Nose job down time

Rhinoplasty or nose job downtime and recovery

Downtime for rhinoplasty or nose job surgery is somewhat subjective. I have had patients that are back to work after 5-6 days and some that need 2 weeks.

I inform my patients that 7-10 days are typically required. The first few days after rhinoplasty are uncomfortable but by day 4, you are feeling much better.

You are social by day 8 and able to go out in public. Bruising and swelling, if any, should have resolved by this point.

I typically have patients wait 2 weeks before full work out activity can be resumed and 6 weeks for contact sports. (Etai Funk, MD, Houston Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Downtime after nose job

Nose job down time will vary from person to person; I generally tell my patients to plan 7-10 days social downtime to look “good”, 2-3 months to look “great, 6-12 months for “final results”. (Laxmeesh Mike Nayak, MD, Saint Louis Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Rhinoplasty down time

General Rules of Thumb: Splint on nose 1-2 weeks. Swelling of nose progressively less from day one to one year. Most significant change in 3-6 months.

Periorbital bruising usually goes away in 2-3 weeks; make-up can cover this with make-up from day one. Back to the gym or vigerous exercise, this the hard part, wait 4 weeks.

Nose job surgery down time

You can get back to work any time you feel comfortable to do so. If appearance is a major part of your work, TV host, politician, etc. then you might want to wait 4-8 weeks to be close-up camera ready.

However, make-up can get you back to work faster. In any event, you need to be seen in person by a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon to assist you in making a decision as to what is best for you. (Jon Sattler, MD, Glendora Plastic Surgeon)

Nose job Recovery & Downtime

The average rhinoplasty downtime is about 7 – 10 days. In general, many of my patients go out in public in about 5 days depending on how they bruise and swell. I use pre and post op special vitamins and supplements to minimize bruising as well as asking patients not to use Aspirin or Fish Oil for 2 week prior to surgery.

Nose job down time picture after surgery

I also use a flesh colored nasal splint that patients can wear either to work or to be out in public. In general after 7 – 10 days, people can go back to work and resume most of their previous activities like exercise, but they have to wait until 3 weeks before getting their heart rate above 100. (Rod J. Rohrich, MD, Dallas Plastic Surgeon)

Recovery time after a nose job can vary. The cast should be taken off about 6 days after surgery, along with the sutures. Bruising and swelling will start to lessen after 3 days. You may return to work after one week from surgery.

Participation in sports and other activities like weightlifting and other exercise should be delayed for about two weeks after rhinoplasty. (Andrew Miller, MD, Edison Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Nose job Recovery Time

Nose job down time photo

I usually leave the splint or tape on the nose for a period of 7 days. If packs are used, they usually are out from 2-5 days depending upon why they were used. Bruising is usually due to infracturing of the nasal bones and this may be present for 7-14 days.

Lighter skinned individuals and those who tend to bruise easily typically show bruising more than darker skinned individuals. Although swelling is present at the end of the first week following surgery it usually is not significant and would not draw attention to you in public.

Nose job down time pictures

Everyday activities that do not involve straining, heavy lifting or aerobic intensity are permissible from the day after surgery. Unrestricted activities are typically permissible 4 weeks following surgery. (Jon F. Harrell, DO, Miami Plastic Surgeon)

Returning to normal activity after nose reshaping.

We generally recommend that you take a week off work and avoid strenuous physical activity for three weeks. Contact sports must be avoided for 3 months. Certain splints/dressings may be required during the first week.

Swelling may last up to 12 months. After about one week, the splint is removed. Much of the swelling and discoloration will have disappeared by that time but the duration of these factors varies. (Otto Joseph Placik, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)

In my practice, the average healing time from work is about 3-5 days if you are not concerned about your appearance. Otherwise 7-10 days may be needed depending on bruising.

Bruising is more common with nasal bone work. External splints are left on for about 5-7 days. Internal packing is generally removed at 24-48 hours after surgery.

Sutures (if placed) are removed at 5-7 days as well. You may resume exercise activity at 2 weeks. (Douglas L. Gervais, MD, Minneapolis Plastic Surgeon)

Generally, I use a nasal splint, on the outside or ‘dorsum’ of the nose, post-operatively for 7-10 days. I rarely use nasal packing, and instruct patients to keep their nose clean on the inside with saline nasal spray in addition to using antibiotic ointment along any internal nasal incisions.

The “black eyes” that people worry about with nasal surgery is not universal. However, it does tend to occur if any adjustments in the bony contour are required. If this bruising occurs, it usually lasts up to 7-10 days, so that it is often resolved by the healing time the nasal splint is removed.

In terms of swelling, obvious swelling following rhinoplasty surgery will often last up to 4-6 weeks. I find it particularly important to warn patients that when the nasal splint first comes off, be prepared to see some swelling.

After 4-6 weeks, you will likely be much happier with the contour and shape of the nose; however, there is still some swelling that is less noticeable to the casual observer for up to 6-9 months. (Michael R. Macdonald, MD, Bay Area Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Healing time after a rhinoplasty

On average, most patients wear a nasal splint for a week. During this week patients are able to drive, do office work, etc. Typically there is only minimal discomfort for a day or two, assuming the surgeon is using gentle and efficient techniques.

After the cast comes off, typically the patients can return to work with only minimal swelling and bruising. The patient may resume physical exertion at this time. I advise my patients to refrain from any contact sports for at least 6 weeks.

Even though the nose looks quite good after a few weeks, it can take up to 6 months for most of the swelling to subside. (Boris M. Ackerman, MD, Newport Beach Plastic Surgeon)

Rhinoplasty healing time

As other surgeons have suggested, there is no single recovery moment, the process is gradual, and depends on how complex your rhinoplasty procedure is and your innate healing characteristics. The lighter your skin and the more bleeding during surgery, the longer your visible bruising will last.

