surgeons who have shown considerable skill in rhinoplasty surgery. Fillers will not have an effect on the imaging or recommendations. (Steven Turkeltaub, MD, Scottsdale Plastic Surgeon)

When considering a rhinoplasty, best to schedule a consultation well before the surgery.

Fillers and so forth won’t effect the surgical plan so your consult can be immediately. A rhinoplasty is an irreversible operation so it must be considered quite carefully before proceeding. Video imaging is a great way to understand where the operation will take you. You should spend some time considering the anticipated outcome before proceeding. (Vincent N. Zubowicz, MD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)

Rhinoplasty, Nose Job

Surgery nose job scheduling

It’s best to schedule way in advance so you and your plastic surgeon can plan the procedure. Ask if the plastic surgeon can provide you with computer images of how the nose might look. We usually require 2 weeks in advance before scheduling a patient for any surgery in our centre. (Jay H. Ross, MD, FACS, Palm Harbor Plastic Surgeon)

Rhinoplasty Scheduling

I would contact your Board Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon’s office about 3 months prior to your preferred date. If you are within the time frame, contact the office and speak to the patient coordinator about your scheduling constraints. Best of luck! (Michael Sullivan, MD, Columbus Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Surgery scheduling images

Rhinoplasty and when to schedule

In p,annoying for Rhinoplasty surgery I would suggest seeing the possible surgeons at least three months in advance. Since your time frame is limited and during the summer while many surgeons may take holiday time, I would plan ahead of time. As far as the digital Imaging It would be best not to have done immediately following the filler treatment.

I think anywhere after several weeks post fillers you would be fine for Imaging. I do a lot of imaging in my practice and it is ideal for rhinoplasty surgery. It is a wonderful way to ascertain your pruposed results prior to any surgical procedure. Remember many surgeons may take summer holidays so the earlier the better to make sure you get the exact dates you want. (Michael Elam, MD, Orange County Facial Plastic Surgeon)