Hannah “Pixie” Snowdon nose job

Hannah “Pixie” Snoudon – a tattoo artist, artist and model from Sheffield, UK. Currently betrothed with the leader and founder of the music group “Bring Me the Horizon” – Oliver Sykes.

Since childhood, Hannah was fond of drawing and showed an exceptional artistic talent. According to unconfirmed information, she even studied at the art school.

Professionally engaged in the tattoo she started at age 17. Once, at a party, she met with the owner of the tattoo parlor “Holy Mountain”, who took her to his team.

For the sake of favorite activities Hannah dropped out of college.

Now Snowdon has its own tattoo studio in Sheffield called “Black Stabbath”, which she opened not so long ago.

Hannah began dating with Oli Sykes from October 2012, although they’ve been hanging out since 2011. And for Christmas 2013, they got engaged.

Before Oli, she had two-year affair with guitarist of the music group “While She Sleeps” – Mette Welsh.

Tattoos in her performance adorn the bodies of: Gracenutral, Wolfspit, Simoner, Grehale, Myonlyson, Guy Le, and, of course, Oliver Sykes. She also “put his hand” to almost all the participants of musical group “Bring Me The Horizon”.

Find reliable information about her is difficult, she has no any account on facebook or on twitter. Some answers to questions about personal life of Hannah Snowdon (for example photos of Hannah “Pixie” Snowdon nose job) can be found on its official page on Instagram (https://instagram.com/hannahpixiesnow/)

Photo of Hannah Snowdon after nose ob

Nevertheless, here are a few interesting facts from the life of Hannah Snowdon:

  • Born on 19 January.
  • Age: 22 years old, although other sources claim that it is older on three years.
  • Zodiac sign – Capricorn.
  • Height: 1.57 meters (5 feet 2 inches).
  • Weight: approximately 41 kilograms (90 pounds).
  • Eye color: brown-green.
  • Hair color: brunette.
  • Like Oliver Sykes she is vegetarian (vegan).
  • Hannah “Pixie” Snowdon has an email: [email protected]

hannah snowdon nose job procedure

Nose job, or rhinoplasty is perhaps the oldest plastic surgery. The reductive rhinoplasty done about 2600 years ago. At the same time, the plastic nose is performed for cosmetic reasons just over 100 years. Aesthetic rhinoplasty – is an operation aimed at changing the shape and / or size of the external nose and to improve appearance.

Hannah “Pixie” Snowdon has made precisely this type of nose job. This surgical procedure can also be performed to correct birth defects, deformities of the nose after injuries and to improve breathing through the nose (functional surgery of the nose).

When nose job is necessary?

Hannah snowdon nose job photos

Indication for nose job is the desire to improve their appearance and to restore harmonious proportionality of face. Did Hannah “Pixie” Snowdon always has been such which we can see her now? If you look at a photo of Hanna in youth, we can see not the most attractive picture. What is changed in her? The most simple and effective surgical procedure that is made by many stars – rhinoplasty, ie changing the shape and location of the nose.

Why nose job surgery is so popular ?

Nose job is relatively inexpensive and does not require long periods of rehabilitation and “tweaks” like other surgical methods of improving appearance. A few days after the change, and you can safely displayed in public and shine on the covers of magazines.