Many patients cover this well with camouflage cosmetics beginning ten days or so after the procedure. Usually, by 3-4 weeks, patients look good enough to transact business and conduct a social life up close. If you do not need osteotomies (bony work), recovery proceeds more quickly. (Steve Laverson, MD, San Diego Plastic Surgeon)

Swelling and recovery after rhinoplasty

You should expect to return to work or duties within 3 to 5 days of a nose job. The splint will stay on for 5 days, and full resolution should occur at about 2 weeks.

It will take about 6 months for all the residual/minimal swelling to subside. I ask my patients to use a Bruise-pak after surgery to reduce bruising and swelling. (Raffy Karamanoukian, MD, FACS, Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon)

Healing after rhinoplasty usually means resolution of the bruising

Healing time after a rhinoplasty depends primarily on what you mean by recovery. In 90% of patients, nearly all of the bruising is gone by 7-10 days. At that point, there is still some swelling which gradually decreases until it completely resolves approximately 12 months after surgery.

As soon as the bruising has disappeared, patients are usually very presentable and can return to work and social activities. (Roger J. Oldham, MD, Bethesda Plastic Surgeon)

Rhinoplasty healing and downtime.

Normally I tell patients that you will need a week of downtime to recover. I say this because I place my patients in a dorsal splint as well as an internal splint.

The splints are removed a week after surgery. Once the splints are removed you are visibly okay to continue your moderate daily activities. (Jaime Perez, MD, Tampa Plastic Surgeon)

Rhinoplasty healing time

Depending on the amount of work that is done and your propensity for bruising you will probably look socially acceptable in about seven to ten days.

The packing comes out in 24 hours and the splint stays on 4 to 5 days. The final result will not be evident for months but that process is subtle and long term. (Talmage J. Raine, MD, Champaign Plastic Surgeon)

The average time for most nose job patients to feel comfortable in the public eye is 10-14 days. We normally take the bandages off and sutures out in 5-6 days. On that day of the ‘reveal’ you can look moderately swollen. You will likely be less swollen with a closed nose job procedure versus an open nose job.

Between that day and the next week there can be a significant decline in the amount of swelling to the point that you feel quite comfortable being in the public eye. As the weeks and months go the nose will continue to morph and evolve.

Usually by 1-2 months about 80% of the swelling is gone if you have a closed rhinoplasty procedure whereas it may take 2-3 months to achieve this level if you have an open rhinoplasty. Most rhinoplasties will take up to a year if not longer to go thru the entire healing process before the final results become apparent. (John M. Hilinski, MD, San Diego Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Nose job healing in 7 to 10 days

Rhinoplasty patients usually look normal to the unaware observer in 7 to 10 days. In my practice, the typical nose job patient gets their nose taped on the outside for one week. Of course, there is no getting around that obvious bandage and you will get asked about it. At 7 days the nasal dressing is removed. Some people have no bruising at all but most have some nearly resolved bruises under the inside corners of the eyes. The nose itself is not bruised at all.

The tip of the nose is where swelling is apparent, but not so much that it looks odd. My female patients will do their make-up at 7 days and frequently look normal. Bruises are usually gone by 10 days and occasionally take 14. Very rarely a bruise will last 3 or 4 weeks. (Louis W. Apostolakis, MD, Austin Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Nose job healing time

Your healing will depend on what you actually have done and how much bruising you have. A splint is usually worn over the top of the nose for a week, so you’ll probably want to stay low during that time. There are no other bandages. Swelling usually is gone in 7-10 days. Bruising may be minimal or you may have two black eyes.

Bruising can last two weeks or more, but can be camouflaged with make-up and sunglasses. You will want to avoid strenuous activity for a couple of weeks (to avoid nosebleeds), and of course, avoid contact sports for several months. There is usually very little discomfort following nose job. Your nose will slowly heal, especially the tip, so the final result may not be seen for a year or more. (Randy J. Buckspan, MD, Austin Plastic Surgeon)

Recovery in 2 weeks

Most patients don’t complain of any significant discomfort after rhinoplasty other than some soreness and congestion. Expect some postoperative swelling that should be mostly resolved by two weeks.

Cast and splints are generally removed after 1 week. If surgery involved your nasal bones, you still have to be careful not to bump it for two months, but from a practical view, there are no restrictions.

One can exercise, travel, etc (we would advise avoiding activities & sports with higher risk of nasal injury such as basketball, soccer, boxing etc). (Corey S. Maas, MD, San Francisco Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Healing from a nose job

Bruising from the surgery will resolve in 7 to 10 days, and the cast is removed after about a week. The nose may be noticeably swollen for two to three weeks.

After that the swelling is not very obvious and you will not be asked questions. The final result may take up to one year, although the nose changes very little beyond six months. (Maurice M. Khosh, MD, New York Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Depending on the nature of nose job, healing time could take 1 to 2 weeks

Most prospective Rhinoplasty patients are concerned as to when they may appear in public without any signs of having had surgery. Bandages, sutures , bruising and swelling are the issues.

If the Nose job requires only cartilage work then healing time is shortened. Once the nasal bandage and skin sutures are removed,usually at five to seven days after surgery, you are ready to face your public. This is because there is virtually no bruising in the absence of bony work. There is some swelling but it is usually subtle.

If you do require your nasal bones shaved and or broken this will introduce significant bruising that could persist for a week or more after the sutures and bandages are removed. The early purple phases of bruising are virtually impossible to camouflage with makeup.

The latter green and then yellow phases can be covered. Therefore, the bruising becomes manageable sometime in the second week after surgery. If you want to avoid questions about why you are bruised plan to not be seen for almost two weeks after surgery. (David A. Ross, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)