Nose Surgery For Wide Nostrils

Nose Surgery for Wide Noses

Rhinoplasty is one of the most challenging procedures commonly performed by plastic surgeons. Changes as small as 1-2 mm can make a significant difference in your appearance.

If you are considering a rhinoplasty wide nose it is very important that you select a surgeon who is well trained and highly qualified in rhinoplasty surgery.

Your surgeon should be able to help design the necessary changes in your nose to achieve an optimal aesthetic outcome. Narrowing portions of the nose is a common part of many rhinoplasties.

There are two parts of the nose which should be considered for narrowing. The upper part of the nose is comprised of bone.

Commonly, these bones are cut along the sides and pushed inward to narrow the bony portion of the nose. The lower part of the nose comprised of the nostril area can also be narrowed.

Unfortunately, this will require some additional incisions which may be visible in some patients. If this part of the procedure is overdone, then the nostrils may have a distorted or pinched appearance.

If done properly in well-selected patients, either component of narrowing can lead to a natural and pleasing result. (John J. Edney, MD, Omaha Plastic Surgeon)

Making an attactive nose with rhinoplasty wide nose

Without examining your nose, it is hard to make specific recommendations. In general, everybody’s nose widens when we smile, some worse than others.

Rhinoplasty if you have wide nose

If you have poor tip support, that is when you push the tip of your nose in towards your face, there is little resistance, you can improve the widening use by adding tip support.

Many times by adding support to the nasal tip, there is no need to narrow the nostril. An alar base reduction (Weir excision) can be done at the same time or later under local anesthesia after the nose has healed.

I treat the nose as a unit and narrowing the nose often gives a more refined, beautiful, and natural result. (Paul E. Chasan, MD, Del Mar Plastic Surgeon)

Narrowing a wide nose with rhinoplasty

It is absolutely possible to narrow a wide nose and still maintain a natural look. It is important to understand that there is a limit to how narrow you can make someone’s nose before becoming too pinched or fake looking.

Rhinoplasty surgery for wide nose

As long as you understand the limits to that then it is certainly possible. Seek a a surgeon that is experienced at and performs rhinoplasty frequently in order to achieve the results you are looking for. Be sure to see plenty of before and after photos. (Jacob D. Steiger, MD, Boca Raton Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Rhinoplasty to narrow and wide nose

To narrow the wide nose, osteotomies are performed on the nasal bones to narrow them. Tip suturing techniques to the lower lateral cartilages of the tip and cartilage removal can be performed used to narrow the nasal tip. An alar plasty can narrow the wide nostrils. The nose will still widen with animation due to the facial muscles which cannot be changed. The depressor septi ligament can be released which pulls the tip downward upon smiling. (William Portuese, MD, Seattle Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Narrowing the nose when smiling

Rhinoplasty wide nose for male

If your nose widens with smiling, this is animation. Muscles are pulling your nose laterally when you smile. I’ve treated this non-surgically in the past with Botox. Properly injected it can relax the muscles that cause this spreading. (Stephan Finical, MD, Charlotte Plastic Surgeon)

Wide nostril spacing with narrow openings can be adjusted

First, some good news! It is very possible to narrow the nasal base without narrowing the nostrils. We generally consider the ideal width of the nose to be in a line dropped perpendicular to the inner eye position (medial canthus). This is a generalization and will vary broadly depending upon ethnicity. The procedure to narrow either the nostril or the width of the nose (or both!) is a very straightforward but technically demanding procedure named a WEIR BASE REDUCTION.

Rhinoplasty and wide nose for black

Essentially the surgeon can remove a moon-shaped sliver of skin from the outer nose or nostril internal lining depending on what the individual goals may be.The amount of skin and subcutaneous tissues to be removed must be planned conservatively and precisely using calipers for measurement. Also, the incisions must be placed on the nose as just inside the crease where the nose joins the face to avoid webbing during healing. Surprisingly, if this is the only issue, this procedure could be done in office with local anesthesia probably in about a half-hour to 45 minutes. (Todd Christopher Hobgood, MD, Phoenix Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Making a nose appear thinner without changing nostril size…

This is a difficult question to answer without seeing some photos. The nose has muscle associated with it that can appear to widen the nose when smiling, and not much can be done about that. The appearance of a wide nose is usually due to the tip, and this can be improved to make it look thinner while retaining a natural appearance. Sometimes working on the tip can affect the size of the ala, but if the ala are brought in using Weirs excisions, then the nostril size will be reduced. The best thing to do is see a surgeon who specializes in wide nose rhinoplasty for a good evaluation. (Andrew Miller, MD, Edison Facial Plastic Surgeon)