Nose tip swelling after rhinoplasty

Tip Swells Longer Than Other Areas

In general, nose tip swelling after rhinoplasty generally takes longer to subside than when it occurs in other areas. You should wait at least a year before considering revision rhinoplasty, however in my opinion I don’t think you’ll need it. Your results look beautiful. (Jerome Edelstein, MD, )

Rounded tip after rhinoplasty.

Nose tip swelling after rhinoplasty takes a full 12 months to completely resolve. Even so, most individuals look quite excellent in just a few weeks, even to the point of being able to hide that they’ve had a nose job. The profile photo you provided is illustrative of this. At 4 months after a rhinoplasty, your nose looks excellent, but you know it’s not 100% healed, and hence a little “rounder” at the tip than you might like.

As I tell my patients, wait out the full year and stay in contact with your surgeon during this time. Together, you’ll watch your nose heal all the way, and then you can decide what, if anything, might be beneficial. (Randolph Capone, MD, Baltimore Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Nasal tip too round following rhinoplasty

Since it has only been 4 months since the rhinoplasty procedure it appears that your nose looks quite nice and this is normal healing.

There is still swelling in the tip so do not have a revision procedure for at least one year. After a year, a columellar-plasty may help reduce the ” bottom heaviness of the nose”. (William Portuese, MD, Seattle Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Swelling Takes Time to Resolve; Wait Until You are Completely Healed

Nose tip swelling after rhinoplasty operation

It’s important to realize that changes occur in the nose for up to a year following rhinoplasty surgery. This is primarily due to swelling and tends to be more pronounced at the nasal tip.

Nose tip swelling after rhinoplasty takes time to resolve and for this reason, surgical revision should not be considered for at least a year following rhinoplasty. With time, your swelling will resolve and your nasal tip will develop more definition.

It’s important to discuss this type of issue with your plastic surgeon. He should be able to reassure you and alleviate your anxiety regarding this problem. (Richard J. Bruneteau, MD, Omaha Plastic Surgeon)

Not too rounded for 4 months out.

Swelling sticks around the longest in the tip of the nose in someone with thick or moderately thick skin.

Nose tip swelling after rhinoplasty picture

Grafts placed for tip definition are often hidden by the nose tip swelling after rhinoplasty for 4-6 months. Some steroid injected into the tip can help, but only your surgeon will know if that is safe for your nose.

I have even seen tips that I did not like at 12 months that looked great at 18 months. Your surgeon will guide you on this. (Stuart H. Bentkover, MD, Boston Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Be patient with your rhinoplasty

Don’t fret about your tip at this point. I think that rhinoplasty is one of the procedures that requires the most patience during healing. The best think you can do to speed healthy healing is follow your doctor’s orders. Be conscious of factors that can inflame swelling like excess salt intake, altitude changes, allergies, etc.

Nose tip swelling after rhinoplasty procedure

Remember that only a a very small percentage of rhinoplasties require a revision. You look great so far and you will only look better. (Daniel Shapiro, MD, Scottsdale Plastic Surgeon)

Nose tip swelling after rhinoplasty

At four months following rhinoplasty, you still have a considerable amount of swelling in your nose, particularly the nasal tip. It will take up to a year or more for the swelling to resolve, and you will continue to see small refinements in your nose for up to two years. Despite that, I think you have a very nice result on your profile picture, particularly for being only four months out. If for some reason you are still unhappy with your results, most rhinoplasty surgeons would only consider doing a revision rhinoplasty after one to two years. Try to be patient and enjoy your new appearance in the mean time. (Jaime Perez, MD, Tampa Plastic Surgeon)

It is still too soon to say that your nasal tip swelling after rhinoplasty has completely gone down. It typically takes up to 8 months for the tissues to mature. I would not consider a revision until at least 1 year after the surgery. Give it time. It should improve. (Benjamin Schlechter, MD, Reading Plastic Surgeon)

Nasal profile after rhinoplasty – choosing to do a second surgery

It seems that your overall nasal profile is well positioned and there is residual swelling in the nasal tip, especially at the four month interval.

I would wait at least one year to see final results and then discuss further corrective surgery. (Raffy Karamanoukian, MD, FACS, Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon)

Don’t do more nose surgery

Given the short time (4 mos.) since your Rhinoplasty, it would be very unwise to have additional surgery on your nose. From my view, your early results are expected and show normal results. Nasal tip swelling after rhinoplasty reduction does take a full 12 months.

Be patient, time will improve your aesthetic results. I have seen many ’round swollen noses’ shape up beautifully over time. (Edward J. Gross, MD, Orlando Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Round Nasal Tip after Rhinoplasty

If you’re still following this thread then you’ve probably gotten the message that you should wait before making any final decisions about your nose.

In the absence of any obvious ‘deformity’ after Rhinoplasty – time will be on your side. The nasal tip take much longer to clear swelling than the upper bridge of the nose.

You are likely to find that with time the tip will take on a better shape. If you’ve waited an appropriate amount of time and still feel things could be improved then proceed but with caution.

Hopefully you’ve maintained a good relationship with your surgeon. If you did your homework and chose a well qualified surgeon he/she will want you to be happy and will probably work with you to get the result you want. (Jon F. Harrell, DO, Miami Plastic Surgeon)

Tip of nose too round after rhinoplasty

Wait before revision, of course, but it appears that the angle between columella and tip is the source of your concern. This may be a straightforward correction in the office. If it is the very tip you believe is too round and even after one year it remains so, this is likely partly due to your skin thickness and the anatomy of the underlying cartilages. A more angular tip may be achieved with a graft, also potentially an office procedure. (Steve Laverson, MD, San Diego Plastic Surgeon)

Nose tip too round – Please be patient

I know being patient is very difficult but at 4 months post rhinoplasty, your photo shows good early results. I am sure your surgeon told you that a nose can take 12 months to finalize results and sometimes longer. As already answered by other surgeons, the tip is the last to lose nasal tip swelling after rhinoplasty. Keep talking to your surgeon and the two of you will resolve this with time. (Harold J. Kaplan, MD, Los Angeles Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Nasal Tip Fullness After Rhinoplasty

It is very normal to have nasal tip fullness, swelling, and numbness in this area even after rhinoplasty. It takes 6-12 months to resolve. It also depends on whether the patient has had

  1. previous surgery
  2. the thickness of the skin and
  3. male patients tend to have more and prolonged nasal tip fullness and swelling up to 12 months.

The key is to maximize shaping and contouring accurately intraoperatively so that the nasal tip swelling after rhinoplasty will resolve over time. Tincture of time and patience is critical to allow for maximal healing and swelling resolution. (Rod J. Rohrich, MD, Dallas Plastic Surgeon)